Chapter 7

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~About Six Weeks Later~

Harry and Louis were really excited because Christmas was just around the corner. It was their first Christmas together as a family, just them and Darcy. They  had spent December 22nd and 23rd with the entire "One Direction Family" but Christmas Eve-more commonly known as Louis' birthday-and Christmas Day was going to be just them. Harry had a whole day planned out special for Louis, starting that morning.

"Happy birthday, baby!" Harry ran into the bedroom, waking Louis.

"Thanks." Louis grunted through a stretch.

"I've got breakfast ready." Harry smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Already?" Louis chuckled.

Harry grabbed Louis hand, their anchor and rope rings connecting. "Mmhm." he smirked.

"So that's what I smell."

"Yes. Now get up before it gets cold." Harry demanded, "I've got a whole day planned."

"I'm up." Louis yawned.

"No. Up." Harry chuckled, pulling the blankets off Louis, showing off his abs, "I see you lost your baby fat." he joked.

"What baby fat?" Louis giggled, sitting up beside Harry.

"Exactly." Harry answered, standing up, "Now come on."

Louis followed Harry to the kitchen.


"I love you, too, Mum." Louis spoke into his phone, "Thanks for the birthday wish. Talk to you later. Bye."

"Check your texts." Harry spoke, sadly, reading his phone.

Louis read his messages. "Tour starts on the 18th of February. Rehearsals start a week before hand."

"What are we going to do?" Harry asked, "We haven't toured with Darcy yet."

"Well she is still a baby." Louis answered.


"We'll just buy her earmuffs." Louis joked, "She'll sleep through the whole thing."

"Will there be room on the bus?"

"Mum just bought her a cradle that will work on the bus." Louis explained, "She can sleep in the TV room."

Harry shook his head. "That sounds good. The boys will have to get use to a baby on board."

"We should buy that sticker." Louis chuckled.

"Not a bad idea." Harry agreed, "I'll text Niall. He can buy it."

"He is always wanting to buy things for her." Louis laughed, kissing Harry.

"Don't skip to your present." Harry winked at Louis, kissing him back, "You'll have nothing to open later."

"Can't wait." Louis winked back.


Harry and Louis sat cuddled together on their love-seat, Grease playing in the background.

"Was it hard being straight when you played Danny?" Harry asked, jokingly.

"It's called acting." Louis sassed, "I just pretended to fancy the girl I was with."

"What about Hannah Walker?" Harry asked, remembering he wasn't Louis' first.

"Who?" Louis asked, trying to skip the conversation.

"Hannah Walker. The girl you were dating before X Factor." 

"Oh right."

"Well?" Harry pushed, "Were you straight then, or was that acting as well?"

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