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"Oh my God...what are you doing here!" Reed walks up behind me "who is- what-"

I jump in his arms and take in his embrace. I can't believe he's here, we've lost contact, i thought he forgot about me, and I'm so happy he's here right now "o my gosh, Luca, it's been literally forever "I know! We lost touch but I had to visit you guys!" My Canadian friend glees "you told me you were coming next month," Reed questions "well, surprise?" Luca said still hugging me. "We have to catch up on things," I said lifting my head up "um, duh," he laughed

(Ok so like imagine Luca as Diego Martir, cause I very much dislike Luca now...but if you want you can keep him as Luca Luca, but I'm just seeing him as Diego, ok that's all)

We walk to the kitchen and sit on the stools "ooo cookies," Luca ou'd to the probably salty and slight burnt cookies. Me and Reed exchanged looks then watched Luca get a cookie
He was chewing, chewing, and chewing .... and now he made the cringed bitter face. "What the hell is wrong with this cookie," he said, mouth full of the bitter cookie. He spit it out in the sink "hey, hey, hey, hey, heyyy not the sink," I whined in laughter. I look over to Reed that is dying in laughter.

My phone started ringing

It's Payton, when did I- "Payton?" I answer the phone "Angelina, um, hey, so I- I wanted to ask you if you wanted t-to hang ou-out with us tomorrow night?" He stutters "us?" I respond "you know, me, Veerena, you, and Anthony," he answers my so called question "oh, yeah definitely," I chuckled "oh, great! See you tomorrow,"

*call ended*

I walk up to my room and flip on my bed, a couple seconds later I feel another body mountain on top of me. Dang they're heavy "ughhh," I wiggle myself to turn my body over and see its Luca, and Reed is just sitting on the edge of my bed on his phone "what do you want," I whined "appreciate my love!" he screamed. "I do, but I don't want your weight on me," I grunted while pushing him off me "ok ok, sorry, what are you doing tomorrow?" Luca asked, and Reed's head rose up "oh um, tomorrow night I'll be with my friends-"

"You have friends?" Both said Luca and Reed in sync "shut up, but I'm not doing anything during the day,"
"What are y'all going?" Reed turned his body to face us "I don't know Payton just called and asked if I wanted to hang out," Luca lightly chuckled

"What's so funny?" I furrowed my brows "nothing," he said still laughing "he's not asking me out if that's what you're thinking, he said if I I wanted to hang out with them."

"Ok," is all he said before walking to the bathroom- how does he know where the bathroom I- "hey, um where's your bathroom?" He said sticking his head out the door
I pointed my finger to the bathroom door, in my room "oh, thanks," he laughed

"Do you and Payton," Reed rubbed his shoulders to mine "no, no, it's not like that we're just friends, and that's how it's going to be as," I shook my head "that's going to break his heart," he looked down "no it's not, he knows we're only friends, nothing else-" "CAN SOMEONE BRING ME SOME TOILET PAPER!"
I quickly run out the room, "Angelina!!" I hear Reed groan

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Are you happy Luca came to visit?
Do you think Payton likes Angelina??
Give me your thoughts!! Also, there's this boy in my class that likes me and like I kinda like him, but Idk and I told my friend by nite cause we don't sit at the same table, and then when we threw the bites away I found out that the boys friend collected them and told him I like him....I love my life :-/

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