Restless night

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Adora POV:

I stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I couldn't get her out of my head, the way her eyes sparkle in the light, how her smile could light up a room, how soft her hair is, how her laugh makes you feel like nothing in the world could go wrong. My face was warming up just thinking about her. I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow. It didn't make any sense, we're friends but then, why did I always feel different around her? 

Whenever I was around her, it felt like my heart was going to fly out of my chest. My face would always get really warm whenever it was just the two of us, and for some reason, I always wanted to be closer to her. I couldn't explain it, it just, didn't make sense.

I rested the side of my head on my pillow, I needed to get some sleep. Bow told me that Glimmer wanted us to train tomorrow, of course I didn't decline. After all, I needed to keep training, I wasn't just going because Glimmer is going to be there. 

At least that's what I kept telling myself.

My eyelids started to get heavier, making it harder to stay awake. I closed my eyes for a second. By the time I opened my eyes again, my surroundings changed. It felt, familiar somehow. Almost like I had been here before. I looked around, the place was empty. The only thing that remained was the smoldering of houses around me. I began to get a tight feeling in my chest, this wasn't right. Something was horribly wrong. My mouth felt dry, I couldn't figure out why this place felt so wrong. I could only hear my heart pounding in my ears. 

I kept turning and looking for something, something's going to happen, something's going to grab me. I turned to my right, my heart dropped.

Both Bow and Glimmer were in Catra and Scorpia's grasp. Scorpia had her arms around Bow, immobilizing him. He kept trying to break out of her grasp, not making a sound. Glimmer was kneeling in front of Catra, keeping her head down. I could tell that her hands were tied behind her. 

I took a step towards them, making sure to keep an eye on the both of them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Catra smirked, pulling a dagger from her belt. She knelt down next to Glimmer, putting the blade against her throat. Scorpia tightened her grip on Bow. I froze on the spot, not wanting either them to get hurt. "After all," Catra shrugged "we wouldn't want her pretty blood on the ground." Glimmer bared her teeth at Catra, the anger on her face visible. She looked me in the eyes, and though she didn't show it, her eyes told me that she was terrified. 

"I don't know why you left Adora. We had everything, but then you decide to go against the Horde. To believe that you would join these, princesses." Catra sneered and pointed to Glimmer and Bow. The last word made it sound like she was speaking of poison. She dug the blade closer to Glimmer's throat. My breathing hitched as I could see some blood. "Though, if you never did leave," My eyes met Catra's as she gave me a toothy smile. "I would've never been able to do this." She looked over at Scorpia and nodded her head. 

Scorpia hit Bow with one of her claws, knocking him out cold before dumping him on the floor. I didn't even have time to react before Catra slit Glimmer's throat.

Glimmer slumped forward, blood quickly pooling around her. Both Catra and Scorpia stepped back to admire their work. I sprinted over to her, cradling her dying body in my arms. Blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth, her breathing was ragged. She opened her eyes, not looking at me, but staring straight up. Her once bright and vibrant purple eyes were now dull and were starting to gloss over. 

"See you later, princess." Catra laughed and walked into a puff of smoke, Scorpia following her. Tears were running down my face, I shouldn't have let this happen. Glimmer's eyes met with mine, it first seemed like she didn't see me. "Adora?" Glimmer whispered hoarsely, her breathing getting worse. "It hurts Adora." Her voice was barely above a whisper. I put my hand on her cheek, there was nothing I could do to help her. 

Her chest fell, but didn't come back up. Her eyes were still open, though they didn't look like her eyes. They weren't bright and vibrant like she was, they were glassy and lifeless. Her body was limp in my arms, she was gone.

I shot up in bed in a cold sweat, I was gasping for breath, shaking violently. Tears were streaming down my face as I looked around. I was still in the castle, still in the room that Glimmer gave me. The moon shone through the window, lighting up some of the room. I was struggling to breathe, like someone was strangling me. I quickly felt my neck, trying to see if anything was there. There was nothing, yet the feeling still remained. My chest felt tight, I wrapped my arms around myself and hunched forward into a ball. 

I made sure to stifle my sobbing, I didn't want to wake anyone. I was shaking so bad that I was causing my bed to shake. The nightmare felt so real, like if I were to get up right now, Glimmer wouldn't be in her room. To think that the nightmare was real was making me cry harder, paralyzing me. I was clawing at my back, and even though I had a shirt on, I knew it was going to leave marks. 

 I should have saved her. It should have been me, I should've let her slit my throat. 

Even if it was just a nightmare, it felt so real when she was in my arms. Her last words echoed in my mind. "It hurts Adora." It shook me to my very core, she knew she was going to die. The tone in her voice, she didn't want to die, and yet, I couldn't do anything to save her. 

The fact that I couldn't save her made me feel worse. I put a part of my shirt in my mouth to make sure that I didn't wail in pain. I hunched over into a tighter ball, just waiting for the pain to end. It felt like it was getting harder to breathe, I wrapped my arms around myself tighter in response. I could feel my nails digging into my back, scratching the skin. 

I didn't want that to happen to them.

I didn't want that to happen to Glimmer. 

Falling in love (Glimmer x Adora)Where stories live. Discover now