I joined Damon and Rebekah where they were sitting around a small campfire roasting marshmallows. Well, they would roast the marshmallows then pull off the yummiest part.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I said as I approached, grabbing some graham crackers and chocolate, "and don't listen to Damon, he doesn't know what he's talking about." I said, taking a seat as I put a marshmallow on the other end of the stick.
The older Salvatore brother raised his eyebrow and leaned back, "Then show us how it's done, genius."
"I will," I confidently stated, watching as I caught the sweet on fire and let it burn the outside to a crisp. Bringing the marshmallow to my face, I blew out the fire and then put it on half of the chocolate and cracker, using the other half to sandwich the marshmallow in between, handing the s'more to Rebekah. "Try that."
She bit into the sandwich and groaned. "This is heaven, she's right Damon, you've been doing this wrong."
I grinned smugly. "How did the call with your boss go?" Damon asked casually.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I didn't remember a conversation with my boss. Despite this, I smiled and nodded, "Great, he just had a few questions for me."
"Five minutes seems like a long conversation for a few questions." Damon pointed out.
My head was spinning as I realized that I was missing about six minutes of time from leaving the Scooby Gang meeting to getting here. "Yeah well, he had some questions on the aerodynamic side of a rocket I was designing."
Apparently, the idea of getting me talking about the rocket I was designing was enough for Damon to drop the subject and accept my answer. I pulled my phone out and sent Rebekah a text.
"Can't believe you've never had one of these before," Damon said as he made another S'more and handed it to Rebekah, changing focus from me to her.
The Original vampire shrugged, "Well, I've been in a casket for ninety years."
I almost gagged when Damon shot her a charming smile, "That's no excuse."
Rebekah smiled and ate the sandwich, checking the text message I had sent her as she did it. We made eye contact discreetly and smiled. "Why are you being so nice to me? You hate me. You should be mean." She pointed out to Damon, sounding like she was suspicious.
It was amusing to watch Damon try and back out of that one, "Well, I could be mean if that's what you're into."
Grabbing my hand, Rebekah stood up, pulling me with her, "You're distracting me. Why?"
Feeling uneasy about the older vampire who was now taller than he was, Damon stood up, his hands out as a symbol of surrender. "Just trying to be a good housemate."
Before I could register, Rebekah had gotten a wooden stick and stabbed Damon in the stomach with it. "There's never a fair fight between us, Damon. Remember that." She told him with a smirk, linking arms with me, "Let's go, Europa."
I looked down at Damon and sent him a wink. I needed the Scooby Gang to think I was on their side. "Let's."
We left the party, making our way to the grill. "So, why was Damon distracting me?" Rebekah asked as we walked away.
"They are trying to get Stefan back on the Broody Stefan train," I answered her with a smile. "Which isn't going to work because Stefan was compelled by Klaus to turn off his emotions, he's not just going to flip them easily."
Rebekah shook her head chuckling to herself. "It's funny that they think Stefan is the only person my brother left to keep an eye on Elena."
At this, I furrowed my eyebrows, "Who else did he leave?"

Star Light
FanfictionWhen Europa Gilbert gets the call that Jenna Sommers, her maternal aunt, had died from Sheriff Forbes, she rushes straight home. As the oldest of the Gilbert siblings, a certified Genius twenty-two-year-old woman who is working on a doctorate, raisi...