Smut 👅

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SMUT WARNING! If you don't like smut, skip the chapter, thanks for understanding❤️~Zoe

SMUT WARNING! If you don't like smut, skip the chapter, thanks for understanding❤️~Zoe————————————————————————

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That night, after they went to the treehouse, everyone went home. Lexi was in her room, curled up in a ball on her bed, because it was cold. She turned on the TV her parents put a while ago in her room, to distract her from having breakdowns, and it was a random channel, with a movie. She was curious to see what the movie was about, and turned the volume on, covering herself with the blanket.
She was watching the movie, and things turned weird in her opinion. The couple in that movie were getting naked- Lexi thought it was weird, but still continued to watch it. Soon they were both naked and on top of each other, doing adult stuff. Lexi could feel something weird in her stomach after seeing that, and wanted to go to the bathroom, but when she removed the blanket from herself, she could see she was wet in that spot. She felt weird. Like she wanted what was happening in the movie to happen to her. She was horny. The girl decided that she was staying in her bed, maybe it will stop. She covered herself with the blanket again, but it just got worse. She slowly put her fingers on that spot, starting to rub it. It just couldn't go away. Then she heard the walkie talkie that Davey gave to her at the treehouse. "Anyone up?" It was Eats's voice. She stared at the device for a while before grabbing it and answering "" she said, and from the background it could be heard the sound of moaning, from the movie. "Ooh someone's horny. Told you you'll think about me banging you till you don't have a voice to moan with anymore" Lexi could hear the smirk Tommy was having while saying that, before pressing the button to answer. "Fucking loser, it's a movie.." she thought Eats wasn't wrong. She had a small crush on him, but wanted to believe she didn't. If she pretended that she didn't have a crush on him, maybe she would start to believe herself. She was so stuck up in her thoughts that she didn't hear Eats joking about how she was watching porn thinking it was them "earth to Lexi" Tommy continued, making the girl snap out of her thoughts, and flinch. "Eats, fuck I need you" the words came out of the girl's mouth without her wanting to. She then covered her mouth with her hand, thinking that she fucked up. "Why do you need me, sweetheart?" The boy had a smirk all of that time, and a tone that sent shivers through the girl's body. "N-nothing.." she started sweating, almost like she's gonna have a breakdown again. She took a deep breath "I know you want me to be right there next to you, and bang you all night, we both know it" she heard the boy saying, and bit her lower lip, but before she could reply with anything, someone interrupted "You guys are disgusting" it was Farraday. "Shit dude, you were just listening to us the whole time?" Eats was annoyed, and Farraday was laughing "Dude I wanted to talk to you two but when I heard the moans in Lexi's background, I knew exactly what was going to happen." Farraday was trying not to laugh "come over, Eats" was all that Lexi said, and turned her walkie talkie off. If Eats wasn't gonna help her, then who would?

The brunette boy knocked at Lexi's door, with a smirk stuck on his face. Soon, the door opened, revealing Lexi with messy hair and a puddle on her gray yoga pants, right on THE spot. "Damn that was why you needed my help? Cause I can see" Eats was horny, like he always was, but whenever he tried touching a girl, she would push him or slap him or insult him. He was cute, and handsome, but had a bad luck when it comes to girls. "Fuck off" was all that Lexi managed to say, before pulling Eats inside, and closing the door. "Can you help me or not?" She looked at him, her face was all red, but since the lights were off, the only light was the moonlight that was lighting the place a bit, because of the windows. The boy only laughed a little bit, pushing Lexi into a wall. Without saying anything, he got his hand in her pants, sliding two fingers in her vagina. A moan came out of the girl's mouth, followed by other moans. Tommy rubbed her clit with his thumb while fingering her fast, making the girl almost scream in pleasure "shh, don't be so loud baby" Tommy whispered with a smirk stuck on his face. Lexi bit her lower lip, trying to be more quiet. Eats pulled his hand out of her pants, licking his fingers. Lexi just looked at him, and before she could say anything, the boy carried her in bridal style, walking upstairs. He let her down on the hallway, and Lexi opened the door of the guest room, that was warmer than her own room. The boy smirked, following Lexi, that was now laying on the bed.

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