Chapter 48

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'Do you think we should stop soon?' Irin asked as he glanced away from the mountains rising in the distance. 'At this time, I doubt the other riders will be able to catch up to us. We have a massive head start.'

Verbena looked out to the jagged peaks in the distance. 'If we get to the mountains first, then we can see about finding a cave to sleep in. Hopefully, one that is warm.' She purred at the thought

The blue dragon glanced up to Xan, then gazed forward again. 'That sounds like a good plan. We have been flying for a while, but I think we can make it before the day ends. After we get some rest, we can probably reach Urre before the night is over.' He focused on the faint glow in the distance.

The pair of dragons continued on their path toward the distant illumination, as they had been since they left Rein. The illumination appeared halfway through the night as the dragons flew across the empty expanse.

What had once taken several nights for Celia and Verbena to cross, now only a couple of nights. This time, they had only stopped to rest once on their journey across the vast wasteland.

With the mountains in view, Verbena wanted to prove to herself how much she had improved. Tiredness would not stop her now when a massive landmark was so close. 'I am not too sore,' she promised Irin and flapped her wings a few times, 'I can make it to the mountain.'

"I don't mind stopping," Celia briefly stroked Verbena's neck before she returned her hand to the harness handle. She tapped into Verbena and could feel the soreness beginning to swell into her muscles.

'I don't want to dig another snow cave.' Verbena snorted and flapped her wings a few more times. She burst ahead of Irin, then glided until the other dragon caught back up to her.

Once he was back alongside Verbena, Irin looked over to the determined gaze on the green female. 'I admire your determination, but we can stop here if you want. I will dig out a snow cave for all of us." He gave her a reassuring purr.

Much to the blue dragon's chagrin, Verbena returned his gesture with a snort. 'I still say we can easily make it.' She set her sights on the mountain ridge in the distance ahead of them.

After a little while of flying, Irin noticed strange shapes on the side of the mountain. His eyes widened as he recognized the dark stone structures covered in snow. 'We can't stay there,' urgency reverberated through his tone as he swiftly banked south And almost flew straight into Verbena. Thankfully, the blue dragon noticed her in time and dove beneath the younger dragon as she reacted.

'What's going on?!' Verbena barked at Irin as she frantically flapped her wings to stop and increase her altitude. "Watch where you are flying! I was here first! This air is mine!' She verbally barked a few more times at Irin.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to nearly run into you." Celia stroked down the fur that rose in Verbena's irritation. However, the human's effort was in vain as the hairs simply stood up again.

'Sorry,' Irin leveled out so his rider could readjust his grip, 'but we can't stay there. It is too close to Snouw for us. The patrols will find us and try to kill us.' He continued on his southwesterly path without skipping a beat.

Verbena huffed, then simply followed the cautious dragon. At first, she remained childishly annoyed. However, as she caught up to the elder dragon, she remembered how the people from that town attacked her when she was simply trying to rest.

'Yup, bad place!' Verbena flapped her wings and raced ahead of the other dragon and rider pair.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Xan's voice barely reached Celia's ears as they passed on the backs of their dragons.

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