Chapter 1 'Falling'

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    It started with one breath. One breath to bring me back from the brink of death. I don't remember much before the incident. But, I do vaguely remember him, this guy who would be the one to ultimately save my life. A guy whom I would fall in love with despite myself also being another man.
My name is Koy; I am a twenty one year old college student, and this is my story.

On campus a few weeks before the incident:
   The new term was just starting. I was eager to begin my lessons. I was the top student all throughout high school, so in other words studying came naturally for me. I wanted to keep that record even in college. Anyway, I was walking to class that morning in quite a hurry because my stupid roommate decided to turn of my alarm( I will introduce him later).
    Despite the complication, I ended up making it to class surprisingly early even though I woke up late. I was also surprised to see that I wasn't the first one there. He was there, the one I mentioned earlier. He was just sitting at his desk gazing out the window. I didn't pay him much mind at that moment. I took my seat, and waited for class to begin, not knowing that as soon as I did that he'd be looking in my direction, but only because I nearly fell out of my chair when my roommate yelled my name right in my ear.
     'Hey! Koy?!'
'What, Mott? You nearly scared me half to death!'
      'Oh come on, you are over exaggerating,' Mott said playfully wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
I removed his arm with haste, 'Mott, do you even know the definition to that word you just used?'
    'Whatever man, who cares really? Anyway, I wanted to say sorry for turning your alarm off earlier, but I guess I don't really need to because you made it here before class started anyway.'
'Well, you should apologize anyway for touching my stuff.'
       Mott then proceeded to bow while saying sorry to me. I told him to cut it out. He laughed and asked if that was a good enough apology. I cussed him out telling him he was an idiot while he took his seat.
    Don't get me wrong, Mott and I get along very well. He is basically my best friend. We just have this bickering joking type of friendship. But, in the end, he is one of the few people I'd trust in the whole entire world.
    Class soon began and was over before I knew it. I was gathering my notes from the lecture when I felt a bump from another student, who accidentally ran into me trying to leave. I remember losing my balance and falling while my notes went flying everywhere like white leaves on a windy day.
     I was just waiting for the impact of the ground. But, I was suddenly caught by someone. I opened my eyes and saw two bright dark brown eyes with flecks of amber staring right at me. My heart felt all jumpy and heavy inside my chest. I was thinking it was odd because I don't have arrhythmia or any other heart problems. I quickly got back to my feet, hurriedly gathered everything, and mumbled thanks before exiting the room. That was my first encounter with the man I will eventually fall in love with...

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