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"Why is it suddenly awkward now?" I chuckle "I don't know, but I missed you, and I'm truly sorry for not believing you," reed apologizes for the 3rd time in the past minute "it's fine, came we not talk about that time," I responded "sorry, oh! Sorry- I- ima stop talking now," he fumbled his words

I shook my head while in laughter walking to the freezer "wanna make some cookies?" I said while taking the ice cream out "sure, I thought you were going to take out the cookie dough tho," he said turned around from the couch "mmm no no we're doing them from scratch," I said waving my pointer finger side to side

"Ou this is going to be fun," he sung
"Ok, buddy," i said while getting the ingredients on the island "do you know the measurements?" He said while getting up and walking to the kitchen "were not looking the measurements up, so we're going to do it without," i said climbing on top of the counter to get the flour from the top cabinets "you could've asked me to get that," he said laughing at me jumping off "well I didn't ,"


"That's too much salt!" I yelled over the metal bowl and looking back up at reed "I'm sorry! The air pushed my arm!" He yelled back "that makes no sense!" I said keeping a straight face "I know!" What is wrong with him? "Why are we yelling!" I said "I don't know, you started it." Reed answered my question "oh, but that was a lot of salt" I shrugged my shoulders "well my bad," he whispered taking a step closer to me "it clearly isn't since you said the air pushed your arm," I said taking one step closer to him as well leaving us only 3 inches away

"Well, your house is haunted," he whispered with sassed, lowering his head to level mine "ok buddy," I pat his chest and go back to adding the ingredients. "Wow," he blurted "what?" I looked up to see Reeds face drained of colour "are you okay?" I said "we, we like, we were having a moment," he whined like a 4 year eld "what mOmEnT?" I mimicked his actions "never mind," he sighed and I laughed "I know this like the wrong time to meant it but like...when are you going to end things with her?" I look down and fiddle with my fingers "I don't know, I think today or tomorrow we're supposed to hang out those days," he said out flat "oh, ok" is all I say


We take the cookies out the oven and let them cool for about a minute or two "see the cookies don't even look bad," Reed points out to the slightly burnt cookies "ok, whatever you say,"
*ring* ... *ring* ... *ring* ... *ring*
"Who calls the home phone anymore?" I walk over to my dads old office that he no long uses. I answer the phone "hello?" I say walking to the kitchen "Hello? Where's Reed?" I know exactly who this is. "It's Sarah" I mouthed to Reed "Reed. It's for you." "Why is he there with you anyways" "how'd you get my home phones number?" "Where's Reed?" She dodged my question. I pass the phone to Reed and walk out the kitchen up to my room, I can't believe it's already Saturday tomorrow and I haven't called Veerena Anthony or Payton, I walk back down to the kitchen to get my phone "well, I'm sorry, but it wasn't working out." I hear Reed say
For a response I hear high chipped annoying yelling on the other line "no she didn't tell me too," he sounds frustrated "no, but even if I did it would've been the best decision I've ever made." I wondered what she asked? He then ends the call and take a deep breath

Reed POV
"Who calls the home phone anymore?" She furrowed her brows walking to a room in her modern house. I hear murmurs until she finally comes out of the room "it's Sarah" she mouths. Nonononoooo ughhh i don't want to talk to her- "Reed. It's for you" ughhhghfjjdnckxns "how'd you get my home phones number," she asked in annoyance, she looks cute when she like that- I mean- whatever

Angelina passes me the phone and walks upstairs, nooo come back, don't leave me "Reed?" "Hey, Sarah," "oh, hi baby, what are we doing to tomorrow." She squeaked "oh, um about that...we, well we need a break" I finally got it out "what? Why?" "Because, we- well you haven't been truthful, at all, we argue every minute, and you're so...so loud, I'm sorry but I always wanted to tell you that and I knew you would've gotten mad, and you've been doing a lot of things to spite me if I didn't agree with you on something. We're not good for each other and well, I'm sorry, but it's not working out" Angelina comes in...she forgot her phone- "it's because of her right, you're leaving me for her, whatever she told you was probably a lie, you're probably leaving me because she told you too, right." "no she didn't tell me too," she's getting me so frustrated "no, but even if I did it would've been the best decision I've ever made."

I hang up, and take a deep breath, Jesus it's better then doing it in person, she would've been making me feel so bad, I know how she is... she's like- like a sociopath. "So, i see you ended it with her," she looks nervous...so cute. "Yeah...yeah I did,"

I know it wasn't best to end things this way but, Sarah is so..so i don't know. If I did this in person she would do her fake crying and make me feel bad-

*door bell rings*

"I'll get it," spoke Angelina "oh..my...God..." i look up and Angelinas mouth dropped and she's in complete shock, I furrow my brows and walk to her "who is- what-"

I can't believe this...

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