Chapter 6

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Bella's pov

It took me and Milla 3 days to get home even with me in wolf form and when we got back to forks I ran into the woods and I sat down so Milla could get off of my back and when she did I phased back to my human and I put the clothes on that Jane gave me and then I looked at Milla and I saw she was staring at my stomach and so I looked down at it and I saw it was bigger again right now I looked about 6 months pregnant so I started to cry and Milla said we need to get to Sam he can help you Bella and I said yeah I know let's go and so I stopped crying and Milla took my hand and we went into town and I paid for a taxi and Milla asked it to take us to the reservation in la push and the taxi man said ok love and he drove us home.

As we got onto the reservation I started getting terrible pains in my stomach and I cried out and Milla looked at me and she said scared Bella what's wrong and I held my hand to my stomach and I said sore it's really sore and Milla said it ok we are nearly there and I said ok Milla thank you sis and she said your welcome sis and then I just laughed and I realised she took my mind off of the pain because I wasn't sore anymore so I removed my hand from my stomach and I said to the taxi man can you please hurry up and he said sure ma'am and he drove faster and about 5 minutes later we arrived at the reservation and the taxi stopped and I paid him and me and Milla got out of the car and The taxi drove away and I said ok Milla follow me and Milla said ok Bella and so I took us to Sam's house and when we got there I used my hearing and I heated the whole pack talking so I took a deep breath and I said Milla knock the door and she said ok and knocked Sam's door

A couple of minutes later the door opened and I saw that it was Paul that answered the door and he said Bella what happened you look terrible and I said I need to talk to Sam Paul and Paul said come in and so me and Milla walked in and Paul said he's in the kitchen Bella and I said ok and me and Milla both walked into the kitchen and as we did Sam turned and saw me and he said oh my god Bella what happened to you and I started crying and I ran over to him and I hugged him and he hugged me back and he said Bella sweetie sit down and tell us what happened and so I let go of him and I saw Jacob stand up and he said here Bella take this chair and so I said thanks Jacob and I sit down still crying.

I said first of all Sam this is Milla our sister as I pointed at Milla and Sam said hi Milla nice to meet you and Milla said you too Sam I missed you and Sam said I did too and then I said the man that took me wasn't daddy once we got to were he was taking me he said mommy and daddy was dead and that Milla was the only other family left and then I started crying and then finally after a while of being locked up and when they brought Milla in and I saw how bad she was I flipped and once I denied being apart of there pack they were going to kill us and so I phased and Milla got onto my back and we made a run for it and we got out and once we did we went into Volterra and we had something to eat and when we did a boy and girl walked up to us and said that there boss want to talk to us and so of course.

I said no but they wouldn't take no and they knocked me and Milla out and then when I woke up I felt some one on top of me and so I looked down and when I did I saw the boy was on top of me and he was raping me but I couldn't move and he kept on doing it and when he was done I was brought to a room were there was 3 kings and others and I new they were all vampires and I saw Milla tied up and she looked at me and saw the state I was in and I phased and went over and protected her and when I did the man that was in the middle thrown said Bella we are so sorry we upset you my name is Aro and this is Caius and Marcus as he pointed to them and then I calmed down and I phased back I was naked and Aro said Jane dear get our dear Bella here some clothes and Jane said ok master and she walked out the door and a few minutes later she came back into the room with a t-shirt and jeans and gave them to me.

I said thank you and put them on me and then as I put the t-shirt on I realised that there was a bump in my stomach and I turned to Milla and she gasped and said Bella what's that and I said I don't know but I'm scared and then Aro said that Bella is a baby and so I got freaked and I told Milla to get on my back and so I phased and then she got on and we ran until we got to here but Sam I'm scared this baby is growing fast and I'm getting pains everywhere and Sam huffed and looked at Jacob and Jacob nodded his head and Sam said Bella there is this doctor in the woods of forks and he deals with this kind of stuff and Milla said well good get him here then and Jared said Milla it's not that easy and I said why not and Sam said because Bella, Milla he is a vampire and we have a treaty with them we can't go on there land and they can't come on ours and I said no no freaking way is a vampire coming near me it was a vampire that did this to me and Milla said Bella what other choice do we have he knows how to deal with this and I said no Milla no way.

Milla looked at Sam and she said Sam come on if we don't get her help she will die the baby is half wolf, half vampire it will be too strong for her and I've only got you both back I don't want to lose neither of you and Sam said fine I'll call him and let the family on the land for this only and Milla said thank you Sam and Sam got his phone out and dialled the number and I got off of the chair and almost fell until Quil caught me and I said thanks Quil and then I walked over to Sam and I said no no Sam don't and I tried to pull the phone off of him but as I did a pain came in my stomach again and I fell to the ground and screamed out its so sore and Milla said as she got down to the ground and put me head in her lap right Sam that's it phone that doctor now she's getting worse.

I said through the pain no Sam please I don't want a vampire near me and Sam said Bella I'm sorry I'm the oldest of both of you and I'm doing this it's for the best and Sam dialled the number in again and I listen even though I was in pain and on the 3rd ring a man answered and he said Dr Cullen speaking and Sam said hi Carlisle it's Sam here and the doctor said yes Sam how can I help you and Sam said um I need you to come over to the reservation.

Carlisle said um sure Sam but may I ask why your letting us on you land and Sam said sure Bella one of my sister was raped by a vampire and he got her pregnant and because she is a wolf and he was a vampire the baby is growing faster than normal and she's in a lot of pain because of it and the doctor said ok Sam I'll be right over and Sam said ok thanks Carlisle and he hung up and Sam looked at me and he said Bella what else did the vampires say.

Milla said they said they would be back in 10 years for her baby and Sam said oh well they won't get it we will stop them and the pack all said yeah no way anyone is getting this baby and I again screamed out in pain and Milla said oh please doctor hurry up and just then there was a knock on the front door so Embry walked over to the door and he opened the door and there was 7 people standing there.

Embry said said in and so the 7 of them walked in and I saw a man looking at me and I knew he was the doctor and he walked over to me and he said you must be Bella and I said yes it really hurts and Carlisle said I know I'll stop the pain but you have to trust me ok and I said ok and Carlisle took an injection out of his doctor bag and I said wait what is that and he said its a pain relief.

I said ok and so he injected me with it and then just like that the pain went away and I stopped crying and I said thank you and he said your welcome Bella and he looked at Sam and he said I'll have to keep an eye on her with the baby being half vampire, half wolf she could give birth any day now and Sam said ok thank you doctor and then Milla said Carlisle is Bella going to be ok and Carlisle said she should be the baby is fast growing so the faster we get the baby out the faster this will be done with.

I said will I die giving birth Carlisle and Carlisle said no Bella your a wolf so the wolf in you will protect you while your giving birth and I said thanks Carlisle and then I sat up and Milla help me onto a chair and Jacob said Sam what will we do will the Cullen's stay or leave and come back and Sam looked at Carlisle and he said you can stay until after Bella gives birth but then you have to leave and obey the treaty again.

Carlisle and the other Cullen's all said sure Sam or ok Sam and then I said Sam I'm tired and Sam said ok Bella you and Milla should get to bed anyway it's late and Milla said ok Sam and I said can someone help me upstairs please and Jacob said I will and Milla walked upstairs and them Jacob lifted me up in his arms off of the chair I was on and he brought me up to mine and Milla's room and he put me into my bed and I said thank you Jacob and he said your welcome and he left my room and I pulled the blankets over me and I said goodnight Milla and she said night Bella and then we both went to sleep.

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