Chapter 8

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10 years later

Bella's pov

My lovely kids are now 10 years old but they look like they are 16 and that's because there vampire side is making them grow faster with that what Carlisle my father in law said yeah that's right you heard me 5 years ago I found out that Edward Cullen was my imprint and soon after we got married and made a life together my kids have been even calling him dad and since then the Cullen's and the pack have no treaty anymore because the Cullen's now live on the reservation because Sam aloud it since me and Edward was mates it was only fair and I'm so glad that my kids could get a dad to care for them as well as me because I was worrying so much when I had them that they wouldn't ever get one and so for 4 years now all the wolves and the Cullen's and even some of the Cullen's friends have been training like mad because in 2 hours time the Volturi are coming to take my kids like they said they would when we left that day oh and 2 years ago Milla phased for the first time and she was so glad and to be honest so was I thank god she didn't miss out on the gene and it was only 3 years ago that I took over the alpha role in the pack because Sam said he didn't want to order anyone anymore and so he gave it to me and everyone welcomed me to it so I said yes.

I am in my daughter Amber's room getting her ready for school because you see while we are fighting the Volturi my kids are not going to be there I have made sure of that they are going to school until this is finished with and so I am putting Amber's top on when she said mommy and I said yes sweetie and then Amber said are we going to be taking away and I said no me and your daddy and and everyone of this family is going to stop anyone from hurting you and your brothers ok and she said ok mommy and then she hugged me and I hugged her back and then Isaac and Ben came running into the room and they jumped on Amber's bed and I said right boys that's enough sit down and they said yes mommy and then they sat down and then I said ok now is everyone set on what is happening today.

Isaac said yes mom we are going to school and we have to stay there until either you, dad, Uncle Sam or auntie Milla comes to get us and I said ok good and then Ben said mommy are you going to die and I said oh baby I hope not I promise I will be back ok and the 3 of them said ok and them Amber started to cry and soon after so did Isaac and Ben and so I brought them into me and I hugged the 3 of them and I said hey now nothing will happen ok I swear to all of you I will be back ok and they said ok and then they let go of me and stopped crying and then I heard a knock on Amber's door and I said come in and the door opened and Milla walked in and she said its time.

I said ok sis thanks and she said sure and walked back out of Amber's room and then I looked at my kids and I said ok let's go and so they all got off of the bed and hugged me again and then they let go and then we left Amber's room and we went downstairs to see everyone who was fighting standing there waiting on me and so I looked at them and I said ok this is the day we need to go kick some red eyed vampire butts and everyone just laughed even the vampires in the room and the Sue said Bella it's time for the kids to go to school.

I said yeah ok and I looked down to my kids and Edward walked over to me and hugged me then kissed me and I just laughed and I said ok kids now remember do not leave the school if neither me, your dad, Uncle Sam or auntie Milla is there ok and the 3 said ok mom and the Edward said just remember me and your mom loves you and the 3 of them said we love you both too and hugged us and I hugged them for a few seconds and then I said ok little ones you need to go and they said ok mommy and walked over to Sue and walked out the front door and then I started to cry and Edward saw me and he pulled me into a hug and said Bella they will be ok and I said I hope so and I stopped crying and I looked at the pack and the vampires and I said let's go and so we made our way to the fighting point which was mine and Edward meadow where we first had our first date.

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