Chapter 14

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4/30/19 at 2:58 pm: I have to do mandatory community service tomorrow in a ditch. It's been raining all week so it's going to be muddy as fuck. I'm not happy. Like make the world pretty and all that, cool, but maybe when it's warmer and dryer please.

"Dad!" Roman called into his home.  He knew the man was likely heading towards bed, if not there already, but this was a pressing matter.  "Dad!"

"I'm here; I'm here," he said, rounding a corner.  "There's no need to-"  His eyes landed upon Virgil.  "Jesus fuck.  Set him down on the couch.  I'll go get the first-aid kit."

Roman led him into the living room, sitting him down.

Thomas sat in the armchair nearby, watching from a distance.

Roman's father walked back in, holding a red bag.  He knelt in front of Virgil, smiling gently.

Roman could tell he was pissed.

Dan glanced at his son and glared for a split second before returning his attention to Virgil.  "Is one of you going to tell me what happened?"

Yep, he's pissed.

He unzipped the first-aid kit and pulled out a few antiseptic wipes.  "Well?"

Virgil looked down, staring at his hands.  "I, um..."

"Virgil," Thomas said, "I love you, but don't you dare say that you fell again."

"I did fall."

"You were pushed, Virge!"

Roman reached for Virgil's shaking hand.


Virgil held onto Princey's hand, feeling the damp cloth dab his temple.

"Virgil, is it?" the man in front of him asked.

A nod.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

He shook his head.  How was he even supposed to begin?

"I'm going to ask you a few questions about your fall, if that's alright, and do a couple of tests.  A hospital would-"

Virgil's eyes grew wide.

"I get it; doctors ask hard questions."  He put down the bloody cloth and grabbed another, returning to Virgil's wound.  "Did you lose consciousness when you fell?"

He nodded again.  He squeezed Roman's hand as tight as he could.

"Do you know for how long?"

He thought back, trying to remember the time on the oven when he'd set the timer for the second batch of chicken, but he couldn't.  With the panic attack after he'd come to, his internal clock was all off.  "No, but I-I don't think it was long.  Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes?"

"That's not a great sign."  The man finished cleaning Virgil's head.  "I'm going to touch around your face and neck.  Is that alright?"


He put his hands on either side of Virgil's neck and tilted backward.  "Let me know if any of this hurts, alright?"  He moved the other's head in a few directions before releasing him.  "Your neck seems to be fine."

"That's good," Roman said.

Virgil looked at him and sighed, leaning his head on Roman's shoulder.

Next, the man asked, "Any confusion, dizziness, or blurry vision?"

"No."  Liar.

"Sensitivity to light, noise, or difficulties concentrating?"

He shook his head.  "Nope."

"Good; good."  He stood up and backed away.  "You don't have any symptoms of a concussion, but someone needs to keep an eye on you at least until tomorrow."

Virgil looked down.  Who would watch him; who would be willing to keep an eye on him after all of this?

The man said, "You'll stay here with us for now until we figure this thing out."

Virge looked at him, sitting up fully again.  "No, I-I-I couldn't."

Thomas chuckled, the sound feeling out of place.  "Do you really think that we're going to let you go back there after tonight?"  The man moved out of the way as Thomas stepped closer.  "I remember when your parents died--how heartbroken you were.  You wouldn't tell me anything; you wouldn't speak for years."  He sighed, looking between Virgil and Roman.  "There are plenty of people who care about you, ya' know.  You can ask for help sometimes."

If the Shoe Fits (Prinxiety Cinderella AU - Roman x Virgil)Where stories live. Discover now