Note XII

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It had been a month since that day, upon the term end, Yoongi had chosen to have the same chef prepare for him.

Jin was back in the dorm, but Yoongi had insisted on keeping the service. It wasn't just the food, but also those little notes that he kept wanting.

The notes had become a bit more longer.. in the past one month they had known quite a bit about each other, he had got to know that it was a woman who made the delicious lunchboxes,

that she was young, and that she loved music, that she had majored in performing arts, that she had learned cooking from her father, and that she lived alone, liked the soft pastel shades, and that she had another part-time job in a restaurant.

He had somehow found a friend in a very much unconventional way. After all it isn't always that you find someone so relatable through notes, that too kept in lunch boxes.

It wasn't exactly accurate to call them notes, over the time their little notes were now as long as those short letters that were once prominent.

Somehow he felt that these letter were much more genuine than those text messages or calls he had earlier experienced. More than a customer and server, they had built more of a friendship.

"Hyung? You there? "
Taehyung asked as he peeked his head in, checking the office for his hyung.

"Yeah, here. "
Yoongi replied shortly without taking his eyes away from the music sheets he was reviewing.

"Are you getting the lunchbox today as well? "
Taehyung inquired, still at the door, there seemed to be someone standing behind him, yet to be revealed.

"Yeah, I am, why? "
Yoongi still hadn't taken his eyes off the papers in his hands.

"Can we share? Jin hyung prepared a lunch box today, saying it was a practice for some new recipe or something, but that won't be enough for both of us, and I thought it would be good if we could join you? "
Somehow Taehyung's last statement was more if a question as he nervously asked, feeling like a rejection was coming his way.

"K, no problem. "
Yoongi couldn't be more bothered with anything, considering that the papers in his hands were more than anything.

"Ah great hyung, by the way, this is Irene noona. She is the guest I had spoken of"
Taehyung motioned towards a woman standing next to him.
Then turning towards her, he did the same motion saying,
"And Irene noona, this is Yoongi hyung "

That was when Yoongi finally popped up from his table, only to see a petite woman standing next to Taehyung.

Wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans with her hair freely let open , she had a faint smile on her light tinted lips as she looked at the newly introduced man in front of her.

"Hello, Min Yoongi. "
Was all he could say as the usual knock of the delivery boy came, taking up all his attention as the boy came in, keeping the lunch box at the same place before leaving with a bow.

"Shall we? "
Yoongi asked shortly before he himself moved towards the table. It was only when he opened the bag to take the lunch box out, that he realized the letter too would be there.

For some reason, he had kept their notes to each other a little secret from his friends.

It wasn't that they would judge or give a negative fraction, he knew that if they knew of it, they would probably read it as well, and somehow it woke the possessive side in him. He felt like he wanted to be the only one who knew about this person. His person.

It was silly, he knew, but still, he wanted it the way it was, a pretty little secret, well hidden in the lid of a lunch box.

"Hyung, we have to open it. "
Taehyung smiled as he went ahead to get the lunch box from Yoongi's hand.
Much to his surprise, the elder pulled it back quickly, saying he'll do it and the quickly opened it, suspiciously getting the lid and keeping it aside instead of just leaving it on the table.

An action that was well noticed by both of the people accompanying him.
Tae didn't say anything, while Irene just thought of the man himself as weird.

"Hyung, this is delicious, you should have shared it with me everyday! "
Taehyung savoured the dish as he took his fifth bite from the lunch box.

"Noona, you should also try it!"
Taehyung moved the lunch box a bit towards the woman who took a bite.

Irene's eyes widened a bit as she took in the taste of the dish.

"What happened Noona?"

Irene looked up, seeing both Yoongi and Taehyung looking at her with concerned eyes.

"Ah, ani, it's nothing, it just tasted familiar. "
She smiled, relieving the two.

The lunch went on, their conversation being quite simple and lighthearted.

Yoongi got to know that Irene was Jennie Kim's best friend. Now that explains why Taehyung was suddenly inviting her to lunch.

This boy sure knows what he wants.

He thought as he closed the lunch box after the two had left.

Now that he was alone, he slowly opened the compartment in the lid, taking out the neatly folded letter, smiling as he read it's content.

Still smiling as he wrote it's reply.
"Seungwan ah, you can leave now, we'll take care of the rest. "
Ms. Yoon smiled at the younger who was cleaning the last of the tables.

The shop had already closed business for that day. It had been a weekday, not much customers had been there, making the work all the more less.

That's why they had decided to let the youngest of their staff family leave early.

"Are you sure Unnie? "
Seungwan was a bit doubtful as she looked at the woman who smiled as she nodded.

It didn't take Seungwan long to get her stuff, and walk out, saying her bye to the rest of the staff who were still there.

She was already half way, when a black car stopped right next to her.
The window rolled down, revealing the beautiful woman in the driver's seat.

"Yah, get in, I'm crashing at your place tonight. "
Irene smiled, unlocking the front seat

-to be continued-

I just want to say a huge thanks to all those who are still here, reading this boring book, especially with its slow pace.

I really appreciate you sweethearts

Love you lots
Annoying author ♡♡♡♡

A tiny yoongi to bless your day bc why not >_<💞💕💜💜

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