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Chapter 4: Favor

Rhysand's POV

We landed safely on polished marble floors in a grand hallway. It was beautiful in ways you couldn't imagine. It was like the Spring Court manor, but grander, larger and without a blonde mate-stealing prick. My companions had all steadied themselves and began to look in awe at the wonderfully crafted walls, windows, and doors.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" the female named Eralyn said. I studied her, trying my hardest not look into her mind.

Eralyn was a strange creature indeed. She had a certain way in which she carried herself that you wanted to be next to her but stay away all at the same time. It was as if she was everything and nothing at all. But it was her eyes that drove me insane. I'd seen them before, countless times. And the name Eralyn, of all names. I'm starting to wonder if Amren just chose her to torture me because I let Feyre go. I was brought to reality when Amren started speaking.

"Spymaster? You really have worked your way up the ranks, haven't you girl?" Eralyn laughed as she shoved her hands deep into her pockets.

" Yes, it seems that way." Eralyn led us through more glorious halls in complete silence after that sentence. Amren walked beside Eralyn, and although I couldn't feel a conversation exchange between their minds, I could've sworn they were talking with their eyes. Both my brothers, cousin, and I started to feel uncomfortable in the silence, and Mor looked to break it before Eralyn beat her to it. She spoke to all of us, but only Amren deigned to speak back.

"How did you get here?" Her tone wasn't questioning, but it wasn't of knowing either."I used that scrap of paper you gave me long ago with the markings." Eralyn gave her a smirk and Amren just rolled her eyes.

" Well, well, well. If I can correctly recall, an arrogant fool once swore she would never use it." Mor had to cough a bit to cover her giggle, Cassian just outright covered his mouth, and Az and I slightly grinned.

"The matter was important that I could risk being teased for a little while." My face instantly fell and Eralyn nodded a bit before speaking in a more serious tone.

"You opened a portal in which can only open again in the next 24 hours, so you'll need a place to stay overnight." And it would be a while till then since it was high noon. Eralyn led us a little while longer before stopping in front of a carved mahogany door.

"How many rooms will you need?" Amren looked to me as if I was now the commander of this 'little' visit.

"Three would be fine," I said confidently. Wait, why did I need to be confident? Was I nervous just because she carried the same name? She opened the door and snapped her fingers, which changed the one bedded room into three separate bedrooms with their own bathrooms. A lounge in the middle connected them all. Amren strode in like she owned the place, and the rest of us followed suit. Eralyn spoke as we inspected the room as subtly as possible without opening the bedroom doors.

"As the queen said, you have free range of this castle and our lands, but I suggest you stay within the castle if you don't want to draw attention to your wings," she looked pointedly at Az and Cass, "Meanwhile, I have some reports to give to my queen. Maybe after, you could tell me about that favor I'll have no choice but to accept." Her lips were pressed into a tight line as she looked toward Amren who chuckled, and with that, Eralyn left. 


I could hear Cassian loosen a breath of relief. Amren chuckled.

"Scared, Cass?" She prodded and got a snarl in return.

"Something about her makes me uneasy." Amren chuckled.

"I suppose you have your reasons, but yes, Eralyn isn't like the others." All of us have her raised brows, so she continued. "Eralyn is much like me, trapped in another realm she wasn't supposed to be in. The difference between her and me is that she can go back to her world." I raised my brows.

"Why doesn't she go back if she's able to?" Amren sighed.

"She's, oddly enough, afraid to go back and face her family. She's afraid that they wouldn't accept her, because just like you, Rhysand, she did horrible things to ensure the survival of the innocents." She looked at Cassian. "And you probably have a bad feeling about her because Eralyn is only half- Fae. I know the other half, but you probably won't." Cassian snorted and looked toward the glass liquor cabinet and we indulged ourselves in mettle conversations.

Mor's POV

I nervously bit my lip as Amren spoke of Eralyn. Same name, same eyes, it just has to be. Amren cut me a few looks as if she could tell I knew already. I would definitely be talking to Eralyn later.

I missed you, my cousin.

Eralyn's POV

As soon as I closed the door to their room, I winnowed to my washroom and threw up everything I have ever eaten in my entire life into the toilet. I kept heaving and at some point, Fenrys was behind me, holding my hair and rubbing my back, most likely having winnowed in.

I eventually stopped spilling my guts up 15 minutes later, but it didn't stop the tears from coming down. Fenrys, thankfully, held me as I cried because I was feeling as weak as ever. This was the first time I've ever cried since I left my mother with Tamlin's wretched father and brothers. I tried breathing, but it didn't help as I remembered Rhysand's face. It was still flawless, and those violet eyes mirrored mine unfalteringly. My brother.

My brother.

I couldn't believe it. He was here. Along with Cass, Az, and Mor. My family. I was able to see them at last. In a small weak voice, I whispered, "He's here..." Fenrys rubbed my back as he said back, "I know, I know." I sniffled and looked up from where my face was buried in his shoulder."Thank you," I whispered meekly.

He nodded and continued to rub my back as I leaned back on his shoulder, and calmed my self down. My brother.



its 3 am wth

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