Chapter 7

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Bella's pov

When I woke up I felt pain in my stomach and I knew it was time so I got up off of my bed and I made my way downstairs and I said Sam, Jacob anyone and Carlisle walked up to my and he said Bella what's up and I said babies coming now and Sam ran I to the room and he said ok Bella sit down and so I sat down on the couch and Carlisle said ok Bella you are going to have to push and I said ok and I looked at Sam and I said give me your hand and he said why and I just said give me you hand and he said ok and gave me his hand.

Carlisle said ok Bella push and so I pushed and pushed and then I heard a cry and Carlisle said it's a boy and then Jacob said whoa Bella he's lovely what's his name and before I could speak Carlisle said sorry guys that's going to have to wait and he gave the baby to Jacob and said I'm afraid there's another and I said oh great and I started to push again and finally I heard another cry and I said what's this one and Carlisle said sorry Bella another boy.

I said oh great I'm going to have fun and everyone just laughed and so I was just about to say something when another sharp pain came and I said Carlisle there's still pain coming from my stomach and Carlisle looked and said um Bella I'm sorry to say this but your going to have to push again and I said fine and then Carlisle gave my second born to Leah and then I pushed and pushed and pushed.

Carlisle finally said ok Bella that's you and I said thank god and then I heard a cry and I said what is it Carlisle and he said its a girl and then I sat up and I took her off of him and then Paul said ok Bella what's their names and I said well my first born the one Jacob has is called Isaac and my second born the one Leah has is called Benjamin and Ben for short and then this little girl in my arms is called Amber and everyone said nice names Bella.

I said thank you everyone for helping me through this it means a lot and I know Milla isn't awake right now but I thank her to she helped me through what you guys couldn't because we weren't here and I'm sorry for that I really am sorry and then I looked at the 3 of my kids and I saw they were all yawning so I said Jacob, Leah follow me with my kids please and they both said ok and so I walked up stairs and I went into mine and Milla's room and I walked over to my bed and I lied Amber on my bed and then I said lie them both on the bed.

Jacob said sure Bella and so both my other babies where put onto the bed and I said thank guys and them Leah and Jacob both left and then when they did I got onto my bed and lied down in a were my kids won't fall out of the bed and I sung to them and as I did the 3 of them fell to sleep and I watched them all night and then finally Milla woke up and she came over to my and she said because my kids were sleeping oh my god Bella you've had them an all they are lovely and I said yeah they are aren't they and then Milla said what's there names Bella.

I said as I pointed to them well that's Isaac and that's Benjamin but Ben for short and then there's Amber and Milla said they are lovely names Bella and I said thanks Milla and then I yawned and Milla say me and she said Bella why don't you go over to my bed and get some rest and I'll watch over them and I said ok thanks a lot Milla and she said no problem Bella you my sister and these little things are my nephews and my little nieces mad I said well anyway thank you and then I got up off of the bed and Milla took my exact place and then I went over to Milla's bed and I lied down and I got some rest for the rest of the night.

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