IM Over It

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oh dear, writing this chapter took me like four days. there wasn't a weekend update because it was my sister's birthday on saturday and then on sunday it was my birthday party with family... because this weekend is my birthday party with friends. and then it's my actual birthday.

the gif is quite irrelevant but this interview is on my never forget list so deal with it???

although, before we begin, i'd just like to address something that was bothering me all week. well, since i last updated, at least. i know some of you aren't happy with the way the plot is going, but please, please realize that it's a little bit disrespectful/insensitive to say things like "i hope there's a miscarriage"... at least i think so. i know this is fiction and that these characters aren't real but it, well, it's not something to be taken lightly. i didn't reply to any of the comments because i didn't want to single anyone out, my goal is not to make anyone feel bad or target them, but i would really appreciate it if we could all please just be mindful of what we say because we never know how close to home our words can hit. x


Louis is twenty six years old and single, but he's not lonely, honestly. He isn't. He doesn't mind the single life, it allows him a lot more free time than most and he's definitely one of the least stressed people he knows. He likes being able to get drunk off his ass at two in the morning and he likes being able to kiss whoever he wants. He likes living with Zayn more than he ever liked living with Harry, and he most definitely likes wanking more than Harry's sex.

He's obviously lying, of course, but no one has to know. 

Zayn is a pretty shit flatmate, Louis thinks. He's never around and he always forgets to buy groceries (how hard is it to buy a lousy box of cereal from time to time? Louis isn't picky.) and he always leaves empty beer bottles on the table. His shoe stink up the closets and he doesn't even bring Louis merchandise from all the places he tours, what the fuck.

He also doesn't make pancakes. 

Or sing in the shower.

Or wake Louis up with a pinch to the ear and a groggy "Good morning, Lou."

Louis doesn't miss him. It's been - hell, it's been years. Years. It's been way too long, and Louis can not possibly still be hung up on Harry. It's unrealistic and, if he's being honest, sort of pathetic. Harry has a daughter and goes on talk shows sometimes, but he's gone from Louis' life and he's living one of his own. 

And that's fine. Louis is fine with this. 

He's never seen Harry's daughter before, even goes as far as refusing to look at the Christmas cards Harry sends out, and he certainly never plans on seeing her either. 

But, since Zayn is such a shit flatmate, he fails to inform Louis that Harry will casually be dropping by to watch the football game - daughter in tow, of course - and he also fails to actually be back at the flat in time to greet Harry. 

So, when there's an urgent knock at the door, Louis can only assume it's Zayn. Zayn has a terrible habit of forgetting his keys. He unlocks the bolt and swings the door open carelessly, muttering to himself about Zayn and front doors and how he really should just move to Alaska, or something, and he sighs.. His eyes are trained on the floor. 

Until he sees two large, boot-clad feet and a small, tiny pair directly next to them.

"Oh. Hi, Louis. Fancy meeting you here."

Louis looks up, but the first thing he sees are those eyes. Except, well, they're not on Harry's face. They're on hers.

Louis takes his time coming up with a thoughtful response, which he slowly mumbles under his breath, "Uhh."

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