IM Brave

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hello all. i'm aware it's only tuesday but tomorrow night i'll probably be busy trying to get some make-up work done and thursday i have violin. i had to leave school today after first period and i was so exhausted that i slept from like ten to two on and off... when i was in the nurse's office i'm pretty sure i was awake for all of five minutes (and i was down there for over an hour, but i kept snapping back awake at random moments idek) so yes, nights of not being able to fall asleep until the early morning hours have definitely started to catch up with me. but enough of that, you probably don't want to hear about my personal life. 

i also didn't update on saturday because i forgot, oops. baby lips is on hold for a bit while i work on finishing some things up, i can't say exactly when i'll post the next chapter for that.

ALSO I HAVE A HUGE FAVOR TO ASK OF YOU buT if you read lots of fanfictions you've probably heard of the 1D Bromance Awards and I just found out they're doing a holiday 2014 one and, like, I don't know if I'm allowed to nominate my own story but I really want to enter so if someone could please help me out by nominating me that'd be a w e s o m e. the book that has all the info posted is in my favourites reading list and tbh even if i lost completely i'd like die if someone nominated me

idk why i picture niall in a brick house i jusT


Louis almost forgets to turn onto Niall's street in his panicked state of mind, so he swerves just a half a second too late; he hits a mailbox. Making a note to himself to stop by on his way back and apologize, he continues to speed down the road until he comes to a familiar little brick house. Inconspicuous enough, Louis supposes, but Harry wasn't lying when he said Niall wasn't home. His car isn't parked in the driveway and the garage door itself is wide open, revealing an empty interior aside from the small cluster of logs in the corner.

He scrambles out of his seat, barely managing to not close his entire hand in his door as he rushes to close and lock it behind him. His jacket begins to slide off his shoulders as he jogs to the front door, physically winded as he pounds thrice on the hard wood. There's a light on inside, Louis can see it through the small glass window at the top of the door, but even standing on his tip-toes he can't see inside of it. He counts to ten before he knocks again. 

The knob twists slowly, door creaking as it slowly gives way to a frightened pair of green eyes and pale, slender fingers. "H-hi."

A wave of longing crashes into Louis' chest as his own hand reaches out to rest over Harry's, a cool breath of air escaping his pursed lips as he finally realizes that he's quite literally so grateful to see Harry that he's rendered speechless. Until Harry opens the door a bit more, that is, grabbing Louis by the wrist and pulling him inside. 

It's warm and smells like cinnamon in the house, Louis realizes this as he shrugs the already half-way off jacket from his shoulders and lets it fall carelessly to the floor. Louis rubs his frozen fingers on the denim of his jeans; he hadn't taken notice of just how cold he was until Harry was stood in front of him, mug of steaming liquid in hand with an unreadable expression printed on his face.

"Tea," Harry states, holding the mug toward Louis. "For you."

Louis peeks at it, trying to mask his obvious surprise and gratefulness behind a look of suspicion. "Two packets of sweetener-"

"No cream," the other boy confirms, pushing the hot object into Louis' hands. Louis takes a sip sheepishly, ignoring the way it warms his fingertips and soothes his hoarse throat. Harry's stare lingers for a second more before he turns and strides down the hallway, and Louis finds himself following without a second thought.

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