The girl

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It was 12 am. Lexi was in front of her window,
in dark, in her room. She looked at the stars, she was wondering why she couldn't see them in real life. She didn't know what was so wrong with her that made her parents lock her up in her own room. No one knew how she actually looked like and she didn't know how people in her neighborhood looked like, just the ones who pass by her window at night. She was calm, and actually sad, the stars were reflected in her blue eyes, and slowly, tears rolled on her cheek. She sat on her bed and started screaming, now it wasn't from was a mood swing. Lexi was a psycho and couldn't help her changing moods. "LET ME OUT" she was now punching the door, and she ran to the window. It only needed one punch because it broke. She just stared at the window, now broken, and suddenly she smiled. The smile formed into a giggle, and then into a laugh. She didn't mind the blood on her hand, in fact she liked it, so she didn't think twice and jumped out the window. She ran away, hoping her parents didn't follow her, little did she know that her parents left her 2 days ago. They couldn't handle pure madness like her, so they left, not permanently, but enough to relax from the screaming they hear almost every single night.
Meanwhile, at the tree house, the boys were all talking and doing usual guy stuff. "How can you just read porn but not do anything else, I mean you just Look at it like a psycho and not get a boner?" Woody asked Eats. "It's called experience" Eats was smirking.
Lexi stopped running, and looked around, realizing she was lost. She started laughing, and walked to a car. She was staring at it, and suddenly she started screaming, and started punching the car.
The boys flinched when they heard a scream, and loud noises. "What the fu-" Farraday looked at the door. "It probably is someone drunk, who knows" Eats sat down "come on, it can be someone in trouble!" Davey looked at the boys "fine" Eats said, as he got up, they all walked out and saw a girl punching in their neighbor's car "Oh shit she's punching Mackey's car, she can get in trouble" Farraday covered his mouth, and Davey ran to the girl "hey what's wrong? Are you ok?" He tried stopping her. The girl stopped punching the car, and looked at him. Her eye started twitching again, and she started laughing, and then crying. Eats just looked at her "damn she's really depressed". Lexi rolled her eyes and then she realized how much her fist hurt and held it up to her chest "fuck it hurts". Eats looked at her and crossed his arms "no shit, almost destroyed Mackey's car and now you complain your fist hurts?" He half smiled, and shook his head. "Who the hell is Mackey" Lexi copied the gesture he did, crossing her arms. "You don't know who Mackey is? Girl are you new?" Farraday asked her, and Lexi was confused "no, I live here from as long as I can remember" she raised an eyebrow, forgetting about her fist, in fact, not caring about the pain. "Wait wha-" Woody said and stopped, realizing something "is she-" he wanted to say something, but got interrupted by Farraday "yeah I guess so.." Lexi was still confused, as the boys turned around to each other and started whispering. "Umm guys can someone tell me what's going on?" Lexi waved in front of them, and Davey turned around "our moms said you're a psycho, and we can't hang out with you." He pushed up his glasses, now shaking. "Oh come on dude, it's gonna be fun" Eats said, staring at Lexi, but not at her face, at something lower than her face. "Can you stop staring at my damn boobs, you creep?" Lexi rolled her eyes. Eats shook is head and nodded "I'm sorry" he managed to say. Farraday whispered in Eats's ear, and soon, they all started walking away. Lexi looked at them confused "ok so you're just gonna leave me here?" She yelled after them, but they continued walking. "Fuck you!" She yelled, starting to have some ticks and crying. The boys were confused and looked back at her. Davey put his hand on his forehead, and sighed "just because a lot of teenagers went missing,we're gonna take you with us." Davey just walked up to her, and pulled her by the hand. She wanted to say something, but stopped.

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