Chapter 13

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4/5/19 at 12:08 am: I'm using my knowledge of falling a story before and repeatedly slipping in the stairs to recount this. The problem is, I'm a resilient little bitch, so the pain level might not be accurate.
at 3:28 pm: McDonald's is my shit!
at 11:02 pm: Fucking Writer's Block. Oh my Jesus fuck, I literally have no idea how to talk to people. Why do I think I can write others talking? Social confrontation isn't my thing, fictional or otherwise. Fuck me! If you couldn't tell, I'm in a mood.

WARNING: Mentions of abuse and the serious decisions that surround coming forward.

Virgil heard the familiar voice and felt someone touch his shoulder. He sat up quickly despite the throbbing pain in his head, whirling around to bury his face in Princey's shoulder. He wasn't ready yet—not to see Princey's face and not for Princey to see his.

He kept his arms wrapped around the other's broad shoulders.

Two arms coiled around his waist, pulling him close. "Please tell me you're okay," he whispered.

Virgil nodded. "I-I think so." He wanted to savor the warmth—the final bit about Princey he didn't know: his identity. He admitted, "I'm not sure I can do this."

Princey chuckled. "Well, I can't just leave after all of this."

"I know; I know." He squeezed his eyes shut and backed away slowly, feeling anxiety bubbling in his chest again.


His eyes flew open at his name. He stared for a minute, then whispered, "Roman."

Roman stepped closer, touching the side of the other's head.

Virgil winced, pulling away quickly.

"You're bleeding. We should get you to a hospital."

"No." Virgil looked desperately at Thomas, who kept his distance. "I... No, please no hospitals; no-no doctors." He was terrified—completely paralyzed with fear and confusion.

Thomas neared. "Let's talk about this in a minute. We should get out of here. We can figure out the details later."

Roman took Virgil's hand.

Before Virgil knew it, he was pulled into a kiss. At first, he stayed still, then found himself melting into it. Gently, he pulled away. "We have an audience."

"Let's get you out of here."

Virgil followed Thomas, Roman behind him, up the stairs. He felt his head dropping the closer he got to his family. A hand on his back reassured him.

When they stepped into the hallway, Hayden blocked their path. "That piece of shit isn't going anywhere."

The words stung.

Hayden smiled. "This is a... family matter. I suggest the two of you leave."

Virgil could sense what would happen if he stayed. He took in a shuttered breath.

Roman whispered in Virgil's ear, "You're okay." He pulled away and his voice hardened when he ordered, "Let us leave, Hayden. This has gone too far."

"Roman, why do you even care for this freakshow? He's practically nothing; he's a waste of oxygen."

Virgil snapped. "No! You are!" He took a few steps forward, seething with rage. "I was seven when my parents died and you didn't cut me the slightest bit of slack. 'Virgil, do this; Virgil, do that!'" He kept walking until he was face-to-face with Hayden. "I'm done."

A loud, deep voice bellowed, "Enough!" The sound filled the house.

Virgil winced instinctively. Uncle Jackson... Why now? He turned toward the source, but, rather than dropping his head, he looked down his nose at the man. "Yes, it certainly has been enough." He stormed off, hearing footsteps behind him that he only hoped belonged to Thomas and Roman, though he didn't dare look back.

Jayden stood by the door. "Virge-"

"I know." He sighed. "Get out of here someday, okay?"

He nodded. "I miss when we were kids--when we played together."

"I miss it, too, but that's for another day." Virgil opened the front door and walked out.

He nearly collapsed to his knees once outside, but Roman grabbed onto him.

"You could have a concussion. My dad has EMT training; I'll have him take a look at you." He hooked his arm around Virgil's waist, pulling the other over his shoulder. "Thomas, would you sit in the back with him? We need to make sure he stays conscious."

"Yeah, of course."

Roman helped Virgil into the back seat, giving him a quick peck, then closed the door. Virgil watched as Thomas sat down. His friend stared at him with such pity that it hurt. "Please don't look at me like that. I'm f-"

"Don't you dare say that you're fine," Thomas threatened. "Please, just..." He sighed and shook his head. "Once someone qualified checks you out, then I might listen."

"I didn't want this."

"You didn't stop it, either."

"What would you have had me do? Stand up to Jackson and get my ass handed to me sooner? Go to the authorities? I would have been put into foster care, bouncing around from house to house, getting further and further away from you until-" He suddenly stopped himself.

Roman spoke up. "You've thought a lot about this."

"How could I not?"

If the Shoe Fits (Prinxiety Cinderella AU - Roman x Virgil)Where stories live. Discover now