Chapter Twenty-Three: Psychopaths, the Lot of You

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Klaus dropped me off at my house just after lunch. The entire time I tried to find a reason to hate him, any mistake.

There was none. 

He helped me off my horse once we were done riding, offered me his arm as we walked to the house. He opened every door I came across for me and showed me some of his paintings. When Lunch came, he paid for anything I wanted. 

He had actually offered to take me to a nice restaurant, just out of town, for lunch. I declined the offer in favor of McDonald's. I figured there was no way to be a gentleman at McDonald's. 

I was so very wrong.

Like our first McDonald's outing, he focused his questions on me, listening to stories of my childhood and any of my troubles since becoming Elena's guardian. Klaus acted as though my ramblings was the most interesting of stories that he's ever heard. Never once did his focus waver. 

It was unnerving. 

After we had finished lunch and even spent nearly an hour just talking and laughing, Klaus finally reminded me that the scooby gang would be freaking out if we lingered any longer. Grudgingly, I went to gather our trash but he beat me to it, throwing the wrappings and cartons away gracefully before grabbing the door for me. 

Parked in front of my house, I went to unbuckle my seat, trying to beat him to my door but found it was already open for me when I turned back, his smug grin lighting his features. He offered his hand and helped me out of his sports car before walking me to the door. 

"I would ask if you wanted to come in, I think my sister might murder me if I invited you in," I told him, my hand on the door. The last thing I wanted to do was go inside and face my family. I knew I was going to have a lecture in store, even though it wasn't their place. 

My heart stopped when he grinned, laughing lightly at the ground. "Don't worry darling, I won't hold it against you." 

He took my hand and kissed the back of it. At this, I was certain my heart really froze for a beat or two. "Thank you for the day, Klaus, I had a good time," I told him with a genuine smile. 

"You should get in there, I think I hear the entire Scooby Gang trying to decide who's going to open the door and pull you in." Klaus' blue eyes twinkled with mischief and I almost told him to put me back in his car and take me away from this town. 


Swallowing my urge, I laughed and nodded. "Of course, goodbye Klaus," 

"Goodbye, Europa." He told me with a bow, watching as I slipped into the house. He didn't leave until the door was firmly shut behind me. 

A sigh left my lips as I leaned against the closed door, my eyes shut as I tried to ignore the group waiting to admonish me. "Enjoy your date, Older Gilbert?" Damon asked, slightly spitefully. 

My eyes snapped open and looked at the group in front of me. Alaric, Elena, Damon, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Jeremy, and Stefan were all standing there, staring right at me. An easy smile slipped on my face as I stared at them, "Hey everyone, has anything interesting happen recently? Happy birthday, Care." I said, dropping my coat over the couch, acting like I just came home from work, not a whatever it was with Klaus. 

They blinked at me. "Don't all speak at once, please." I chuckled lightly, grabbing the wine and pouring myself a glass. 

"You were with Klaus," Elena stated simply. 

I nodded, setting my glass down. "Well, I wanted to make sure that at the very least, Bekah wasn't stuck face down in a basement where no one knows where she is. Now she's stabbed in the front. Not ideal, but more classy." I teased. 

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