Chapter Forty-One: M.I.A

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Elena looked at herself in her mirror, inside there was a turmoil of emotions warring. She knew that what she had tried to do to Klaus and the originals was wrong. It wasn't like she didn't know that Europa at the very least cared about the originals, if the plan would have succeeded, Elena would have hurt her own sister. 

Both Stefan and Damon had tried to assure Elena that she did what was best for everyone but as the doppelganger thought more about it, she wasn't so certain. 

To make matters worse, when the girl tried to call her big sister, she got no response. She didn't even get a call denied, it just rang until the tone. Elena had tried again and again to get a hold of Europa to no avail. When a knock came at the door, the younger Gilbert knew it wouldn't be Europa but still raced to answer it with hopes that maybe it was her sister. 

Elena couldn't control the drop in her smile that happened when she saw Stefan instead of her big sister. "Not excited to see me?" Asked the vampire, trying to not feel offended. 

"No, it's not that, its just I've been calling Europa and she hasn't answered. I'm just worried. I feel like something bad has happened." Explained Elena to her date. 

Stefan nodded and smiled at the girl, "No worries. I understand." 

Putting on a smile, Elena looked at Stefan and decided to move on, "Wow, you look very dapper." She said with a playful smile. 

Recognizing her desire to change the subject, Stefan nodded and looked at her, "You look um- very beautiful. Here, I got something for you."

As Stefan pinned a white rose to her dress, Elena smiled softly at him, almost seeing the old Stefan. "Thank you."

"So, given our dangerous dance karma, sure you're up for this?" Asked Stefan as he referred back to the last few dances that ended in catastrophe. 

Shrugging, Elena nodded, "Getting out of bed is dangerous these days. But we have to live our lives."

Nodding, Stefan's lips twitched up into a slight smile, "Hmm. Who gave you that horrible advice?"

"Some guy I used to date said it once or twice." Teased Elena.


Clearing her throat, Elena grabbed Stefan's arm and gestured to the car, "Shall we?" 

The vampire nodded gratefully and smiled, "Please." 

After waiting half an hour with no Europa, Klaus called her and informed the girl that he hoped she was at the dance before leaving. Yet when he got there, he found no Europa. The Hybrid cut into Caroline's dance and questioned her on the matter but found out quickly that the troublesome human hadn't been seen by Caroline either. 

Leaving the party, Klaus got on his phone and dialed the one other person who had a hope of knowing where Europa was, Rebekah. "Rebekah, call me back immediately! I only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to and now neither you nor Europa are anywhere to be found." He hisses into the phone. Hanging up Klaus growls and looks around.

He could not believe he got stood up by Europa Gilbert. 

Then his eyes catch sight of a salt line and he stops immediately. "What is this?" He wonders out loud.

"Your mother is back," Stefan said from behind him. 

Klaus allowed Stefan to lead him to Alaric's classroom, hoping to see Europa there and that a major crisis just showed up that kept her from answering her phone. Instead, he found himself trapped in a room with Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan, Damon, and the boy Bonnie fancies named Jamie. 

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