Chapter 16 'Wedding'

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   The next forty-eight hours were a nightmare with Queenie. She made me do demeaning tasks for her wedding. It was bad enough she was forcing the one I love to marry her, but to have me be involved in the wedding was just cruel and unusual punishment. She even had me try on her wedding dress, so it could be altered. When I asked her why she didn't just try it on herself; she made the excuse that she was only going to wear the dress on the day of the wedding. I didn't understand her logic, but then again she was bat shit crazy.
    Finally the day had come. I was dresding every moment. Queenie put me in an uncomfortable tux. It was two tight around the collar and was hot and itchy. When we got to the venue. I was told to set things up and arrange things for the guests. When I thought all was said and done Queenie came up from behind me and grabbed my wrist.
     'You aren't going anywhere. Sit here. Hey, you there hand me those cuffs and rope,' She pushed me onto one of the lawn chairs near the resort pool, and had one of the security guards hand her a set of handcuffs and some rope.
'What...why are you...,' She stopped me before I could utter another word. She quickly cuffed and tied me to the chair. When I was about to say something she quickly dug into her purse and pulled out some tape and taped my mouth shut. I cursed at her with my mouth taped.
     'Don't worry, I will place you somewhere were people won't see you, but you'll still get to see everything thing. I want you to know that you lost.'

    Queenie had me moved to the far back corner of the pool area. I was in an area no one would pay attention to, but it did give me a good view of the wedding alter. I had to think of a way to distract everyone, so the wedding could be stopped. I looked around at my options. There wasn't much of anything near me I could try to bump and knock down, nor was there a way I could jump and shout considering I was cuffed and tied to a chair and my mouth was taped shut. My only option was to try to fall into the pool, but that put me into a major risk of drowning, but what choice did I have. While everyone else was busy and not paying me any attention; I scooted my chair towards the edge of the pool. There I will wait until the person who is ordaining the wedding to ask if anyone objects to the union of the couple being married. Then I would throw myself into the piol hoping that it will cause enough of a distraction to stop the wedding.

     After waiting for what seemed like forever and when all the guests were seated the ceremony finally began. I saw Cean standing at the alter he looked like  a prince from a fairy tale. He was so handsome, I felt my cheeks blush thinking about him up there. Then the room went silent as the refrain for the wedding march began as Queenie walked down the aisle. I do admit she did look nice, but it was only the dress and the make up given that illusion. She was still a warthog on the inside. She made her way up to the alter. Her father handed her off to Cean. Relunctantly he gave her his arm as she linked her arm through his. They both faced the minister as he began the ceremony.
       'We are gathered today to witness the joining of these two people in marriage. If anyone has any objections or reasons as to why these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your...'

    At that moment I knocked myself into the pool. It made a huge splash. I didn't know what was going on at the surface, but I did know if I didn't get out soon I was not going to make it. The tape on my mouth fell off making the piol water rush into my mouth and lungs. I was still attached to the chair which made me sink directly to the bottom of the pool. The next thing I remembered before everything going black was a figure in a white shirt jumping into the pool. And that was the moment my story had started.
     Present day:
   It was like what I said from when Cean breathed life back into me. Everything was a blur.
   'Cean, what happened, why am I all wet?'
'Don't you remember? You fell into the pool. I was so scared when I realized it was you that had fallen. When I asked you to make a distraction I didn't mean this.' Cean pulled me in closer to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him. His cologne smelled good.
    'I am sorry. By the way how did you get the cuffs and rope loose?'
   'Queenie handed me the keys after I told her that if you died she would not end up marrying me, but will spend a life time in prison.'
  I nodded my head to let him know I understood. He tilted my chin upwards and was about to kiss me when we got interrupted.
'Stop! Stop it now! This was supposed to be my day! You fucking faggots ruined everything,' Queenie spat with rage.
    At this moment, I had realize everyone was staring at us. Looking out into the crowd I saw both disgusted and confused looks on their faces. I immediately push Cean away from me, and got up to leave. But, then Cean grabs my arm stopping me.
     'Cean, let go of me please.'
'No, Koy. I won't. I am not letting you go ever,' He pulled me into him and kissed me passionately in front of everyone. When he stopped he turned toward the crowd with my hand in his and says the following, 'I love him. Not her,' he looks at Queenie,' and if anyone has a problem with that then so be it. My love for him won't ever change; regardless, of how many unfortunate and unfair tribulations we must face. So I am sorry, if my being a man loving another man disgusts you, but you have no right to tell me who I can and cannot love. Come on Koy, we are leaving.'

      Cean and I were just about to leave when someone from the crowd was heard screaming,
    'She has a gun!' Queenie was pointing a gun straight at us.
        'If I can't have him, then no one can!' Queenie fired the gun towards us. The bullet was coming straight towards me when Cean stepped in front of me. The bullet strucked him and down he went.
   'Cean! Cean! Cean, are you okay?!' I held Cean in my arms as his blood was spilling out. He was growing paler and colder by the second. I held onto him tears falling from my face.
   'Someone please call an ambulance! Cean, stay with me. Please stay with me. I love you. I love you so much. Please don't die!'
'Koy, Mott and I called an ambulance. They will be here soon. We also called the police and they will have Queenie detained. Sorry, we came late, but we got here just in time to see her fire the gun. Also we have proof she posted the photo of you,' I cutted Star short as she came up and was telling me all this while I still was holding onto Cean.
    'No offense, Star. But, I don't care about any of that at the moment. I just want him safe. I don't want to lose him.'

    Star soon was hugging me. She let go, and as soon as she did, something was not right. I looked down at Cean. He wasn't breathing. I was panicking unsure as to what I should do. I took him into my arms and breathed into him. Nothing. Where was the ambulance!
   'Cean, you are not allowed to die! Do you here me! Come back to me now!'
   The ambulance and paramedics finally arrived on the scene. Mott and Star was pulling me away from Cean, so they could do their work. I tried fighting them, but found myself too weak. I ended up passing out from exhaustion.


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