Chapter Thirty: Jealousy and Mother of the Year

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By the time I pulled up to the Mansion, I was dressed to impress and was ready for this dancing, cocktails, and celebration I was promised, plus a little extra. 

Upon stepping out of my car, I was immediately tackled by Rebekah, who grinned at me happily, "You look gorgeous, oh I just knew this dress would look marvelous on you. Nik loved the early twentieth century, he'll die when he sees you." 

"Honestly, I could care less about what he thinks tonight. All this talk about wanting a date and then he's over here inviting the girl who is basically my sister to a ball with him! Besides! My bestie is back, we have so much to do!" I said excitedly as we walked to the door. 

Kol met us there, along with Elijah. Both had charming smiles as they greeted us, "Hello Darling, you look ravishing." Kol greeted me with a playful wink, kissing the back of my hand. 

I shook my head at his antics and laughed lightly, "Nice to meet you formally, Kol. I'm Europa, which I'm sure you know." I said with a smile before turning to Elijah and shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you again, Elijah," I said with a smile, shaking his hand next. 

Like his brother, Elijah just grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. Dear lord, these Mikaelson men were far too chivalrous for my own good. "An absolute pleasure to meet with you again, Europa, I must say, Rebekah chose well. This dress suits you nicely." 

"Thank you," I said with a blush. 

The four of us walked into the Mansion together, I on Kol's arm while Elijah stayed near us and Rebekah went to find Matt, who was apparently her date for the night. I could only imagine Caroline's disdain. 

I grabbed a glass of champagne off of the tray of one of the serving girls and smiled at Kol, "So, I know about Rebekah, a little about Elijah, too much about Klaus, but nothing about you. You've been alive for a thousand years, what stories do you have?"

Kol chuckled at me and thought about it. "When I was in New Orleans, back before I was daggered, I was working with the New Orleans witches to find a rather priceless diamond that would have made a dagger unlike any other," So a dagger that would work on Klaus, "Unfortunately my brothers found out, trapped my witches in a witch asylum, and daggered me for a hundred years." 

I hummed with wide eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry," 

"Don't worry about it, darling. Now, shall we grab a drink of a stronger variety?" Kol asked with a grin, leading me towards the bar. 

A grin lit up my features, "Oh we are going to be best friends." Together we sauntered to the bar with happy smiles. 

Not too much later, I looked over to find Damon and Stefan had joined the party too, much to my dismay. The older Salvatore wasn't the worst, but I was definitely still holding a grudge against Stefan for nearly killing me. Kol must have noticed my glare because he leaned over with a sly grin, "What happened there?" 

"Those are the Salvatores, the one with the black hair is Damon who likes to play with my sister's emotions. The one next to him is Stefan who broke my wrists and nearly drove me off a bridge two days ago." I grumbled angrily as I sipped my dirty vodka martini. 

I glanced over at Kol, who had mischief in his eyes, "Then, we'll have to get Stefan back, won't we." 

"Can you be my new best friend?" 

"I thought it was already established you're my best friend." Was Kol's response. 

Right then, Klaus approached us with narrowed eyes, "Kol, Europa, what are you two doing?" 

All of a sudden, I did a 180 in personality; my hands immediately went around Kol's bicep and, gently, I laid my head on his shoulder. "Hey, Klaus! Kol invited me to the ball and gave me this gorgeous dress! Isn't he the sweetest? And funny! Oh my god, best date in the house tonight." I said with a smile, booping Kol's nose fondly. 

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