Chapter 3

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Sam's pov

Once I left Sue and Harry's place and I got into my car and I drove back to my place and I stopped my car and I got out and I locked it and I then ran into the woods and I phased into my wolf and I went to the river and I met with my pack and they were all in there wolf forms and once I got there Seth thought to me Sam what's going on why the meeting and Brady thought yeah Sam what's the problem and I thought ok everyone calm down we are here because we have a problem and Leah thought yeah what's the problem.

I thought Bella she's the problem and Collin thought why Sam Bella's being Bella when she mucks things up and I thought yeah I know but she's getting worse and Jacob thought yeah she's getting angrier every time she does something right or wrong and I thought yeah and it's going to end up going the other way and Paul thought what do you mean Sam and Quil thought he means that she's close to phasing and if she has one more anger break out she will phase don't you Sam.

I thought yeah I do I believe if she has one more anger strike she will phase and I think if she is being Bella when she phases she will end up running away again and Leah thought ok fine what do we do and I though well we need to keep her calm for as long as we can and to do that we all need to be friendly with her and just try not to get her mad and Seth thought um Sam we have a problem with that palm and I said oh yeah what's that and Paul thought Sam listen and so I listened and I headed a panicking voice say hello is anyone there and can someone tell me why I'm a wolf and then I thought to the others oh god she's phased already and then we all took off running to the Clearwater's house where Bella was.

Bella's pov

Once I was done making Sue's dinner she walked through the back door and she said Harry I'm home and I said he's upstairs and she looked at me and she said oh your here and then I ignored her and I walked over to the table with her dinner plate and I sat it on the table and I said that's your dinner enjoy and Sue said oh god no I'm not eating anything you made and I said as I started to get angry ok you know what fuck you you dick and she looked shocked and then she just said Bella I hope you enjoy being grounded because I'm telling your brother once he gets back here and I said so what the fuck do you think I care he's just like you and I started to shake and Sue looked me and she looked scared and the next thing she did was shouted HARRY GET DOWN HERE IT'S BELLA and Harry ran down the stars and he walked into where me and Sue was and he looked at me and he looked as shocked as Sue was and then he said Bella go outside please.

I said scared why what's happening to me and Harry said Bella it's going to be ok just go outside please and I said ok and I ran outside and just as I got outside I felt my body rip apart and I started to scream and then finally I stopped screaming from the pain and it came out as howling and I didn't know what the fuck was going on so looked down to see in a puddle that I was a wolf and so I started to panic and I thought hello is anyone there and can someone tell me why I'm a wolf and then all I heard was oh god she phased already but I couldn't tell who it was and so I started walking up and down the Clearwater's garden for at least 10 minutes until I looked around and I saw 11 wolves come out of the wolves and I just growled at them and I stopped walking up and down and then I heard a voice in my heard say Bella it's going to be ok just calm down.

I thought no how can I calm down I'm a fucking wolf and then I heard the voice say Bella watch your language and I thought Sam is that you and he thought yes Bella it's me, Jared, Paul, Jacob, Embry, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin and they all thought hi Bella and I thought Sam why am I a wolf and Sam thought Bella mom and dad were wolves and we ended up getting the gene too and I thought what about Milla would she have got it too and Sam thought I don't know Bella we haven't seen her since mom and dad took her away and I thought I know that Sam and then Seth thought Bella what made you phase and I thought your mother that's what and Leah thought why what did she do and I thought she just got me angry enough to phase I guess and then Jacob thought Bella you need to phase back.

I thought but how and Sam thought just calm down and think happy thoughts yeah and I thought yeah ok and then I thought of seeing mom, dad and Milla again and then I looked down and I saw I was back to my human again only I was naked and I saw the others and my brother was back to human as well and they were putting their clothes on and then I saw Sue walk up to me and she said as she gave me a dress to put on I'm sorry for being cheeky Bella I really am and I said its fine Sue and then Sam, Jacob and Jared walked over to me while the others from my brothers pack talked to each other and when they got over to me Sam said ok Bella now that your apart of the wolf pack you will be on patrol 2 times a week with Jacob and Seth and I said ok Sam and Sam said good and them Jacob said so Bella now that you know what's going on how do you feel and I said I feel happy now that I'm apart of it with you all and Jared said good because your hands in at all times.

I said yeah I know and then Sam turned to to everyone and he said ok listen up everyone in 3 days time there will be another pack meeting and it will be for the beta position because now that Bella's a wolf she has the right to become beta and everyone said ok Sam and they all left and then Sam said ok Bella let's go home and I said ok Sam and so we ran home and we went inside and we went into the living room and we sat on the sofa and Sam said ok Bella now that your a wolf you will be able to see more further than you could and you can hear further than you could and you will get someone called an imprint and I said wait what's an imprint and I said its a soul mate if you find yours you will get a tingly feeling all over your body and you will know right away as it happens and he has a choice he can be you friend, brother, boyfriend or just someone to talk to and I said oh ok and then I yawned and Sam saw me and he laughed and he said ok Bella it's time for you to go to bed now and I said but I'm not tired and Sam said yes you are I can see it now bed and I said ok fine and I got off of the sofa and I went upstairs and I went into my room and I closed the door and I took the dress off and I got into my PJ's and then I got into bed and then I fell to sleep thinking of my mom, dad and Milla.

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