Chapter 8 'Date'

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Saturday on weekend of date:

  I felt at ease knowing that at least I told Mott about everything going on with me as of late. It was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. Mott made sure also to keep everything between us. I appreciated that; even though, I knew Mott at least wanted to tell Star.
    The week went by pretty fast. I didn't have any run ins with Queenie and her gang also. Which made me feel both relieved and worried at the same time. Relieved because at least she was leaving me alone, but worried because I was still not sure what her true intentions were at that time.

      Cean was sending me messages through Line a lot throughout the week making sure I was ready for our date. I was ready, but also nervous. I wasn't much into dating when I was younger. It wasn't like I didn't care to date; I just had better things to do with my time. Plus, I didn't think anyone girls or guys would be interested in dating me.

      Anyway, it soon became time for our date. I picked out my best outfit besides my university uniform of a white shirt, black tie, and dark colored slacks. I always thought I looked weird in our basic school clothes, but Cean on the other hand could pull the look off exceptionally well. No wonder girls like Queenie were after him. I blushed thinking about him.

     I was just finishing up combing my hair when Mott busted in smiling, 'Oooh, look at you! Damn if I was gay I would bang you right now. Ow!'
        'Shut up, Mott. By the way what do you really want?'
'Nothing, just wanted to let you know that Cean is here for you,' Mott quickly left the bathroom before I could throw my comb at him.

   I went out, and saw Cean standing in the window light. He looked so handsome standing there in the light. I walked over to him now feeling embarrassed about my clothes. Then he smiled and said,' Wow, you look amazing. Are you ready then?' I blushed and nodded. Cean then told Mott he'd bring me home before midnight. Mott laughed and told him he could keep me longer if he wanted. I glared at Mott, but he just shrugged like it wasn't a big deal or anything.

    Cean and I left my dorm building and got into a black sedan. He was driving. I had no idea were we were headed, up until now he pretty much kept the itinerary of our date a secret. I started fidgeting with my hands when I felt his hand grab mine and interlock our fingers together.
        'Don't be nervous, Koy.'
'I'm not. I just never done something like this before,' I replied.
        'I see. Don't worry, I took care of everything. All you have to do is just trust me,' Cean gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

    We arrived finally to a nice restaurant. The maitre d sat us a table near the back. Cean asked the serverr for a bottle of wine. Looking around I felt really out of place all of sudden. I heard rumors about Cean's wealth, but never thought it'd be like something out of a drama or. I took a few huge sips of my wine to ease my nerves.
        'Koy, are you okay?'
'Hmm, yeah. I'm fine. This is just really great wine.'
         'Slow down a bit. Don't fill up on wine before your food comes,' I took another big drink, which made Cean chuckle, 'By the way, you are really cute when you are being stubborn.'

        That last statement turned my face a deep red. I didn't realize also that Cean had scooted closer to me. He put his arm around my shoulder, and whispered into my ear, 'It's a shame I can't eat you now.' I felt a jolt of pleasure run down my body. Cean laughed at my reaction. I pushed him off of me when our server brought our food.

    We finished eating, and went to the mall to walk around and browse for a bit. Cean held my hand the entire time, and when I could feel people staring at us and tried to let go; he just held on tighter. Cean was like that; he didn't care what other's thought about him. I admired him for that. I don't know how long we were at the mall, but it felt like hours.

     Cean and I left the mall, and went to a nearby park and sat on a park bench. It was dark out, and a few stars could be seen in the sky. I laid my head on his shoulder.
        'I wonder what it's like to be a star. Up there never moving, just twinkling in the night sky,' Cean wondered out loud.
'I wouldn't want to be a star. It is sad if you think about it because the light we see on Earth is the remnants of a star long since gone. If one were a star then their light and beauty of when they were alive won't be seen on Earth, only the light after their death will be seen.' I felt Cean embrace me after I said that. I looked into eyes and smiled. He smiled and suddenly pulled me into a deep kiss. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and entangle with mine. He kissed me hard and passionately. My whole body felt hot. I wanted him, no I needed him at that moment. Sensing my urge, Cean stopped kissing me, and took me to the car.
       'I don't think I am taking you back home tonight. Do you mind if you stay at my place?'
I shook my head no, and told him I was okay with that. He started the car and off we went.

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