Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

I am in my bedroom and I was asleep until I woke up crying and then Sam came into my room and he sat on my bed and I stroke my hair and he said Bella what's wrong and I said I had a dream again that mommy and daddy were dead and Sam just gave me a look and he said Bella I've had enough of this you have to get it into your head mom and dad aren't coming back and I just pushed his arm away from me and I got off of my bed and ran out of my room and I ran downstairs and I ran out of my house and I ran to my friend Jacob's house even though he is 18 years old he's still my friend.

When I got there I banged and banged on the door as I cried and shouted JACOB and I banged for another 5 minutes before the door opened and I saw Jacob and I ran into his arms and I cried into him and he said as he pulled me close to him Bella what's the matter and I let go of him and I looked up to him and I said Jacob Sam said mommy and daddy aren't coming back I mean why does he hate them so much they are our parents he should love them like I do and Jacob looked at me and said Bella your brothers just angry that they left him to take care of you at such a young age and I stopped crying.

I said oh and then Jacob said Bella come on we need to get you home and I said no I'm not going back until he says sorry and Jacob just said Bella you have to go back he's your brother and I said no and he said Bella your going back you have to and he grabbed my arm and went to take me to his car but I pulled away from him and I ran into the woods while he was shouting for me to come back but I just kept on running until I got to a river and once I did I looked around and I saw a rock and so I went over to it and I lied down on it and I fell back to sleep and I had a feeling everyone was out looking for me even my brother and his friends.

Once I woke up I realised it was morning and so I sat up on the rock and I looked around and as I did I saw my brothers 2 best friends Jared and Paul to the right of me just standing their looking at me so I just said what do you want and Jared said your brother is going crazy with worry Bella and I said so if only he would be as worried for mom and dad as he is with me then we wouldn't have a problem would we and then Paul said Bella come on you need to get home you must have been freezing out here all night.

I said no no I wasn't I was fine and I'm not going back he doesn't care for mom and dad and he needs to know that he has to about them both for me to come home and Jared then said Bella we don't care you can talk with your brother when you get home now come on and he went to walk over to me but I just ran more into the woods but as I did I knew I was being followed so I ran to the beach and I hid in my hut that I build when I was 3 and I stayed there for at least 20 minutes and when I thought the cost was clear I came out and I went to walk away in the other direction only to be stopped by Jared, Paul, Jacob and Embry and I said oh come on don't you get I don't want to go back and Jacob said as he walked up to me Bella Sam is worried he loves you and he wants you home so please come home.

I said no no no he will not get his way with me again and I went to run only to be grabbed by Embry and swung onto his shoulder so I couldn't run again and he started to walk back to my house with Jared, Paul and Jacob following him and I just screamed LET ME GO, LET ME GO I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK HE DOESN'T MISS MOMMY OR DADDY NOW LET ME GO and Paul said no Bella your going home to stay and I just cried into Embry's shoulder the rest of the way home and it took us 10 minutes to get back to mine and Sam's house because of how far I had went into the woods and when we got back to my house Embry and the others stopped walking and Embry set me on the ground and I said fuck you Embry and Sam walked out of our house and he said Bella watch you mouth and I said why should I why do you care you don't care about mom and dad so why should you care for me.

Sam said because Bella I didn't leave you on your own that's why I never walked away I stayed and I raised you to be this girl today I never gave up on you but mom and dad gave up on us both and you know that and I started to cry and I fell to the ground and I said yeah I know and Sam walked over to me and he got down to the ground and he hugged me and he started stroking my hair the way I like it and I said I'm sorry for running away I won't do it again and Sam said good because I don't think I could take loosing you too Bella.

I said yeah I know I love you Sam and he said I love you too Bella and then I stopped crying and I looked at Sam's friends and I said I'm sorry for giving you all hassle and they all said no problem and then Sam looked at them all and he said thanks all of you for bringing my sister back you can go and I will see you tonight pass it to the others meeting tonight at 8pm ok and Jared, Paul, Jacob and Embry all said ok and they left my house and then Sam looked at me again and he stood up and then so did I and then Sam said Bella you know I'm going to have to punish you for all the mucking around and for being cheeky to me and my friends and the main part is for what you said to Embry.

I said yeah I know I really am sorry and Sam said yeah I know but still and I said I know I still need to be punished right and Sam said yes you do and I said ok fine what is it and Sam said you are ground for 2 weeks with no TV or laptop and I want you to hand over your phone and I said but Sam and Sam said no buts Bella phone now and I said fine and I took my phone out of my pocket and I gave it to him and Sam said thank you now go to your room and I'll call you when dinner is ready and I just huffed and then said fine and I walked into the house and back up to my room and I walked into my room and I closed my door and I went over to my bed and lied down on it and I waited for Sam to call me for my dinner.

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