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Some time passed, and everyone except Eats and Lexi left the tree house. Eats was sitting down stuck in his thoughts, and Lexi was looking out the window. Suddenly,Lexi got up, to leave too. Eats snapped out of his thoughts, and looked at her "where you going?" He asked her, curious "home..?" she replied, and looked at him with no emotion on her face, also sniffing, like she was about to cry again. "Okay.." he nodded. A part of him wanted to go to her and hug her, tell her everything was fine, but the other part knew she was probably gonna push him or slap him, so he decided not to, but then soon the girl sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. No one said anything, Eats just looked at the wall, and Lexi closed her eyes, but the silence broke when she started sobbing. Eats slowly put an arm around her, stroking her hair. She covered her face with her hands,it wasn't helping her much, so she hid her face in the boy's chest. He wrapped both of his arms around her, trying to comfort her, and it ended up her falling asleep in his arms. He didn't want to wake her, but he felt so bad for her, he wanted to take her in his room to sleep well. He slowly carried her, and she didn't wake up, he struggled to get out of the treehouse, and then carried her to his room. Everyone was asleep in his house. He placed her on his bed, and covered her with the blanket. He slept on the floor, so when the girl wakes up, to not suspect anything.
The next morning, Lexi woke up, looking around. She wiped her eyes and she was confused because she didn't know where she was. "You woke up already?" She heard a voice, and flinched and then saw it was Eats sitting on the corner of the bed. She looked at him with her eyes widened "sorry for scaring you" he chuckled. "Where am I? Did you kidnapp me?" She asked, getting a little panicked, but the boy started laughing, making her blush without even wanting to. "Yeah I definitely kidnapped you, that's why you slept like a baby last night" he tried to stop laughing, and she covered herself with the blanket even more. "You fell asleep, so I took you to my room" he finally told her the truth, and the girl nodded slowly. "My parents.." she got up and looked out the window "No one came after you.." he looked at her, with a little sadness on his face. The girl nodded, a tear falling on her cheek. Eats walked up to her, and wiped her tear "want me to take you home?" He asked her, and she nodded. The boy smiled and got ready to get out.

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