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Bella's pov

Me and Edward went to my kids school and we went inside and we went to reception and I said to the lady at the desk hi I'm Mrs Bella Uley Cullen would you be able to call Isaac, Ben and Amber Uley Cullen to reception please and the lady said yes of course and so she said over the speaker could the Cullen kids please report to the office please that's the Cullen kids thank you and so we waited for about 5 minutes and then finally my 3 kids walked in through the office door and when they saw us they said mommy, daddy and ran and hugged us both and then Ben said you made it and I said of course we did I told you we would didn't I.

Amber said yes mommy you did and then Isaac said mommy came we go home now and I said yes of course you can and we I took Ben and Amber's hand and Edward took Isaac's hand and then we ran home and on our way home through the woods we heard a cry and so we stopped running and I said Edward wait here with the kids and Edward said but Bella and I said no wait here and Edward said fine and he took Ben and Amber off of me and took Ben hand and then he said Amber baby hug my side and she said ok daddy and she did it because he had no other hands to hold hers because Isaac had his other one.

I followed the cry until I got to it and I saw a little girl about 5 years old just sitting there shivering so I picked her up and I pulled her body into mine and because of my wolf heat she warmed up quick and she looked up at me and smiled and I said hello sweetheart what's your name and she said my name Alexis and I said wow pretty name were your mommy and daddy and she said they gone bye bye and I said what do you mean sweetie.

Alexis said bad man came and bit them and I said oh right well you can come with me if you want yeah and she said yes I'm scared bad man going to get me and I said yeah well bad man on get you because I have a whole family that will protect you sweetie pie ok and she said ok and then I went back to my kids and Edward and he saw me and Alexis and he said Bella are you crazy and I said no I'm not she's all along and then Isaac said mommy where's her family.

I said Alexis tell them what happened and Alexis said bad man come and bit my mommy and daddy and my kids just gasped and Amber said mommy can she be our sister and I looked at Edward and I said she has no one and Edward said ok fine after all she's all alone and so I kept Alexis in my arms and I took Amber's hand and then Edward took Isaac and Ben's hand and we ran back to the reservation and once we got there we went to Sam's house and we went inside and we saw that everyone was here even the Cullen's and so once my kids saw everyone they ran and hugged everyone and said I missed you to everyone and they all said it back to my kids and then everyone looked at me and saw Alexis and gasped and then Alexis hid herself in my shoulders.

Quil said Bella who's this and I said well everyone this is Alexis and she is a new member of this family and Embry said Alexis sweetie what happened to your parents and so Alexis looked up from my shoulder and she looked at everyone and she saw even one looking at her and she turned away away and so I said Alexis sweetie it's ok they won't hurt you they are your family now too and Alexis said sure and I said yes I'm sure baby and so then she looked back at them all and she said bad man bit mommy and daddy and everyone just stared at her and I mouthed vampire to them all and then they all said at the same time even my kids welcome to the family Alexis and Alexis just smiled and giggled and said me call you mommy and I said of course baby I would love that and she hugged me and said tank you and then I knew right then my family was complete.

The end

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