The tree house

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Lexi was walking with the boys and they all went into Eats's back yard and climbed in the tree house, so did Lexi. When they were inside, Lexi could only see porn magazines everywhere around, and her eyes widened. "What the fuck, creeps, did you just take me with y'all for an orgy?" She looked at them. "Yes-" Eats was about to say, but got smacked on his head by Woody. He groaned in pain, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry for asking, but we kinda heard you've been locked up in your room, how are you out now?" Davey asked, hoping she will answer, but it only made Lexi angry. "YOU SON OF A BITCH" she wanted to jump on him and punch him, but Eats ran to her just in time, holding her back. Lexi instantly started smirking, and looked at him "since when are you so hot?" She bit her lip, and giggled, like a slut "oh I'm always hot, you know what I can also do?" He leaned in "show me" she licked her teeth, waiting for something to happen. Tommy got closer, but Woody pushed him "dude are you stupid?" He asked him, Tommy rolled his eyes and groaned. Lexi sighed, and Farraday stepped in front of her, examining her. "Get our of my way, weirdo" Lexi pushed him, making him fall down, and sat down on a chair, looking at her boots, while the boys were whispering to each other, again. "why can't you just fucking talk normally? You don't wanna wake your dicks up?" She rolled her eyes, and yawned. Eats laughed at what she said, but again, he got smacked by Woody on his head, making him groan and rub the back of his head again.

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