Extra: Yu Wu

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Ever since she was a child, she always knew she wasn't truly her parents child. Even though the Yu couple treated her and Yu Meng the same, she could feel the bond between them stronger than with her, the elder sister. When she was 13, she found out about adoption, she asked her parents and they told her the truth. She was relieved they wouldn't lie to her but she also was disappointed.

She always wondered, what if I wasn't the one they adopted? What If I still had my biological parents? When Yu Wu asked about her biological parents, the Yu couple gave her a file. She was abandoned by her mother after she was raped by a stranger, she couldn't abort the child without damaging her body therefore gave birth to it but left her at an orphanage soon after.

When she knew she was a mistake, Yu Wu cried for days. The Yu couple couldn't do anything to help her, but they knew they'd given her something she thought she never should have.

A real family, a place to call home and a life that she will earn with her own efforts.

When she first told them her aspirations of being a model, she was only skeptical of her position in their heart, now that she discovered her birth, she felt like she never deserved their love and support.

"Mother... I don't want to be model anymore"

When she told them her decision, she thought they'd accept it as she was nothing but a liability. She never thought Ning Lou would spend an entire day just sitting in front of her, staring at her and asking her to speak the truth.

In the end she broke down, she told them all her insecurities, all the bad thoughts that swam in her brain. Instead of feeling disappointed with her, she was hugged to an inch of her life, she was taken out to visit the zoo, she was forced to sleep in the same room as Ning Lou with her father kicked to the room next door.

She spent the whole day reassuring Yu Wu that she was their beloved child. That just because she wasn't their biological child, they wouldn't abandon her.

She was secured an audition spot as a newbie model, she didn't want anyone to know her connection with the Yu company.

When the judge saw her looks and bearing, she was immediately chosen for the magazine. Her first impressions she gave people was 'Ahh, I wish I could see you more'. She had this natural charisma that drew people in and feel a close bond with them whether it was her rival, a stranger or a friend.

She was scouted by several other magazines and slowly made her way up to earn the title of 'supermodel'. It was at this time that she confessed her identity as the Yu CEO's darling daughter, the people at first was skeptical of her rise to stardom but when they saw her next live shoot, everyone surrendered to her glamorous appearance and cheerful disposition.

She won the supermodel of the year award when she was 21, hailing as the youngest supermodel in all history.

She would never forget the moment after her first audition. Ning Lou was standing outside the building waiting for her with a box in her hand. When she opened it, Yu Wu released the pent up tears a second time. A cute white kitten meowed at her, it reached out its tiny paw asking for Yu Wu to pick it up and accept it as its new owner.

The sky at that time was boundless, this was the beginning of her life, the start of a new adventure that was only hers and no one else's.

She named the cat Skylar.

It was her light in the sky, the gift that symbolizes their love for her, Skylar was just as important to her as Oreo was to her parents.

In her lowest moments, Skylar replaced her mother and father who couldn't be there to comfort her and remind her of the unconditional love they gave.

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