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The next morning, Lexi woke up with Tommy's arms wrapped around her. She was confused at first but then remembered all of the excitement from the day before. She was hit with a wave of emotions. Nervous that Tommy only wanted her for one thing. Full of butterflies that he really did want to make her happy. Scared of what to say next. But then she realized -- she wasn't nervous about the walls closing in anymore. No matter what happened, she was safe with him. As she stirred, he finally woke too. He smiled back, and said, "Hey, how'd you sleep?" All she could muster was a simple, sweet, "Wonderfully." They still laid together and made small talk, but finally, she had to tell him more. "You know, I hope I didn't scare you too much last night." "Scare me? You know just because I'm a guy I'm not scared of a little emotion," he scoffed. "No...the thing with...the anxiety...." is all she could respond. He leaned in and gave her a little kiss on the forehead. "It's normal, and you got overwhelmed. Don't worry about it". She felt a little torn. It's great he didn't mind, but don't worry?? That's exactly what Lexi couldn't control. She thought it may be fine once, but what if it eventually scared him off? "No! It's not normal and I can't help it." She said this like it was the middle of an argument, definitely agitated. He backed away, startled. "Woah, I'm just trying to be cool. Maybe I shouldn't have helped you in the first place. I can leave...". She immediately felt another wave of nerves. Her anxiety was causing problems again in her life - she had to be honest or he may just avoid her entirely. For the first time, she said it "Tommy, I'm sorry. I do deal with things, but I really like you. Last night with you, I felt safe for the first time in a long time." He was taken aback, in a good way. "I thought you just wanted company. I didn't realize I meant something to you like that." She just teared up and kissed him.

They spent the next few hours talking, giggling at dumb jokes, and rolling around in bed together. She couldn't help but keep holding on to him, since he made her feel so safe. At one point, she brushed her hand by his thigh, and couldn't help but notice his morning boner. "Ooooh, who's excited now?" she remarked. He just scoffed and said, "Sorry it's the morning. We all get horny." For some reason, Lexi had never really thought about it like that. "I guess...I still hope it all wasn't too much for you yesterday, " she said shyly. He just laughed and shook his head. The thought of him being so comfortable with it all, and him being so open about it, actually turned her on like him. This time, it was different though. She felt this connection to him, and wanted to make him happy, while she felt good too...

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