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Chapter 6: Cousin

Amren's POV

Mor knew. I could tell by the way she was biting her lip. So when I got bored, I claimed I wanted some fresh air. All of them decided to go with me, but we soon all went our separate ways; all 3 of the Illyrians decided to go to the training grounds, while Mor and I tracked down Eralyn. Turns out she was also near the training grounds, so we casually, nonchalantly, tagged along with them.

The grounds were much different from Illyrian camps, but the training was just as tough. Az had said that the queen had two armies: a human one and a Fae one. The Fae army resides in Doranelle, trained by a fierce warrior named Lorcan. Her human army is trained by her cousin, Aedion, who pointed a sword at my throat earlier.

When we entered the barracks dining halls, it was extremely loud. It smelt of meat, sweat, and beer, which was typical. The hall had tons of hardwood tables that had tons of beefy men sitting on them. The real thrill to be seen there was Eralyn, standing proudly on a table in the center, along with the wolfman Fenrys, and Aedion. Apparently, the reason for this "celebration" was the return of Eralyn from the Fae realm. Interesting, I thought. Both males were roaring of the feast that the men had devoured, and Eralyn was roaring of how great Terrasen, the queen, and her armies are. At some point, a fight broke out on the side and rapidly spread across like wildfire. The three just laughed before both males joined the fight. Eralyn looked the room and caught our presence. Cassian, to his credit, punched his fist in the air and joined the fight. Eralyn laughed heartily before jumping into the fight as well. Mor was hesitant at first but soon joined in, while the rest of us stood back and watched. Unsurprisingly, the last ones standing were Eralyn, Aedion, Fenrys, Cassian, and Mor. Eralyn eased out of her fighting position when she noticed no more were coming her way. She snapped her fingers and all the humans were standing, clean, and without bruises or cuts. It was like the fight never happened, and the rest of the army went about their own obligations. Eralyn and both blonde males shared a collective chuckle before she joined Mor because Cassian went off with the general. Az, remembering the tension between Mor and me from before, stalked off with Rhysand toward both generals and the other blonde male. Azriel and I made eye contact before I faced Mor and Eralyn who had appeared in front of me, discussing the mini battle that broke out beforehand but stopped their conversation as I diverted my attention to them.

I asked Eralyn to take us to a private place. When she snapped her fingers, we landed in a room that looked like a sitting room. She walked over to one of the couches after getting herself something to drink and plopped down on it. I shielded the room, while Mor watched her like a hawk, but she eventually spoke. "Why don't you go back home?"

Eralyn looked at me and I just shrugged. She sighed. "Because I am afraid to face what awaits me there. Besides, I have made my imprint here. I am needed here."

Mor's lip trembled. "How do you know you're not needed at home?"

Eralyn's laugh was bitter. "It has been almost 500 years. If I'm still needed there, then that empire must've has fallen already."

"What if you ever saw your family again?"

Eralyn's piercing eyes flew to Mor, who was having a very hard time keeping her composure. "Why do you ask such things?"

"Because as your cousin, I think I have a right to know why you didn't come back to me, to us." Eralyn's eyes went wide and Mor let the tears run down her face. Eralyn stood from the couch she'd gone stiff on and Mor crashed into her.

Mor's POV

It was heartbreaking to hear that from her, but then again, didn't Feyre feel the same way?

I dashed to her and hugged her tightly. I cried my eyes out because I kept seeing the images of those wings, the sorrow in Rhysand's, Cassian's, and Azriel's eyes, and the way Rhysand looked after he killed Tamlin's brother. Eralyn and Amren didn't say a word as I tried to grasp reality. When I finally pulled back, I faced teary violet eyes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and I wiped her tears. I couldn't be mad at her because I have reasons just like hers. Amren cleared her throat.

"This reunion is beautiful and all, but what are we going to do about those Illyrian idiots?" Eralyn sighed, but I just said, "I was thinking we just tell-"

"NO!" I was cut off by Eralyn. I looked at her questioningly. She sighed again. "I... I'm not ready to tell Rhysand... because I...," she looked at me sternly, "because I'm not ready yet." She was still stubborn. "If Azriel or Cassian figure it out, then I'll talk to them, but not Rhysand. I don't think I can face him for a while."

I cupped her face in my hands. "I'm just glad you're alive." Her smile was brighter than the stars back in the Night Court. By the Mother, she looked so much like Rhysand. I think he might recognize her before she has a chance to gather her strength to face him. I hugged her once again and savored it. She was here and she was alive.

Eralyn's POV

I missed her so much, and I was so glad she remembered me. I almost sobbed when she understood that I couldn't face Rhysand. She was going to stand by me no matter what. Oh, how I missed that aspect of family, but they were here now and they needed me. I had a purpose.


Mor pulled out of the embrace and looked at me lovingly, and I was about to speak when two shadows crashed into view. I tensed up, but the mist only revealed two Illyrians. I whipped my head to Amren because she was the one that shielded the room.

"Why did you let them in?" Amren shrugged but I got an answer from Cassian.

"We heard the entire thing, and although my instincts are roaring at me to roar at you, I can't help but..." He was speechless, so he enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. I didn't mind and I hugged him back with all my might.

"I missed you." That was all he said to finish his sentence, but it was enough. This mighty warrior was who I looked to when Rhysand wasn't there. I loved him fiercely as my own brother, and it seems Rhysand did too.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt tears on my shoulders. I always found it hard to believe that a beefy looking man was soft on the inside. I missed that about him.

His hug wasn't as long as Mor's because Azriel was there. Approaching him was almost a nerve-wracking as facing Rhysand, but Az didn't say anything but hold me in his arms. I missed this shadow singer who still flew even though everyone said differently. I think it was the memory of him that made me want to survive and live in this world. He was deadly but silent and fiercely loyal. He was always a brother to me.

Az didn't shed a tear but the relief and happiness in his eyes were enough that I might've thrown up right then and there. I looked at his hands when he pulled away and held them tightly. I then backed away and looked at them together.

My family.

My family.

Az finally said something when Mor jumped playfully on me again.

"Do you want to tell what happened?" His voice was gentle, soothing, and... inviting, but I still shook my head. Mor pulled away as I explained myself.

"I'd rather not relive those moments of terror, but I'll tell you someday when the time is right." And I almost burst into tears when they nodded their heads understandingly, without pity, and hugged me once again.

My family.

"Can you see it, brother?"



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