Thirty-Five: The Sheriff's Office

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A/N: Guess who's going out tonight!!! Here you guys go, an update!!! Love you all, make smart choices, see you on the flip side!!😝😝😝

When I woke up, I found that I was in my own bed and that water was waiting on my nightstand to drink. Slowly sitting up, I glanced at my phone, which had a new message from Klaus. 

I would like to talk to you. I'm concerned about what you've gotten mixed up in. Please meet me in the Grill at noon. 

I smiled and shook my head, gulping down the water slowly as I changed and took care of my hygiene before going for breakfast. No one was in the house at the moment, which meant I could enjoy the morning peacefully for a moment. 

My peaceful morning lasted about five seconds until my phone shrilly rang. "I need to change my number and give it to no one." I mumbled darkly as I answered the phone, "Hello?" 

"Europa, its Sheriff Forbes." I stiffened, setting my spoon down. "I'm calling you to let you known that Alaric is currently being held under suspicion of being the serial killer targeting the council members." 

And there went my peaceful morning. "What? I'm on my way." I told her, grabbing my coat and purse before getting in my car and driving to the Police Station. 

I mean, they weren't wrong, but he was just sick! I could help him! I know I can. 


I walked in at the same time as Damon, who looked at me in shock, "You were missing, where were you?" 

"Long and complicated story. Later time. Alaric needs us." 

And that was how I found myself leaning against the wall with my hands on my temples as I listened to what everyone was saying, "I didn't do it." Alaric insisted. 

And he was right, he didn't do it. Right? This wasn't Alaric, it couldn't be. "You're arresting him for what this nut job Dr. Fell says?" Damon asked incredulously.

"No, I'm detaining him. The cell is for his own good. You were shot; Dr. Fell used vampire blood to heal you." Liz explained to Alaric calmly. 

"Dr. Fell is the one who shot me!" I had to refrain from saying that I would have shot him yesterday if I had a gun on me. 

Staring at Alaric, Liz nodded, "Because you came at her with a knife!" 

"Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in her things!" Okay even I, the person who knew without a shadow of a doubt that Alaric was guilty, thought that was weird. 

Deciding to finally speak up, I looked at Liz in confusion, "Yeah, why did Meredith have the knife in the first place?" 

"Are we gonna ignore the part where he is one of the killer's victims? I mean, the guy was practically stabbed to death." Damon also pointed out. 

That's when my convincing argument went south. "Well, Dr. Fell suggested his wounds could have been self-inflicted," Liz said what I was thinking. 

Of course, they were self-inflicted. "You think I stabbed myself?" Alaric asked. 

"Look, I think I don't know what to think. I've got nothing, except murder weapons from your stash and a respected member of a founding family pointing a very long finger." Explained Liz stressfully. I felt bad for her, she was under pressure from everyone to figure this out and make an arrest while also trying to not put an innocent man away. 

Which, I mean Rick was guilty, but still! "She is setting me up. I'm being framed here!" Not really. 

"Well, that may be so, but I don't have any proof of that." Said Liz in exasperation. 

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