Chapter 41

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Celia slipped off of Verbena's back and stood next to her companion as she looked up to the massive white dragon before them. She remained silent, and though she trembled a bit, she managed to keep her fear hidden. Though the two beings before her were her superiors, Celia knew she needed to remain calm and remember that Orthos and Valiant would not hurt her.  Guild Master Orthos never punished with physical beatings, but instead favored labor that was beneficial to the guild or the town.

Following her lead, Xan slowly dismounted from Irin's back but kept his eyes glued on the massive dragon before him. Since he was unfamiliar with the dragon, he showed his fear a bit more. However, despite his slight shivering, Xan managed to keep a brave face under his goggles and scarf.

'I have never seen a dragon this large before in my entire life,' Irin's mental voice trembled slightly in fear and he kept his wings partly spread in case he needed to flee at a moment's notice.

Valiant's white fur shimmered slightly as a thin layer of frost slowly began to form the ice armor typical of dragons. His wings remained slightly spread in a display of power as the massive being looked down to the smaller dragons. His red eyes, though initially appearing serious, reflected a mix of emotions.

'How?' Valiant eventually managed to speak and studied the four figures in front of him. 'You survived, and found another rider and dragon pair," he paused, then focused on Irin and Xan and silently evaluated them.

A cloaked humanoid dropped off of Valient's back with a heavy crunch as the snow compressed under his weight. The tall, imposing figure traded through the snow over to them. He shifted his focus between the younger humans before him. The goggles obscured his eyes from his subjects, but he studied them all the same.

Before Orthos said anything, Celia took a chance and spoke first before the guild master could become enraged. "Guild Master Orthos," Celia took a shaky breath before she continued her rapid speech, "I am Celia, and this is my companion, Xan Zyrai. I know I disappeared without telling anyone, but I have a good reason," she swiftly buried both hands into Verbena's saddle. She fumbled a bit in the bag, then pulled out the spheres of compressed light.

As if on cue, a luminous spark of light burst from the spheres and they began to dimly glow. Though initially dull, the spheres slowly brightened as all of them, dragon and human alike, stared at the twin rays of light. The glow lit each surface it touched with a deep golden hue.

For several moments, Orthos remained frozen in surprise.

'The rays of sunlight,' Valiant awed and held his breath as his mental voice spoke the guild master's thoughts. 'You found two more of the lost rays of sunlight.' Valiant eventually released his held breath, but he was still under a sense of pure wonder and amazement.

Though initially mesmerized by the sunlight, Guild Master Orthos eventually broke his focus away from the spheres but remained silent for several more moments. Finally, he spoke again, "hmm," he hummed and thought over his options. "Celia, I am glad you and Verbena are alive, but with the end of the night, perhaps you and Xan should go and sleep. Xan, I will show you an empty room."

After Xan nodded, Guild Master Orthos continued, "I suggest we discuss what happened to you in the evening in my office while your dragons are looked over by the doctors. Though I will tell everyone of your return, Celia," he turned to the young rider in question, "I will keep the reasons and your discovery secret until we properly discuss the extent of your journey." He paused, then offered his hands to take the glowing spheres. "May I take the lights so I can keep them safe?"

Celia glanced down to the spheres, then gently rewrapped them in the black cloth. Though the cloth did not completely obscure the illumination, the fabric prevented much of the bright glow to the point only the black textile gained an orangish hue. After a brief hesitation, Celia carefully handed the bundle into Orthos's awaiting hands.

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