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3 hours passed, Lexi was feeling a little better, but it was time to go back to her house *fuck, I broke the window* she thought. She had to go to the front door, and she was scared of what her parents would say, she sighed at the thought. Eats sat next to her, and put a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch. "Hey whatcha doing, Alexa?" He smirked, and she looked at him with a what-the-fuck look "it's Lexi,and what do you want?" She pushed off his hand from her shoulder. Eats laughed, and smirked "oh come on why are you being so rudee?" he got closer to her, trying to turn her on, but what he ended up with was a slap on his face. Farraday looked at them and started laughing "Damn you just got rejected by a psycho" soon all the boys started laughing. "A what?" She looked at him, almost hurt, she was sick of people calling her a psycho. "A nothing.." Farraday looked at the ground "There's nothing wrong with me! Stop calling me like that!" She put her hands on her face, suddenly shaking. Eats put his hand on his forehead, and sighed "you guys are such fucking losers" he got on his knees in front of Lexi, and tried to remove her hands from her face, but she pushed him with her leg "oh come on I'm not that bad" he sighed "just talk to me, you're not a psycho, Alright?" He removed her hands from her face and smiled at her. She looked at him for a moment, and then pushed him "I don't need a loser's opinion" she crossed her arms, and continued to cry. Tommy sighed and rolled his eyes, and the other boys were laughing. "What are you laughing at?" He asked and showed them the middle finger. They still continued laughing.

The Psycho||So84 Tommy EatonWhere stories live. Discover now