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Chapter 8: Density

Eralyn's POV

To spare me from having to fly in Rhysand's arms, Mor went with him instead, while I flew with Cassian. He was the last to launch, and it gave me space to whisper my pain and happiness to him.

"It looks so much more beautiful than I imagined it," He tightened his arms around me, but I wasn't going to cry. "During those... less savory years, I think it was me imagining this place, wanting to see it again, that got me through it." He didn't dare ask what I meant by 'less savory'. He, instead, gave me a bit of the past to me as well.

"Rhysand killed them," I knew what, who, he meant. "Az and I wanted to go, but it was so much more personal to them that we didn't dare ask. When Rhys came back, he was a High Lord."

I clutched his jacket tighter. I felt Father die, but at that time... I never did pay respects.

We landed at the Town House, and it took everything I was not to burst into tears for the 30th time. Countless memories were made here, and that gaping hole in me grew wider.

Too much, I was feeling too much. The number of things here... I was literally standing in the past. And it was killing me. I needed to run, jump, sprint, winnow, anything. I needed to go somewhere, to leave. I was trapped in the living memory of what I turned my back on.

Cassian hadn't put me on the ground yet, one word from me and he'd take me far, far away. He looked at me with waiting eyes. I took a shaky breath and shook my head. He seemed skeptical, but did so anyway, staying close to me just in case I changed my mind. I suddenly had the urge to vomit.

The others, who had arrived first, were settled either in the front room or in the nearby kitchen. With a look from Mor, Rhys cleared his throat. Amren looked very amused.

"This is where I and my court reside. If you wish to know where your room is, it is down the hall and 4 doors to the left." A spare most likely, but it still made me wish if there were other members of the Court of Dreams that I didn't know.

I only nodded my head, as I scanned the house. It had the worn love look to it was what truly warmed my heart. Sensing their stares on me, I walked over to a spot next to Mor, who was trying not to cringe at the situation.

"Tell me the story," my voice clear, ringing, ready for work. "I know all of you just came back from being through a portal, which can be fatiguing, but your High Lady is in very dangerous hands, and we need to act as soon as possible." All of them nodded their heads understandingly and Rhys took a big breath.

I barely breathe the entire time. This strong, selfless male, who felt he wasn't enough because he thought he lost the most important people in his life already, and wouldn't let it happen again. He thought. I had to resist the urge to get up and punch the wall. I did this.

I did this...


The story weighted down on me, but his eyes are what made me want to grovel on my knees in front of him and ask for forgiveness. I noticed Azriel watching my fisted hands.

When he finished telling the story of that wretched blonde idiot, the king, and Jurian, Amren explained what I would be sent in to do.

"Basically, you are an assassin from an unidentified court, the High Lord you work for angered Feyre took his power. Tamlin," I blinked as she said his name verbally because Rhysand only described him as 'prick', "is holding a ball to welcome the arrival of two Hybern royals and Jurian, as Feyre has informed us. You are to go in as one of the many who were invited and escape with Feyre. You will bring her back to the Night Court, but we will frame it as if we saved her from your torture." I soaked up all the information and sat there, blankly. I'm the assassin... oh, the irony.

I looked up to look at all of them dead in the eye, "When do I leave?"

Cassian spoke this time, "In three days. We were planning to give you five days to prepare, but with the full-day portal policy... it just didn't work out." I nodded understandingly before opening my mouth again, looking to Az this time.

"I'll need a map of... this Spring Court, and one of this court. I'll also need reports of guard post and recent reports on what's currently going on down there." Az nodded sternly and Cassian spoke up again with a smile I knew was bad news. He folded his arms cockily.

"Before you talk with Az, I'll need to see how well you fight, if I need to teach you some Illyrian fighting styles." Amren snorted and we looked at her, completely forgetting she was in the room.

"When she knocks you on your ass, Cassian, don't come crying." All of them, except Amren, looked to me, wanting me to prove her statement.

My smile turned saccharine, "They don't call me the most powerful Fae female for no reason." I stood while I said it, and Cassian mirrored the movement. We were face to face in mere seconds. "I had a general like you train me, let's see how much I've learned."

Cassian had a challenger gleam in his eye as he said, "You know what? How about we go at it right now?" I didn't object, but Mor sprang between us.

"How about we do that tomorrow? Eralyn's right, you're going to feel tired and you won't be able to spar at full strength. Wait until tomorrow." Mor moved out of the way between us, as Cass and I shook hands, a silent promise.

"Seven in the morning?"

"We'll see." He just grunted at my reply. I tore my eyes away from Cassian to see Azriel with an amused smile. I winked at him.

Rhys started to move toward the dining table. "Well, for all I care, you two can go have it out on the roof, but I haven't eaten in a while so I'll be over here." All of them went, deeming that to be the wiser choice, but I... This was my first dinner with all of them. By Mala, this day is going to drive me insane, but it was almost done, and then I could go puke my guts up.


The dining area was cozy and smelt of food that I couldn't eat. Amren knew that too, so she took the liberty to sit next to me. The food certainly smelt delicious and was practically begging me to eat it, all of it. I may have a habit of eating too much.

Having some self-restraint, I just stared at it and sipped my wine, before I took the time to scoop minuscule amounts of everything on my plate. Amren casually sipped her goblet of blood as well, and the others stopped shoveling food onto their plates to notice that I didn't have much food on mine. Mor grimaced.

"Please don't tell me you drink blood like Amren." I almost spit out my wine that would have landed all over Cassian. Amren chuckled as I wiped my mouth with my hand.

"Unfortunately, she hasn't been around me that long to pick up that habit," I shot a glare at her, that earned me a chuckle from Rhys, "She just knows she eats too much and doesn't want to look like a pig."

This time it was Azriel who asked, "So you don't eat all?"

I sighed, "I do eat normal food, but its never filling for me. If I were to eat this food right now, I'd eat myself into oblivion, and end up looking like a bloated whale. I want to avoid that, by all means."

Cassian raised a brow, "So what is filling for you?" I scratched the back of my head. Was I self-conscious?

Amren answered Cass's question for me, "Magic. The only filling thing for her in the world of magic is magic." The rest of them openly gaped at me. I chuckled.

"Imagine someone attacking you with magic, in the sense where you could see the magic physically," I said, trying to explain it to them, as if they were little children, "If I ate it, I would get an energy boost. It's almost as if you're stealing their magic and using it to give you an advantage because then I'd have their magic and my magic to defeat them." They nodded their heads, looking at me in awe, letting that sink in. They resumed eating thereafter and talked amongst themselves, while I and Amren talked about the most useless of things because I had sucked up all the food on my plate in record time. That's when Az remembered something.

"Amren, didn't you say that Eralyn could help in decoding the Book?" I was confused at first, but then remembered back to our conversation before dinner. It was called the Book of Breathings. A way to nullify the powerhouse Cauldron. I snapped back into reality as Amren replied.

"Yes, she can." She turned to me sighing, "So- are you still fluent in the Old Language from your world?" I nodded my head. "Well, the Book of Breathings is in that language, and it would be helpful if you helped decode it." I laughed.

"What is it that I hear?," The others started grinning. "Is the mighty Amren asking for my help?" she 'harrumphed' and looked away crossing her arms. I smiled. "I'd be happy to help," I said to the others, and out of the corner of my eye, Amren's lips tugged upward.


Rhysand's POV

I was seeing through someone else's eyes. It was blurry at first, but the cleared up to reveal... blood, and lots of it.

I was on a battlefield, twin swords in hand, slaughtering one after the other. Six other males, I identified as Rowan, Gavriel, Lorcan, Fenrys, Connall, and Vaughan was also slaughtering their way through the enemy's army. I was the deepest into the bloodbath and was so close to the general's tent. There I could steal the war plans, and end this.

The image swirled and I was standing in front of a woman I knew as Maeve. I was in slave rags and smelled of salt, sweat, and blood. She was grinning at me, like a new toy.

She spoke to me as such, explaining that if I worked for her, I could be given better conditions than a slave camp. I knew what she wanted, but I accepted anyway. This queen was known for knowing otherworldly things. If I played my cards right, I might get what I need to go back home.

I jolted awake. I reached instantly for the female who wasn't next to me... damn it. I rubbed at my face. I was having dreams about a woman again.

Impossible, I thought. I already have a mate. I sighed.

I got out of bed, threw on some clothes, and winnowed out onto the roof.

It was so quiet, inviting, and peaceful, I almost missed her. She was sitting on a ledge, swinging her legs carelessly. Her arms were behind her, holding her up, and her head was upturned, to the stars.

Such awe was on her face she looked at them, and such longing. It reminded me of my sister. Both vanished as I stepped into view.

"This is what we are truly known for. Its name is Velaris, the City of Starlight. It is hidden to the rest of the world to protect it from others who have a hatred of me, and might want to strike where I'm weakest." Eralyn nodded her head understandingly. Pain now lingered in her eyes, and I wondered what I said wrong.

She has her head uptilted as she said, "Never in my five hundred years have I ever seen an aristocrat do something so selfless."

I chuckled at her statement, "I assume you've seen many then." I sat down next to her as she threw me an incredulous look.

"Don't say it like that, it makes me seem old." Both of us were grinning now. There was something in the air between us that made us very relaxed next to each other. As if we met before, long ago. Some gaping hole inside me was tingling.

And for some reason, I blurted it out before I could think about it, "I had a sister," she froze, "She was innocence in this world, but her life was ended too early."

She sighed and clenched her fingers, looking away from me, "Why are you telling me this?"

I sighed, "I know it sounds very ridiculous, but you remind me of her very much." Her face went blank and her hands went slack.

Her voice was unsteady as she said, "You remind me of my brother."

"Is he dead?"

"I don't know..." My heart pounded at that for some reason.

"Amren said you could go back, to your homeworld. Why didn't you?"

Her head dropped a bit. "I'm afraid of what awaits me there. I'm also afraid to face him."


"I did some things that...," she sighed and looked at the stars, eyes full of pain. "I slaughtered and murdered tons of innocents. Wiped cities off maps without a second thought." Her dead eyes slid to mine. "You protected your city, but I selfishly did those things so I could be fed and have a roof over my head. I'm afraid to think what my brother would think of me."

I knew that feeling. It was the same feeling I felt when Feyre hadn't yet accepted the mating bond. The feeling that you were the bad guy. The feeling that you weren't enough.

I also looked to the stars as I said, "I know what that's like. All of us in this court actually feel that way. It's something that's been hounding after for a long time. If anything, you'll fit right in."

She chuckled at that and smiled brighter than the Day Court. That sound... I've heard it before.

Have you sent someone else to replace you, sister?

Eralyn's POV

After dinner, all of them retired to their rooms, all feeling the effects of the portal working into their system. I've been in tons of portals, so the effects didn't wear on me as much. I decided I'd go out and look out at the stars. I surprisingly didn't have the urge to vomit as I said to myself repeatedly the entire day.

After talking with Rhysand, I did. It became so much for me, that I barely made it to the toilet.

Gods, I should tell him. Or better yet, if he suspects it, he should just say it.

I wiped my mouth and stared at my face in the mirror.

I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive this, but I made a mental note to gut Amren out. In the process, she might kill me, and then I'll finally be dead.


The next day, I surprisingly got up an hour before I was supposed to meet with Cassian. I dressed in what I brought from my realm: a simple dyed- black spider silk pants and a loose-fitting half sleeve white top. I shoved my feet in my plainer brown boots while braiding my hair back.

When I got to the kitchen, only Amren, Azriel, and Cassian were present, but they looked tired as hell.

Cassian smiled upon seeing me. I felt a shield go back over the door I just went through. Amren looked innocent.

Cassian still had that smirk as he said, "I heard you and Rhysand were out on that roof to last night."

I glared at him, "I'm trying to resist the urge to hurl my guts up, so just shut up." Amren chuckled and Azriel smiled. I felt the shield diminish.

Cassian cracked his knuckles, "So, ready for the training ring today?"

Amren perked up to say, "I'm looking forward to seeing you knocked on your ass Cassian. Maybe she'll teach you to keep your mouth shut." Cassian barked a laugh.

Rhysand chuckled as he walked in the door, "Don't start the fight without us. I wouldn't miss it for the world." That earned him a playful snarl from Cassian. Mor walked in behind Rhys, looking like the walking dead, which we teased her about over breakfast.


The sun was beating down on the ground when we all went outside to the ring. After this, Az and I would go and discuss the 'boring' part of the mission, as stated by Cassian.

Benches were set up by the side and flanked the rather large training ring. Our audience took a seat there.

Cassian cracked his neck as he spoke, "So, I say we do two rounds. One with weapons, and one without."

I nodded, "Which first?"

Cassian chuckled, "As a guest of honor, I believe that you should pick."

"Then let's do no weapons first."

He nodded and got into a defensive position. I merely took my hands out of my pockets and waited. Cassian let out an amused snort as he charged right for me.

I slid to the left, easily dodging his attack, but Cassian seemed to anticipated this, and parried, striking toward my abdomen. Since that was a typical move, I grabbed his hand, stepped on his foot, and used my other arm to elbow him in the ribs. Because I flung all my force into it, he stumbled a little before circling me again. Amren chuckled.

I cracked my neck, "Come on, general, stop going easy on me just because I'm a female." I heard Mor holler in agreement. I thought it would take his focus off, but he stayed looking me in the eye.

I dived down to knock him off balance with my leg, but he easily dodged. I immediately pounced up, and we struck at each other. Each hit was blocked, and I honestly thought we were just going to keep doing this until one of us tired out, but, to my advantage, when he dodged my attack, I touched his wings. The reaction was slight, but I saw it flash in his eyes; the grimace was undeniable. I smirked. I sometimes forgot I was Illyrian too. It was a dirty trick to mess with his wings, but the area around them where they touched the skin of a person's back was sensitive as well. I would strike there.

I swept under his arm when he struck again, getting behind him. I pushed with all my might in the space in between his massive, sensitive wings. He landed on his hands and flipped himself over. I then took the opportunity to end this fight and jumped on him. I straddled him with my legs, and put my forearm right on his Adam's apple. Close as lovers were what we were, but Cassian gave me one of the most savage smiles I've ever seen and said,

"I thought you didn't see it, but it seems you're a fast learner."

I returned that smile, "I'm full of surprises." I got off him and offered him a hand which he took. When both of us were standing, clapping sounds could be heard from Amren, Mor, and Rhysand, while Azriel smiled his ass off.

Amren was grinning widely, "I told you, you Illyrian fool. If anything, she needs to teach you a few things." Cassian only grunted.

When we were by the weapons rack, Cassian let the quite surprise show. The awe on his face when he looked at me was so much that I mouthed, 'later'. I'd explain my fighting skills later.

Cassian grabbed for a sword, and I'd chosen two knives. Illyrian knives. I blew out a steady breath. How long has it been since I ever held one of these knives? The earring, necklace, and anklet I was wearing seemed to grow heavy. Cassian gave me an understanding look before he wiped the emotion off his face and loudly announced the next round.

"Alright Eralyn, let's see how skilled you were in weapons training."

I raised my brow, "You know, I fought in a lot of wars and campaigns, each one bloodier than the last."

Once again, the quite surprise showed in his eyes, but he covered it up by smirking and getting into a fighting stance. I mirrored the action.

"Well then, let's see how well you fought." And with that, he pounced.

I swiftly blocked him with both hands, flinging him past me. I turned and clashed with him again. This time he kept his wigs out of my reach, so, as I dodged, I tried to find another weakness. When I realized that I couldn't find any, I knew I had to do this the hard way.

I purposely left my abdomen area open, so when he struck for it, I knew this battle was already over. I clashed one of my knives against his sword as he struck, and it flew halfway across the room. Disarmed by me, he tried to rely on his physical strength, but I was too fast, having already anticipated this. I swung around to the back of him and placed one blade on the column of his neck, and the other, point facing his left abdomen side. He flung his hands up in surrender. I chuckled and released, as he thereafter fixed his wings.

"Well, that was unexpected, but you fight well Eralyn. I trust you to bring my High Lady back." I nodded once and shook his hand firmly. A promise to answer his plea.

This time, we weren't greeted by clapping hands when we faced the audience, but by hanging heads. The aura around Rhys seemed to grow darker.

Cassian said softly, "Rhys," the mentioned lifted his head up slightly in acknowledgment, "it's time to visit the house." The House of Wind, I remembered, held the two other Archeron sister. It seemed they were going to check up on them.

Mor smiled at me in congratulations for whipping Cassian's behind, but I didn't return it. My eyes were focused on the High Lord who hung his head in shame, in guilt. Mor lightly squeezed my shoulder, as she continued to make her way to Cassian, who would fly her to the house with them.

As Rhys passed me, I muttered quietly, "I'll get her back." He halted for a heartbeat before he blasted into the skies, Mor and Cassian the following suit.

His head hung as he flew, but his eyes almost mirrored mine. The emotion there was enough to last a person centuries. It seemed his court gave him hell even before I came.

I sighed and faced Azriel, Amren going to pour over the book. He guided me toward a library. It was much smaller compared to the grand ones in Terrasen, but it undoubtedly had plenty of valuable information in it.

Az lead me to the back of the library, where papers were already stacked.

The various reports were very helpful and the maps gave me a good feel of what the Spring Court looked like.

I pointed to a place on the map, "Here would be best for me to go in. From there, I would winnow to the manor. Since invitations are needed, Feyre will be up front and will vouch for me. Now to back it up a little, I'll have Mor winnow me in and break the wards because if I did it, it'd be quite obvious. When I get in, Tamlin's eye will be on me, and his sentries will be on guard. So, when he's distracted, I'll hold the minds of his guards, and winnow Feyre and I out, leaving a note behind. Simple, easy, done. Honestly, Tamlin's a fool to have a ball when Feyre will most likely get taken."

Azriel's lips tugged up as he leafed through some papers, "They figured that the Night Court wouldn't dare, but, yes, Tamlin is a fool." His smile faded as well as his voice as he said, "You're going into the house of the family that killed your mother and took your wings," I winced, "what are you going to do to him?"

I was quiet for a long moment, then I said, "My priority is to retrieve Feyre. my time for vengeance is for later. That what I was taught." my voice broke as I said it, and Az just nodded his head.

We both fell silent as he watched me read through some more reports. Az, to his credit, sensed the tension, and said softly,

"Where did you learn to fight like that?"

I sighed through my nose, "I was found and forced to train by a queen much like this Amarantha you speak of, except I served her for three hundred years. I had various trainers, in which I all killed because my power was too strong. The one who managed to live is now the general of the Fae armies back there. He trained me thoroughly because he didn't want me to experience what happens when you fail a mission."

He asked so quietly, my Fae ears strained to catch it, "Did you ever fail?"

"I did. She sent me to kill a child. I refused."

When I finally looked at him, I noticed him looking at the small scars on my hands, "How many wars did you fight in?"

"I don't know... I lost count."

"I'm sorry... you had to go through all that."

I said tightly, "Don't waste your breath on apologizing for something I deserved."

He didn't say anything back.


The next day, I went over my plan with the rest of them, telling Rhys what to tell Feyre mind to mind. They all agreed to my plan, and Mor agreed to winnow me in, knowing I didn't want to go with Rhysand.

The day went by pretty fast actually, Cassian told me that Az told him about the conversation yesterday. He didn't dwell on the Tamlin part as much, but more on how skilled I am. To his credit, he did well to distract me.

At lunch, I felt much more relaxed around them, although I was a little tense with Rhys. We went over the plan once again, an anxious Rhys eager to get his mate back, no matter how hard he tried to mask it. I... felt warm for once. Most people think that me being cold is just a mask. At times it is, but others... it's just me feeling lonely.

We laughed and enjoyed each other's company until it struck an hour before the ball.

I gulped as everyone started to disperse. I rubbed my temples as I said, "Uh, guys," they all looked to me, even Amren, who started chuckling, "I've haven't worn a dress in a long time. "

Mor and Cassian gaped, Rhys and Az chuckled, and Amren openly laughed.

Mor looked horrified, "How can you possibly be a female and not wear a dress?"

I shrugged, taking my hands off my temples, "I don't know. They aren't really my style."

Cassian grinned like a proud dad, "Now that's a dedicated soldier." I just rolled my eyes.

Mor shook her head and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my room, "Your coming with me."

Cassian cupped his mouth and said loudly, "GOOD LUCK!" I have him a vulgar gesture that had him howling, and faced Mor as she pulled me into my room.


I swear I've never spent this long in my room dressing. By the end, Mor decided to go with turquoise, half- sleeved, drop- backed gown. I was disgusted. Not only did it have a pink bow in the back, but it was light colored. I've only ever worn dark colored clothing.

Mor pushed me on to the vanity. And lightly colored my cheeks with pink. I scowled and she chuckled. She also painted my lips pink and lined my eyes with kohl. She reached to remove the single wing earring in my left ear, but I covered it with my hand. She crossed her arms.

"You can't have a single earring, it doesn't look well with the outfit." I still shook my head. She sighed through her nose and unfolded her hands to remove my cross necklace. I put my other hand over that. She gave me an exasperated look, "What-"

"When I landed in that world, all I had was a bloody back and an Illyrian dagger. I kept it with me. It wasn't until later did I have a blacksmith make three different pieces of jewelry. This anklet," I stuck my left foot out and the jewelry glistened, "This is a monument of my father." The anklet had three stars hanging from it, representing the Night Court. I gestured to my necklace. "This is for my mother. She sacrificed herself so I could run." I saw Mor gulp as she said,

"The earring is for Rhysand, isn't it?"

I nodded my head. She loosened a breath and touched my necklace, cradled it.

"Whenever you're ready to talk about it, you can always talk to me."

She embraced me and my answering squeezed rivaled hers.

So when I walked out of that room, I held my head high and readied to rescue my High Lady.

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