Ch 1: Rise of the Elementals!

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It was a dark day for Equestria. The mane six had been at war with the spirit of chaos Discord for a year. They put up a great battle against the chaotic spirit, but failed to defeat him. The mane six were defeated by Discord, who was examining the elements of harmony on an oak table he had summoned up along with a comfy chair. The elements were emitting a strange magical energy, and it intrigued the spirit of chaos. He examined them closely, his yellow and red orbs full of curiosity. The mane six were spread around on the ground below his floating desk and chair. Twilight was unconscious, on her left side about 6 feet away from Appejack, who was also unconscious and laying on her stomach. Rainbow dash was laying on Fluttershy, both mares partially awake, but keep going in and out of consciousness. Pinkie Pie was on her back in a shock like state, her eyes wide open as if she was staring into something. Rarity was the only one of the group fully awake and functional. She may not have been able to stand, but she could still use what little strength she had left to make one last move. She focused what energy she had left into her white horn and casted a spell, sending the elements of harmony to another world. Discord growled at the white mare who lost consciousness after casting the spell. He calmed himself and cleared his mind. If he wanted to find where the elements had been sent to then he had to be able to focus clearly on the magical trail the elements left behind. His mind followed this trail and came to a world full of creatures he didn't recognise. They were strange beings indeed. Unbeknowst to discord the creatures were called humans. And amongst the crowd his mind was showing him, six teenage girls were walking together and chatting away. The elements flew after these particular girls in the order the girls walked beside each other. Discord watched on in his head wondering what could be so special about the group of teens. He watched in wonder when the girls caught sight of the flying and glowing elements of harmony and chased after them into a hidden alley way. 'Nothing but a minor set back. I can travel to their world, take it over and retrieve my prizes.' Discord thought. But his jaw dropped at what he witnessed next. He watched as each of the girls reached out to the glowing items and touched them. The elements reacted in a way he had never seen before. A bright multicolored light shot up into the sky from the alley and Discord watched as each of the elements of harmony fused together with each of the girls' souls. The six girls gained marks representing their elements of harmony. But the marks weren't of the mane six's cutie marks. The girls gained marks of each element that made of up every world. Earth, fire, water, air, nature, and lightning. Discord, stunned and enraged, brought his mind back.

   "So there's a group of six heros. No matter they should be easy to get rid of." The chaos spirit said to himself with a dark smile plastered on his lips. He laughed maniacally and teleported to the human world, determined to take down the six girls before they figure out their destinies.

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