Chapter 17 'Hospital'

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   I had woken up later in the hospital. Mott and Star were by my bedside.
    'Oh, you finally woke up,' Mott said to me while he was sitting next to me.
'Uh...where is Cean? Is he okay?' I sat up quickly in the bed ready to jump out and go look for him. But, Star and Mott pushed me back.
   'Calm down first. He is okay, but right now because he lost a lot of blood he was induced into a coma so he could heal quicker,' Star explained.
'So, he's alive,' I was so happy by that news, but then I remembered when Star mentioned about him losing a lot of blood, 'Uh, Star where did he get the extra blood from?'
   'Yo,' Mott raised his hand. I quickly hugged him.
'Thank you! Thank you so much! I love you, man! I owe you one!'
   'Koy, you can start by stop chocking me. Plus, you don't owe me anything. I just happened to be the same blood type as him. Also, I know if something happened to Star you would try your best to help too. That is why we are best friends.'

Mott was right. I would do everything for both him and Star if they were hurt and in danger. I actually view them as my family. But, as much as I appreciated them all I have on my mind right now is when I can see Cean. So, asked Star if she could get me a nurse to see if I could be permitted to see him. She went out and came back a short while later with a doctor and nurse. They checked my vitals and made sure I was fine. Then the doctor began to speak,
    'Okay Mister Koy, Cean is still induced in a coma, so don't expect much from him. You will be permitted to visit him for a little while today. When you get discharged you can come and visit him during the allotted visitation times.'
'So do you know when he will wake up,' I asked hoping the answer would be soon.
  'Honestly, we aren't sure. It all depends on his body and his will. The bullet went straight through, and luckily missed his vital organs. He just lost lots of blood, but your friend there was his exact blood match, so he was able to get the blood in time. The coma was induced, so his body could recover. So, just go visit him, and who knows he may wake up, but don't be heart broken if he doesn't just yet.'

   I nodded stating that I understood what the doctor said. I thanked him, and he soon left the room afterwards.  The nurse helped me out of the bed. Mott and Star hugged me, and told me they were leaving for the night. I thanked them once again for everything.
I followed the nurse to Cean's room. We entered a private hospital room. It looked more like a hotel room than a hospital room. The only thing that made it a hospital room was all the medical monitors Cean was hooked up to monitor his vitals. I figured his parents helped paid for it. Made me also wondered if after the scene at the wedding if they even visited him since then. Then again who am I to tell them what to do. I am just glad he was able to get the proper care he needed.

   The nurse gave me an encouraging squeeze on my shoulder to let me know it was alright to enter. I did so holding my breath as I got up towards him. Besides all the wires and tubing sticking out of him he looked like he was just sleeping as normal. I fought back my tears as I looked at him lying there. I grabbed his hand and kissed it holding it tight hoping my grasp would give him the encouragement to wake up finally.
  'Cean, I know you possibly can't hear me right now, but I need to know how much you mean to me. I have never felt the way I feel about you towards anyone. You are my first and only love. I know I am not the strongest or toughest guy out there. And, that I cry a lot. I also know I can be stubborn and difficult. But, you looked passed all that, and loved me. I can't tell you how much that means to me. You have saved me in so many ways, so please let me save you this time. Please let this be the end to all our misfortunes. Please wake up and come back to me.'

   At the end of my confession and after getting no response from him; I was about to get up to leave when I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I looked up at Cean.
   'Cean? Cean can you hear me?'
Cean slowly opened his eyes. I called for the nurse immediately.
    'Cean, it's alright you got shot earlier, but you are now at the hospital. Hold on the nurse and doctor are coming soon.'

   The nurse arrived also with the attending physician. They checked Cean's vitals, and took out his breathing tube. They said it might be a while before he would be able to talk normally. They then also did a psych evaluation and a memory test to see if he had any mental problems like post traumatic stress disorder or any memory loss from both the incident and coma.

     After a bunch of tests they gave Cean the okay and a clean bill of health. I kept out of the way for the most part till they were done. Finally, for what seemed like forever they left. I went back towards Cean side. He tried to speak, but I stopped him.
   'Shush, it's okay. You don't need to say anything right now. I am just happy you are fine and awake.'

  I soon was hugging him forgetting about his wound for a moment. He whenced a bit. I quickly apologized looking all over him to make sure he was alright. He shook his head and pulled me in closer to him holding me tight. Then he pushed me back up and stared right into my eyes. I blushed at his gaze. I wanted to kiss him at this time, but I wasn't sure if he would be up to it. Then all of sudden I felt his lips on mine. It was like he read my mind. I kissed him back wrapping myself around him. I never want this moment to end. He scooched over a bit in his hospital bed, so I could lay beside him.

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