Thirty-Three: Unlikely Alliance

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A/N: Had to go to the hospital last night with my roommate and didn't get sleep till 2 am. As such, in honor of my Pre Calc class, which I skipped, here is another chapter. I also want to say that I have three more already written. Go me!

When Elijah arrived at the Grill, he found Klaus ready to kill the oldest Salvatore brother "Leave him! We still need them, Niklaus." He shouted, momentarily forgetting Europa in order to keep his brother from making a grave mistake. 

Dropping Damon roughly, Klaus stomped away. "You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." Elijah hissed angrily. 

Damon glanced at the clock tower, which read 8:30, "You told me we had until after nine." 

Not blinking, Elijah shrugged, "I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early." Damon was silent for a moment, "Tell me, Damon, how happy do you think Elena will be if it comes out that my mother abducted her sister and you stood in the way of Europa's rescue?" 

"What?" Damon asked in confusion. 

Even Klaus was unsure as to what his brother was talking about, "I was just at the Gilbert residence only to find Europa missing with signs that she was taken. Now, unless this was a plot by you and your friends to ensure that Europa didn't interfere we have a problem. None of my siblings would have attacked Europa so that leaves my mother." 

It was silent as the group considered what Elijah was saying, "My mother would not be kind to a human who interfered with her twisted desire for revenge." 

Elijah, Klaus, and Kol walked up to where their mother and their brother stood inside the pentagram. All three of their eyes darted around in search for Europa only to find no trace of the genius human, "My sons, come forward," Esther called to them, stepping forward slightly. 

Wary of his brother's and their known tendencies towards violence, especially to family members, Finn glanced cautiously to his mother, "Stay beside me, mother." 

Waving him off, she leveled with her three younger sons, "It's okay. They can't enter." 
"That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn." Kol taunted as he paced like a hungry hyena outside the pentagram. 

Shooting him a sharp glare, Esther snapped, "Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine." 

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity." Elijah pointed out to his mother. 

It was a stab to the heart when Esther gave the trio a glare that held only pure hate, "My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago." 

"Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell." Klaus snarled. 

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time." 

Narrowing his eyes, Elijah had to reign in his anger, "And what of the human you stole?" 

The three brothers felt their hearts drop when Esther turned and gave them a look of genuine confusion, "What human?" If any of them had an idea to explain it to their mother further, that was snuffed out when suddenly, the magic died in the air, "No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!" Esther pleaded in a heartbroken sob. 

Her revenge was over. 

The last thing they heard of their eldest brother and their mother was Finn shouting "Mother!" As the Flames shot high in one last burst of energy, the pair used it as cover for their escape, leaving the three they betrayed behind. 

I blinked awake. It was night time out, the light of the full moon barely shining through the high window of the old Forbes cell. No one had come for me. I was unsure if anyone really cared at this point. After all, the only people in town who would come for me would be Caroline, Rebekah, and Klaus. 

No one else would notice. 

My stomach growled angrily, annoyed at the lack of food I've had in the last twenty-four hours. Maybe that was Alaric's goal, to starve me like you would dry out a vampire. 

I would die down here, starved, and no one would know. 

I screamed. 

Walking into her house, Elena felt a sense of unease at the silence that lingered. The house was cast in darkness and not a peep sounded, "Europa?" Elena called, hoping that her sister would be there. 

Having yet to talk with anyone who really knew anything, Elena was out of the loop for the time being. When she didn't get a response, Elena shrugged and went to her room, assuming Europa was out and would be back later. 

On her bed, Elena found a note written in curvy, elegant handwriting. 

Today I did things I abhor to protect the one thing I value most. My family. If anyone can understand that, it's you. However, the fact remains, I owe you an apology. I hope this information might aid you in your search for Europa. Her computer password is Jupiter6 and this morning was the last I heard from her. I believe your sister was looking into a serial killer in Mystic Falls. Time is of the essence, I would check the security systems for further guidance.  Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you. As I will carry my regret. 
Always and forever,

Elena's hands shook before the note fell from her fingers. Standing, she ran to her sister's room, finding her bed unmade, which was unlike Europa, and her hairbrush and makeup laying on the bathroom counter. 

Though fading quickly, the scent of bleach still filled the air. 

Tears started racing down her cheeks as Elena tried to decide what the best course of action would be. Eventually, she decided on calling Caroline before getting too far ahead of herself. 

The phone rang and rang until she was eventually sent to voicemail. "Caroline, I know you are comforting Bonnie right now but I need you to call me as soon as you get this. Europa is missing and I think the serial killer targeting the council members took her." 

Hanging up, Elena looked at herself in the mirror, having a mental argument before one side won out. 

Grabbing her keys and her wallet, Elena left her house and jumped in the car, driving to the most unlikely of places. 

Elijah was about to leave his house, and admittedly Mystic Falls when just as he pulled the door open he ran into none other than Elena Gilbert, who looked worse for wear. "Elena?" 

The girl gaped at the Original, her fist still raised to knock. Now that she was facing one of the members of the family that her big sister seemed to enjoy so much, she didn't know what to say. "I-I," Taking a breath, Elena rolled her shoulders back, "I didn't know where else to go." 

Drawn out of their conversation by the sound of the doppelganger, Klaus and Rebekah stared at the girl like she was stupid, "So you come here? What makes you think we would help you with whatever problem you have now instead of killing you?" 

"I know I shouldn't ask for your help, but I'm scared that if I go to the Salvatores', they'll write me off or keep me from interfering to keep me safe. You guys don't have the same inclination and you care for her about as much as I do." 

Both brothers immediately understood what was going on, Rebekah however, was still confused. "What are you talking about?" 

"Europa is missing and I need your help to find her. I think the serial killer took her." 

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