Ch 5.7 (GORE)

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A month later, Ru Ran returned to being the bubbly person he was, when Snow asked how he felt about Tai Qing and Lan Ruru, he only said one sentence;

"They live on in my heart, I'll explore the world and live my life then I'll tell them everything once I join them"

They didn't forget him, but they moved onward in life, he wouldn't want his friends to be suffering forever because of his death.

Waiting patiently, Ru Ran giddly sat in his seat waiting for the finishing touches on the cake. Collecting the box, he excitedly left the store power walking through the street towards the school.

"Ok, what am I gonna say? Happy Birthday! Which do you want first? The Cake, a shower or... me?"

Blushing to his neck, Ru Ran concealed his slightly perverted thoughts and walked down an alleyway. Not realizing what had happened, all he saw was the box dropping to the ground and red obscuring his vision.


Sitting outside the ICU, Bai Mo Xuan, Yu Meng and Snow waited for the doctors to finish examining Ru Ran's injuries.

The lights turned off and the doctor came out, anxious, Bai Mo Xuan immediately grabbed his arm and demanded information with a murderous look in his eyes.

"T-the patient is physically fine, he only suffered trauma to the brain from a blunt object but... his psychological state might be... problematic"


"F-From blood diagnosis, h-he seemed to have been injected by a concentrated dose of three types of illicit drugs. His body might react badly but we'll only know when the patient wakes up"

The doctor felt intimidated by both the importance of the patient and the man glaring as if ready to take a knife and slit his throat. Bai Mo Xuan knew he shouldn't blame the doctor and that he could literally be the saviour of Ru Ran but the rage and anger overcome his entire being. No one was allowed to hurt his beloved. NO ONE.

Breaking into the room, Bai Mo Xuan kneeled in front of the bed holding onto Ru Ran's hand.

"Ran'er... Please be safe"

They sat beside Ru Ran waiting for him to awaken from the anesthesia, the longer the time clicked the more they felt anxiety bubble in their stomachs. They've already lost one friend, Yu Meng and Snow didn't want to lose two more.

Bai Mo Xuan immediately knew Ru Ran woke up when his eyelashes flickered, the subtle movement eased him knowing at least he was alive but the horror that followed broke his heart.

Ru Ran straddled Bai Mo Xuan to the floor clutching his neck and screaming, tears poured down his eyes and he was begging for more. Begging for the sensation to return. He wanted drugs.

They restrained Ru Ran to the bed to stop him from injuring himself any further, his nails had pierced his wrist after he let go of Bai Mo Xuan and attacked himself instead.


He struggled against their hold trying to get free, he bit, scratched, kicked and even headbutted trying to gain freedom.

When the nurses arrived and strapped him down, a layer of cold sweat had already covering the three.

"Sir... I believe the best course of action is to send him to a rehabilitation facility"


Bai Mo Xuan didn't want to, but he knew he had to do it. Ru Ran's addiction caused by a single experience was deep, he wouldn't be able to control him outside without giving in to Ru Ran's screams.

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