IM Frustrated

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soo yeah

sorry this is short i ran out of time




"What do you mean you broke up with her?" Harry's eyes are practically bulging out of his head in disbelief as he shakes Niall by his shoulders.

"I - I. I thought that was what you wanted?" Niall seems very confused, and Louis would feel bad for him if he wasn't enjoying this so much. Harry had called Niall over to help him move some of Colette's things out and bring them to the dump, and Niall had proudly revealed that he had ended what was between the two of them - much to Harry's dismay.

"Bloody hell," Harry pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers, pacing around the room anxiously and shaking his head. Louis probably shouldn't find the situation as amusing as he does given the circumstances, but he's sat on the armchair silently, eating a banana. Watching Niall tremble cluelessly has been the highlight of his entire day.

"See, Harry here had figured that since you were still seeing Colette you'd be able to reclaim some of Harry's posessions that Colette has stolen," Louis explains lightly. Harry is still pacing.

"Why the fuck would - wait, what?" Niall blanches. "Stolen?"

"I don't mean to be the prick that says 'I told you so', but. I told you so," Louis chimes in. Harry doesn't even glare at him, he just picks up his mobile and starts angrily pressing buttons.

"Fuck, she's disconnected her number," Harry says, and Louis fights back a laugh. Especially when Niall turns beet red after he accidentally drops the vase that he had been moving during Harry's momentary distraction.

"Niall!" Harry crows, and finally he just stomps over to the armchair Louis is sitting on the edge of and flops into it, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. 

"Aw," Louis coos, sliding down into Harry's lap and tucking his nose into the crook of Harry's neck. "Well, 's gonna be alright. I'll buy you a new watch, I'll buy you a new bike. You can wear my jumpers and we can take new pictures to fill all these empty frames on the walls."

Harry sniffs. "But I really liked that particular watch, and I really liked that particular bike. 's not fair, she just gets to escape without ever having to face the consequences of her actions."

Louis hushes Harry softly and Harry's irritated grunts and whines turn into slow and steady breathing. Louis looks up and sees Niall staring at them with one eyebrow raised, and he suddenly remembers that no one except Eve and Liam knew about their current relationship status. "Shit."

"Um.. getting cozy over there, are we?" Niall asks. 

"We're.. it's a form of therapy," Louis tries. "See, I console our darling Harry by.."

"Sitting on his lap?"

"Precisely. It gives him a feeling of security. Doesn't it Harry?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah," Harry says, and then; "Hey Niall, do you happen to have any spare watches lying around to replace mine?"

"Well, sure. I mean, I think I kinda owe you," Niall is standing awkwardly in the doorway of the flat, and Louis takes the time to notice that all of his stuff has been moved in neatly and efficiently. He also notices that Niall looks like he's about to piss himself out of anxiety, but he decides to ignore the latter and nuzzle further into Harry. "How valuable are you talking here?"

"Millions," Harry provides. Niall pales excessively.

"Oh," he says. "Shit - that's, that's pretty fuckin' valuable."


"Stop acting awkward, it's saddening," Louis demands. Harry's hands squeeze his own softly, and color creeps up Louis' cheeks. "Niall, if you want to leave, leave. Harry, stop pouting like a child and make me a sandwich."

"Whatever you say, Princess," Harry mutters as Niall continues to linger. He seems to want to say something, but he looks as if he might pass out and it's honestly annoying Louis quite a bit. 

"Turkey or ham?" Harry hollers from the kitchen as Louis walks over to Niall and takes one of his hands in his own. Niall looks down at their intertwined fingers curiously before he glances back up at Louis through hooded lids.

"Turkey would be lovely, thank you," Louis calls back, and then in a softer tone he speaks to Niall. "Hey, don't worry about it. He's over it."


"Nope, don't speak," Louis tuts. "You're going to march home, and you're going to get lots of rest because I've decided that tomorrow Harry and I are throwing a housewarming party and you are coming to it."

"House warming? Lou, you lived here before, you're literally just moving back in-"

"Shut up, there will be alcohol and there will be food, so I think it's in your best interest to show up," Louis begins to shove Niall out the door.

"But I really-"

"See you tomorrow," Louis waves, grabbing for the handle of the door.

"Louis I-"

And Louis slams the door in his face.

"Now, about that sandwich.."

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