Note II

271 17 8

It was another regular work day for him...

Brainstorming to find some proper melody for the new lyrics,

Revising the new songs,

Supervising the recordings, correcting the mistakes, planning the outros and intros, concepts for the new materials....

Yoongi didn't even realise when it became lunchtime.

So here he was sitting in Namjoon's office, waiting for his food delivery while Namjoon looked through the last of his reports.

It didn't take much before it was delivered and they were soon munching on it hungrily.

"Ah.. Hyung.. eating this take out everyday, I suddenly miss Jin hyung's  cooking you know.. "
Namjoon chuckled a bit as he took a spoonful of rice in his mouth.

"Yeah.. these are rare opportunities when you miss that man.. "
Yoongi gave a small smile as he stuffed himself with some meat.

"If he didn't have to go to Japan for that new branch opening,  it would have been easier for us to have home made food. "

Namjoon said as he took a sip of water to ease the food down his throat.

"Exactly, and you guys are so cruel eating without me!"
A deep voice whined as they saw the glass door open, revealing a man taller than Yoongi walking in.

He was handsome even in just simple,casual  clothes as he came and sat next to Yoongi, taking a bite  of his food.

"What is The Kim Taehyung doing here?  Did your shoot get over already? "
Namjoon enquired.

"Ne, it got over so I thought I'll give y'all my precious and handsome company, but turns out you guys were eating without me.. "
He trailed off, giving a pretended pout.

"What's up with this 'precious and handsome' company ?"
Yoongi asked with a  I'm-so-done-with-you face.

"Jin hyung  raised him well"
Namjoon chuckled making everyone laugh, even Yoongi's small laugh was heard while Taehyung laughed loudly, giving his signature rectangle smile.

Taehyung was an established actor under Bighit,  quite popular for his anime like looks and pleasant nature.

"So did she say yes? "
Namjoon's question made Taehyung wear a sudden sad look.

"She is playing hard to get.. "
The boy's voice was disheartening.

Even though he was hooked on to so many celebrity dating rumors, none of them were true and neither was he been interested in any of them that way,

There was only one person he wanted to be with so badly,

Jennie Kim, the beautiful actress who took his heart right from their first drama together.

The audience loved their chemistry so much that they had already done four dramas together, all of them successful all over the country,  mostly thanks to the pair.

Just like the audience he too loved how their chemistry clicked, but this girl played so hard to get that he just didn't know what to do.

Recently she had come back after three months in New Zealand and he asked her out, to which she said she will think for sometime and then reply.

"It's okay, she will come around if she likes you."
Yoongi said in his low voice, taking a bite of the meat.

"Wait!  Did the Ice king Min Yoongi just console me? "
Taehyung said loudly, dramatically widening his eyes and opening his mouth.

He looked ridiculous and Namjoon burst out laughing.

They say that it was really rare for him to show emotions but it wasn't really like that.

He just didn't know how to show them so easily,

Yeah you can say that Yoongi was bad at expressing his emotions, but only physically.

On the paper, it was different story.

His lyrics and melodies could easily penetrate through the coldest hearts ,

A reason why all his songs were hits,

Being away from his mother since he was just thirteen, he always felt a void in him.  Something that prevented him from expressing his feelings properly.

He had had a hard life right from when he was small.

His father left him and his mother penniless, when he was very young.

It was hard for him to see his mother suffer so much to look after him, another reason he left Daegu, telling her that he can look after himself and that she just needs to worry about herself .

Even after that his mother used to come all the way from Daegu to Seoul  every month to check upon him.

He had worked multiple part times and odd jobs to pay for his education and was happy when he could pass out of college with a good profile.

Even through out his hard days, music was his only solace.

It was his passion for music that kept him going on through all his obstacles.

He was living his dream now,

He had achieved his dream. His life goal.

But somehow the satisfaction he expected wasn't felt.

He loved his job of course.

But still deep inside somewhere, there was a void he felt, something that was dragging him down deep.

His reverie was broken by Namjoon.

"Hyung,  are you coming to the club this weekend? "

"Ah yes hyung, you should come, that club is lit. You'll love it "
Taehyung also chimed in.

"Nah,  go to the club with your girlfriends,  not me,  I have other important business to attend to. "
Yoongi tried to dismiss them off.

"Yeah sure like sleeping right? And hyung, our girlfriends, I mean"
Taehyung rephrased his sentence,

"Namjoon hyung's girlfriend and Jennie are already coming, even Kook will be there with Jimin and Rośe . "

Taehyung tried his best puppy eyes to persuade him.

"Yeah.. And maybe you will also get a girlfriend you know..."
Namjoon had a weird look on his face which he claimed was his best imitation of Taehyung's puppy eyes.

It was silent for a while.

Taehyung whined adorably, and so did Namjoon, which surprised Yoongi.

"Arasseo Arraseo.. I'll come. "
He agreed.

"Awww...thats why you are called Lil meow meow .."
Taehyung suddenly said, hugging him by the shoulder.

"Lil meow meow ? What do you mean? "

Yoongi asked confused.

"Aah hyung you don't know? The staff calls you that because you remind them of a cat "

Namjoon said laughing as he cleaned up the table, throwing  the waste.

"Trust me Namjoon, your employees have no other work to do. "
Yoongi said dismissively as he left the room, thanking for the lunch.

I have find some lunch box agency,  or else I'll have to spend my entire life being teased and taunted by these idiots..

Yoongi mentally noted as he left the room.
-to be continued-

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