Chapter 9

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3/24/16 at 12:59 am: If you're sad and you know it, clap your hands. If you're sad and you know it, clap your hands. If you're stressy and depressy and your life is kinda messy, if you're sad and you know it, clap your hands.
I'm having a minute.

Princey: I can't text you during class. Not without unlocking your phone
Virgil: Would you go through my phone?
Would you try and learn who I am?
Princey: Not if you don't want me to. I understand if you're not ready but I hope you will be soon. I want to see you more than anything

Virgil read over the last text a few more times before sighing.

Joan asked, "What's going on with him?"

The question barely registered in his mind.

Thomas chuckled. "He's having his fun."

Virgil: 051309. I trust you


Roman pushed the numbers into the phone, grinning when it was unlocked. The background changed to that of a young boy and a woman. The quality was low and he suspected it was old.

He wanted to go through all of the contacts—he wanted to learn everything he could about this person—but stopped himself.

No, I promised him. He opened up the messages and thanked him. His mind was full of joy. He sat down without even thinking, still grinning.

"What has you so happy?" Madison asked, her mind obviously already thinking of all of the gossip she could spread.

His smile fell, even as the phone vibrated again. "Life. What has you so snoopy?"

Hayden tossed his arm around her. "You know she can't help herself." He kissed her cheek and she playfully grimaced before giggling.

Roman sighed and pretended to check the time. "Shit, I forgot that I have to meet a teacher before class," he lied. He picked his backpack up off of the floor and swung it over his shoulder, walking away even as his friends protested.

Roman: I wish class would start already
Him: Wow that's a first
Roman: I just lied to my friends to get away from them. Now I have nothing to do for fifteen minutes
Unless you want to tell me who you are...
A selfie would be nice
Him: Let me see if there's anything Thomas kept on his phone...

Roman could practically hear the snark in the other's voice, and he found himself smirking. A minute passed before the phone vibrated again.

Roman: You blocked out your eyes? That's no fair!AND it's not a selfie!Him: I don't do selfiesRoman: That's unfortunate because I think you look great even with the scowl and blocked out eyes

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Roman: You blocked out your eyes? That's no fair!
AND it's not a selfie!
Him: I don't do selfies
Roman: That's unfortunate because I think you look great even with the scowl and blocked out eyes

Roman looked at the time and decided to begin making his way toward first period.

The room was empty, as always, except for Virgil, who was staring intently at his phone.

Roman debated between texting his mystery man and talking to Virgil, but he decided that he could probably use some new friends. "Hey," he greeted cheerfully.

Virgil looked up. "Can I help you?" His dark eyes stared back into Roman's from behind his bangs.

A tad rude but... "I just thought that I would say hi—ya' know, be polite and all."

"Well, you've said it." He looked back down at his phone.

Roman began wondering about him. Maybe he's just socially awkward. I mean, after the panic attack I witnessed, it wouldn't surprise me. He pulled out his phone.

Him: Your turn. I want a picture too

Roman looked around and decided it wasn't the best idea to take one now. "Panic! At The Everywhere" would likely think he was an idiot. So, he scrolled through old photos, finding one of him in costume from his old school.

Roman: Does this please you, my prince?

Him: Oh no, you're PrinceyRoman: Really? Then what do I call you?I would hope your name

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Him: Oh no, you're Princey
Roman: Really? Then what do I call you?
I would hope your name


Virgil paused, staring down at his phone screen before looking up again, realizing that the class was now full. He'd have to come up with something fast, before the teacher started talking.

Virgil: Anxiety
Princey: Really?
I prefer Anx. I think it suits you better

"Alright, class. Let's get this show on the road! Phones away, please."

Virgil slipped his phone under the table but saw the warning glare the teacher offered. He sighed and put it away, grabbing a pencil to fidget with instead.



"Hey," Roman breathed into the speaker, imagining Anx in his mask, sitting across from him. His mind tried to fill in the blank but all he could see was the black fabric cut out to show his stunningly dark eyes.

"I"m sorry it's so late. I was working and now I'm doing homework and I'm... I'm sorry if I seem distracted." He laughed towards the end, playing it off as a joke.

"You're a hell of a lot busier than I am, that's for sure. I've just been at home with my dad all night."

"What's your dad like?"

The question was sudden and Roman took a second to realize what Anx had said. "He's... everything I could want in a father: supportive, kind, loving. I came out as gay to him about two years ago and do you wanna know what he said?"

"What?" Anx asked with a chuckle.

"'Does this mean I have to hear about your boy troubles now?' I'm never going to forget that."

His voice was suddenly grim when he responded, "He sounds wonderful."

Roman thought back to the night they met. "You said you live with your uncle and cousins. Can I ask what happened to your parents?"

"We're-We're getting into the deep shit, aren't we?" he joked.

"Anx, you don't have to-"

"It's fine." He sighed, static popping in the speaker. "Mur-Murder in the first degree." He seemed to choke on the words.


"I was, um..." It was obvious he was crying now.

"You really don't have to. We can talk about something else," Roman offered.

"No, my friend Thomas says it's healthy to-to talk about my problems. I-I-I was seven and, from what I've been told, three people came into our house... with the intention to rob us. My mom and dad got in the way." He inhaled sharply. "Never mind. I-I-I... Change the subject. Please."

If the Shoe Fits (Prinxiety Cinderella AU - Roman x Virgil)Where stories live. Discover now