Chapter 10 'Trouble'

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   I had spent the rest of the weekend with Cean. The following Monday in school we were walking closely together. He had his arm around my shoulder holding me close to him as we walked between classes. I felt so safe and secure with him that I didn't even realize the whispers and gossip being said about us at the time.

    It wasn't until Cean had to go talk to a few classmates for a moment that I found out what was happening. I felt a tug on my arm and was pulled aside by both Mott and Star.
      'Uh...hey, Koy are you okay,' Mott asked while both Star and him looked at me with concern.
'Yeah. As far as I know, I am doing great. Why?' I was a bit confused by their question.
      'Show him, Star,' Mott said to Star while she opened up Facebook to show a picture of what looked like to be Cean and I kissing the other night on a park bench. It had over a thousand likes and five hundred comments most of them nasty calling me a fag converter, a dirty queer, a fairy fucker among other things I rather not mention. Mott placed a hand on my shoulder and said sorry while Star said she already reported the picture.

     I felt like my whole world was crashing in around me. Why was this happening? I felt as though my body was going to give way to all the stress and anxiety. Next thing I know I was on the ground. Mott and Star were saying my name, but their voices seemed muffled. I felt someone pick me up, and ask them to move aside, but the whole moment felt like a blur.

     I woke up in the infirmary with a cool rag on my head. Cean was sitting beside me. He grabbed my hand and said,
         'Oh, you're up, I'm glad. Mott and Star told me about the photo. I am so, sorry. I should not have been so reckless and selfish that night.'
  'It was just as much my fault as yours. Please don't blame yourself,' I placed my hand on his face wiping away his tears. We were going to get through this as long as we were together.

     The rest of the week our photo was all that anyone talked about for the most part. Cean made sure to keep me close by him incase anyone got any ideas. I was trying my best to ignore it all. It wasn't easy, but Cean made it easier, and so did Mott and Star.

    Star was working with someone to see if they could find the person who originally took and posted the photo. I told both her and Mott not to worry about it. That in time people will forget about it and move on to the next scandal. But, neither one listened. I gave up and told them to do whatever.

     I had a time during the day I wasn't with Cean or the others. I usually go to the toilet at this time too. I was heading to the bathroom when someone grabbed me from behind, I tried to scream, but they covered my mouth with their hand. They then threw me into the equipment closet. From a dark corner someone stepped out into the light; it was Queenie.
    She tisked her tongue and bent down and grabbed my chin moving my face side to side, 'I honestly don't see what he sees in you. What do you have that I don't have?' She let go of my face and jeered, 'You know him and I grew up together. We always played house together when we were younger. He even told me we'd get married one day. I believed him. I had everything planned. I followed him everywhere making sure he never left my side. I even went to this lousy college for him. You don't know how much I sacrificed for our love. And then you a nobody shows up and ruins it all.'
'Cean fell in love with me, and you can't base your life around a promise made from when you both were kids. People grow up and they change. He probably said he'd marry you then, so he wouldn't hurt your feelings,' I snapped at her. Her lacky punched me in the gut making me keel over in pain.
     'Talk to me that way again and worse will come. You and Cean are done. My parents and his parents have talked and already arranged our marriage date. I just need you out of his life. I was hoping that picture would have been enough to make you break up with him, but I guess it wasn't. So, I will give you another option. Break up with Cean or your lives from here on out will only get worse, and I won't be responsible for what happens to you both.' Queenie then kicked me and left me in the closet. I was scared more than ever now. I didn't want to lose Cean, but at the same time I didn't want to see him get hurt. Life was being unfair. I curled up into a ball and cried not sure what to do next.

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