Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

When I woke up I knew something was wrong so I sat up and I realised I was in a cell so I shouted HEY SOMEONE PLEASE HELP and then the man that said he was my dad and 2 others came around the corner and the man said hello Bella good to see your awake and I said your not my dad sure your not and he said no no I'm not my name is Hank and you father is dead and I said dead what how and Hank said well me and my men killed him and I said as I started to cry what about my baby sister and mother and Hank said well you mother died for protecting your sister Milla from us and I said as I cried even more what about Milla and Hank said oh yes Milla lovely girl boys get Milla for me and the men walked away and I sighed in happiness that Milla was still alive a couple of minutes later Milla was brought into my cell by 2 of Hank's men and she looked terrible once the men left my cell and locked the cell down I crawled over to her and I brought her up on my knee.

I said Milla Milla can you here me and I looked up at Hank and I said what the fuck did you do to her you evil bastard and he said the same thing I'll do to you if you don shut up and and I said fine and looked back to Milla and I said baby sis please open your eyes and she started waking up and she said as she sat up momma is that you and I said no Milla it's Bella your big sister and Milla said as she hugged me oh Bella I've missed you so much and she let go of me and I said I know me to momma and daddy took you away from me and Sam I'm so sorry I wish I could have stopped them and Milla said I know I'm just so glad your still alive but Sam is he still and I said yes yes he is he's back in la push with his friends.

Milla said Bella it's ok I know what mom and dad were and I said oh ok then I have to tell you me and Sam are one too and Milla said oh right I guess I must have skipped the gene then and I said don't worry Milla your only 13 I was 15 when I became on it could happen and Milla said ok Bella and then Hank said ok now that this little family reunion is over let's get down to business shall we and I said as I pulled Milla tight what do you want with us and Hank said well Bella me and my pack want you to join us and I said no way I will not I have my own pack and after what you did to my mom and dad and then Milla there is no way in hell I will join you and Hank said ok have it your way Bella guys you know what to do and the men said yes sir and they opened the door but before they could get in I looked at Milla.

I said Milla when I phase get on my back and hold on tight ok and she said ok and then I phased into my wolf and Milla got on and I fought the men and I ran out of the cell and I ran out of the building until I got into the woods and once I knew we were safe I stopped running and I let Milla down and I phased back and I got dressed into my dress that I always have tied around my ankle and once I was dressed I looked at Milla and she said Bella what know how do we get back to la push and I said well we go to town and we find someone to take us and Milla said ok and so she took my hand and we walked into town and once we got there we asked around town for someone to take us to forks but no one was going in that direction so I said ok Milla time for plan B.

Milla said and what's plan B and I sad bus and Milla said yeah right and so me and Milla went to the bus station and I paid for a bus to take us home at 6:30 tonight and so Milla said ok now what and I said well we go get some food and then go some shopping and Milla said sounds good and so we went to KFC and we had lots of food and then as we left KFC a girl and boy walked up to us and the girl said hello I'm Jane and this is Alec and our boss would like a word with you and I said well no thank you me and my sister are busy so and as we were about to walk away they sprayed something in our eyes and it knocked us out again oh my god come on now.

When I woke up I looked around and I felt someone on me and so I looked down and I saw Alec on me and he was raping me and when I tried to get him off I couldn't and I looked up and I saw I was tied to the bed he just kept pushing his thing into my bottom every couple of minutes and oh my god was it sore and I just screamed for some one to help me but no one came and it went on for about an hour and finally he stopped and came out of me and I just cried until he got off of the bed and he untied me and he pulled me with him and then he walked out of the room with me and walked me into a room with 3 thrown's and I saw my sister and she was tied up with rope and a big man was holding her by the arms and once she saw me she started crying because she saw the state of me and once I saw she was in trouble I pulled away from Alec and I phased into the wolf and I ran straight for the big man holding her and I ran him off of her and into the floor.

I stood protective over Milla and anyone that tried to get to her ended up ripped in half and then finally the man in the middle thrown got up off of his chair and he said Bella we are so sorry we upset you my name is Aro and this is Caius and Marcus as he pointed to them and then I calmed down and I phased back and as I did I realised I didn't have anymore clothes to put on and Milla said Bella I don't have any and Aro said Jane dear get our dear Bella here some clothes and Jane said ok master and she walked out the door and a few minutes later she came back into the room with a t-shirt and jeans and gave them to me and I said thank you and put them on me and then as I put the t-shirt on I realised that there was a bump in my stomach and I turned to Milla and she gasped and said Bella what's that and I said I don't know but I'm scared.

Aro said as I turned and looked at him that Bella and Milla is a baby that Alec he created when he raped you and I gasped and so did Milla and I said why why did you don't this to me and Aro said because Bella we wanted an immortal in the family and with the mother being wolf and the father being vampire it will be immortal and in 5 weeks time the baby will be born and I said no no no please god no and I looked at Milla and I said we need to get home I need to talk to Sam let's go get on my back as soon as I phase ok and Milla said ok Bella and so I phased into my wolf and when I did Milla got onto my back and then I ran out the thrown door and as I did Aro shouted WE WILL COME FOR THE BABY IN 10 YEARS BELLA SO BE READY and I just continued running home with Milla on my back and I needed home because I needed Sam he could hopefully help me.

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