Chapter 9

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Bella's pov

When we got there the Volturi was already there and so all the wolves phased except me because I had to talk to them and then everyone started making lines like the Volturi did and the vampires was behind the wolves and I was in front of everyone and as I was getting into my place I used my wolf hearing and I heard Aro say well well Bella you have made friends and I said yeah well what do you expect when you threaten the lives of my sons and only daughter and Aro said yeah well they belong with their father after all and I said no there father is right here with me and then Edward walked up to me and then Aro said oh you have got to be kidding me your imprint is Edward oh make me laugh and I said shut up at least he didn't fucking rape me asshole and Alec said fuck you Bella I want my fucking kids.

I said yeah well you aren't getting them I've had them for 10 years and I'm not going to give them up now so that you lot can turn them into murders and Aro just said oh yeah and what are you going to do fight us and Edward said well what do you think dick they is like 13 wolves and like 20 vampire here that out numbers you by like 10 and Aro said oh very good Edward smart as well.

I said Aro will you leave her and never return to take my kids and Aro said well let me think about this um um um NO and I said right fair enough and then I shouted ATTACK and everyone ran for the Volturi and as they did I phased and ran for them to but I went straight for Aro and I looked and saw Edward going straight for Alec and so when I got to Aro he fought me and I fought him for at least 15 minutes until finally I won and I killed him and ripped him into pieces with my wolf and then Emmett burned him and then I looked over to Edward.

I saw he was in trouble so I howled and I ran over to him and when I got there I grabbed Alec and then that aloud Edward to rip him apart and when he did he sat him on fire and then after that I went and killed others and then I saw Caius and I went and killed him and then I looked around and I saw Jane so I ran over to her and fought with her and then finally I ripped her apart and again emmet burnt the piece and then I looked over to my right and I saw Edward killing Marcus and then after about 3 hours of fighting them all and killing them all the fight was over and only 3 vampires from our side died none of the wolves or the Cullen's died and that I was so glad of my brother, sister, my pack family, my husband and his family was still alive and so me and the other wolves all phased back and put our clothes on and then I looked around and I said thank god.

Everyone said yeah I know and then I said ok I better go get my kids and Edward said yeah I'm coming with you and I said sure ok and then I said as I looked at everyone of the pack and the Cullen's and the other vampires you can all go home it's fine now everyone is dead it's safe and then the other vampires said ok and they left and went back to there homes and then the Cullen's said we are going hunting guys we will see you back home and the wolves said sure and then Alice looked at Edward and she said coming Edward and Edward said no I'm going to get my kids and Alice said ok and then the Cullen's left and I said as I looked at my brother and sister and the pack go home guys me and Edward will be back and they all said ok Bella.

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