Chapter Eight: Cheeky Little Hybrid

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A little while later, I sat in Gloria's bar with Klaus, Rebekah, and Gloria as we all waited for a solution to the missing talisman. I had just mixed myself a drink - which was promptly stolen by Klaus who looked unbearably proud of himself - when Stefan had walked in. 

"You left us." Rebekah pouted at him sassily. 

I looked over at Stefan, who had a look on his face as though he really couldn't care. "Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode."

Klaus snorted and nodded as he sipped my drink. "Tell me about it." 

I had just finished mixing another drink for myself when Rebekah grabbed it and took a swig. Her face scrunched up in shock. "Holy shit is that a strong drink." She commented then happily took another sip. 

I huffed. "No, it's fine guys; it's not like I would like to have a drink for myself." I pouted as I mixed the third drink. Stefan went to grab it, but I swiped it away before he could and took a drink. "Make your own. 

Sending me a sharp glare, Stefan turned and looked at Gloria, who was working on finding the talisman. "What's she doing?" 

"She's failing," Klaus muttered as he took another drink.  

"Be nice, she's trying her best. You're pushy." I told him softly. 

Rebekah snorted in amusement and took a sip of her drink while Gloria nodded and pointed at me. "The girl has a point. It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on."

"So use me. I only wore it for a thousand years." Rebekah offered,  she sat her drink down on the bar and then went over to Gloria. 

"See? Now this one offers a solution." Gloria muttered appreciatively. "All right, give me your hand, sweetheart." 

"She's uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?" Stefan seemed a little bit worried as he stared at the witch and Rebekah. 

I huffed and jumped the bar. "What does this necklace even look like?" I asked. Klaus looked at me before walking around the bar and grabbing a picture of him, Stefan, and Rebekah from the twenties. Silently, he handed the photo to me, and my eyes zoned in on Rebekah's neck. Then, they flickered up to Stefan in understanding. 

Of course, he was worried about them trying to find the necklace, it was currently residing on my sister's neck. The sister who was supposed to be dead. "It's pretty," I said softly, trying to hide the fact that I knew exactly where the necklace was. 

I went to hand the photo back to Klaus, but as the paper slid from my hand, it caught skin and cut it. "You've managed to hurt yourself, let me," Klaus said, and before I could pull my hand away he had my hand in his mouth and was tasting my vervain filled blood. 

His hand dropped mine in shock when he tasted my blood, and I could see in his eyes that he was angry. My eyes fluttered closed in resignation. This was not a good situation. 

"Vervain," he muttered in shock. In a second, he was right in front of me. "Funny, I tasted your blood last night, and there was no more in your system." 

I started backing away slowly, "Klaus, please," I whimpered softly as he stalked towards me. 

His eyes flashed gold, dark veins appeared under his eyes, and his fangs grew. 

"I can sense something," Gloria said right on time. 

With his face returning to normal, Klaus looked torn between tearing my neck out and dealing with the necklace. "We will deal with your misstep later," He promised me then turned back to Gloria. 

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