Chapter 4

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3 days later

Bella's pov

When I woke up I got off of my bed and I took my PJ's off and I put blue jeans and a white flower top on with black shoes and I went over to my make up desk and I started putting my make up on and then as I was brushing my hair I heard shouting coming from downstairs so I got off of my chair and I walked out my bed room door and I ran downstairs and I then went into the kitchen and I saw Sam and Jacob shouting at each other and so I shouted SHUT UP and they both stopped shutting and looked at me and I said now what the heck is going on and Sam said nothing me and Jacob is just having a disagreement Bella.

I said yeah well it needs to stop and Jacob said Bella let me ask you something and I said yeah ok what and then Jacob said if you knew that someone was in town that you hated so much would you go talk to them or leave them be and I said well I would leave them be because if it was someone that would make you get angry and phase then I wouldn't confront them and then Jacob said even if it was your own family and I looked at Sam and I said wait what mom, dad and Milla is in town and Sam said we don't know Quil and Seth said they saw them while patrolling and I looked at Jacob and I said yes even if it was your own family they left us they didn't want us so why should we want the right Sam and Sam smiled at me and he said right Bella.

Jacob said ok fine I'll see you both at the meeting and me and Sam said ok Jacob see you then and then Jacob left and Sam looked at me and he said you look nice going somewhere and I said yes sim going to find my mate and Sam said um no your not your still grounded remember and I said but Sam please and Sam said no no way Bella you need to learn and I said fine and I walked into the living room and I went over to the couch and I lied down on it and I went to sleep again and I was woke up by Sam calling me and once I was up I saw him sitting on the other chair and he said ok Bella it's time to go and I said wait go where and Sam said the beta meeting and I said no I don't want to go to that.

Sam said yes you have to now get up and let's go and I puffed and said ok fine and I got up and I ran out the door followed by Sam and then we both phased into our wolf and we went to the river where we have our pack meetings and then rest of the wolfs were there and so then I walked over to the rest of the wolfs and Sam stood in the middle and he thought ok can Bella and Jacob please step forward and so me and Jacob walked in our wolf forms over to him and Sam thought to the other wolves ok you know how this goes the one with the most votes gets the beta position and so then Sam said as he pointed to me everyone for beta Bella raise your arms and out of 11 wolves only 5 raised there hands for me and Sam thought ok and fore beta Jacob raise your hands and then the others 6 raised there hands for Jacob.

Sam said ok the new beta is Jacob black and everyone cheered and as everyone was celebrating there new beta I ran into the woods so fast no one could see me but I was wrong because as I was running I could hear Sam and the pack calling my name but I just kept on running until I got to my hut that I build when I was 3 again this hit is my safe place and I went inside it and I lied down on the ground and I stayed in the hut all night and I fell asleep whimpering in my wolf.

Once I woke up I realised I was still in my wolf form so I phased back and I changed into the set of clothes I had in the hut and then I got out of the hut only to see it being covered with Sam's pack so I just looked at them all and I said what do you want why can't you all just leave me alone and I saw Sam walk out of the woods and walk up to the others and he said because Bella you are my sister and your part of the pack and your the youngest of us all and we take care of the young.

I said oh yeah well I don't want to be taken care of I want to be left alone and Jacob said but Bella if we leave you alone you could be in danger and we wouldn't even know it and I said I don't care I just need time to think and Sam said Bella your my sister and your the only family I have left and I'm not about to lose you because you need time to think and I said please Sam I just need a little time and I phased and I ran into the woods again and I knew the others where phasing because I could hear them in my head but I just kept running and as I was running Sam thought Bella stop and I said no need time just give me time and Sam thought no mum and dad left and I have took care of you and I will continue to do that until I die.

I thought what does that mean Sam and Sam thought simple Bella I'll make you stop and I thought no no Sam don't please if you do that I won't have freedom ever again please don't and Sam thought I have to it's the only way to make you listen and then Sam thought I'm sorry Bella and I said don't and then Sam said Bella you will stop I but before he got any more out a different voice came into our minds and it said Sam Uley don't you dare order your sister and I said daddy is that you.

The man said yes Bella it's me and I said I want to see you and dad said ok baby meet me at the beach and so I ran straight to the beach and I phased back to my human and I got dressed back into my clothes and then I saw a man walk out of the woods followed by 3 men and then I heard them growl and I looked behind me and I saw Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared and I then looked at dad and I said oh daddy I've missed you so much where's mommy and Milla and dad said they are back at reservation it's our home in Volturra and I said oh ok and then Sam said what do you want Joshua and dad said what you forgot the word dad or something.

Sam said no I just don't have one because a dad wouldn't have left their only son to take care of there daughter all there life and dad said yeah well we are sorry about that by the way and then I said it's ok daddy but Sam's right what are you doing here and dad said I'm here to ask you Bella if you would come back with us to live for a while and I said as I ran to him and hugged him and he hugged me back really you really want me to come live with you and dad said yes Bella we do mommy and Milla want to see you and I said yes yes I would love to daddy and then Sam said no Bella don't please I'm sorry for what I did I will give you time to think about things but please don't go and I said if your giving me time to think about things I want to do it with mom and dad and Milla and dad said Bella baby you can stay.

I said yeah I know but I want to go dad I need to go and dad said ok and them I looked at Sam and I said I need time I'll be back in 2 years I swear and Sam said ok Bella and I ran over to him and I hugged him and I said I love you Sam and he said I love you too Bella I'll miss you and I said I'll miss you too and then I ran back over to daddy and he took my hand and we walked into the woods and I said so that Sam and the others could hear me I'll be back and then I was out of the la push packs hearing range so I stopped and then we stopped walking and I saw we were at a road and I saw a car and daddy said Bella in you get and I got into the car and once I did daddy got in to and then someone spread something into my eyes and everything went black I couldn't hear or see anything.

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