Chapter 1

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It was time for the yearly snowboard competition and I was standing with Will waiting for Kayla to ride. I have no idea why, she's not that good and I'm freezing my feet of. When it finally was Kayla's turn she was late, that's what I mean that she's not taking it very seriously. As always, she won in the end, but I didn't congratulate her. The glare I gave our father was making him nervous I could see it, he wouldn't let Kayla try and fail so he rigged the competitions for her. Without her knowing of course, otherwise she wouldn't brag that loud about all her trophies.

When I was getting ready for the afterparty my sister forced me to go to I was skyping Will on his opinion for my dress. "Well, I think the red one would suit you better then the silver dress. It brings out your waist and legs." He smirks at me. I just roll my eyes and smile at him, later I was standing outside on the porch trying to get away from the crowds. As if answering my prayers Will came over from below "Grab your jacket, I'm allowed to take you out." He yells up.

I was walking around with Will talking about everything and nothing, it was nice to spend some alone time with him. It had been a long time since I had done that since I was so busy with school, snowboard training. "You know I love you, right?" I ask him as we put his dog sleigh behind the big resort sign "Of course, and I love you too" he smiles and gives me a peck on the lips. We were bathing the dog together, so we could take a long stroll before I had to go home and listen to Kayla brag about her trophy and all that. Honestly, I felt bad for her because I believe she could truly be good if someone told her she needed to work on her skills and tricks.

After a while Will turned to me "Okay I have to say it. Your sister is a brat" he tells me while he stares at my face to see my reaction. I giggle "I love her, but she really is. She's used to everything being handed to her on a silver platter" I inform him, so he doesn't feel guilty. Seeing my soft smile, he gives me a big hug relieved I'm not mad at him for his comment about my sister. Suddenly his phone rings forcing us to break up the hug for him to answer it "Hello, this is Will Cloud speaking" he introduced himself to the person on the phone. "Yes, she's with me" he answered glancing at me "What? I'll be right there" he says and hangs up on the phone.

"What is wrong? Who was it?" I had to ask when we were ready to go, "It was you father, he had news for me" Will tells me and takes my hand. "My father?" I ask confused as to why he didn't call me instead of Will "Yes, he wanted me to take you home and give me some news" he laughs as I scrunch my nose after he poked me. When we got home we met a security guard in the door, and we could see mom, dad and Kayla in the living room "We're here" I announced. "So, anyone want to tell me what Kayla did now?" I ask and stared at her "Why do you think I did anything?" Kayla asked me with her hands crossed over her chest. Mom just gave her the look only a mother could give, and Kayla looked down in shame "I drove Will's dog sleigh into the resort sign" she mumbles loud enough for us to hear. "I'll pay for the sign, but you have to pay for the sleigh" dad tells her "What? Why?" she asks as if nothing was her fault. "Let me think, because it was your fault and you have to take responsibility for your actions" I tell her and step into Will's arms.

Dad had decided that Kayla would work at the dog kennel Will and his mother owned "You won't be able to shop as much as you used to" I smirk at her from my embrace with Will. Sadly, Will had to leave so I followed him to the door as Kayla answered "You don't know what I do in my free time" I couldn't help but laugh "Oh, do tell me what you're good at" Will dares her before I can. "Besides accessorising of course" I add just to annoy her "It's not a skill, it's an art" she defends herself and glare at me "And everyone knows I shred some major powder" she brags. "That would be overstating it a little bit" Will tell her "Excuse me?" Kayla asks offended "We've both seen you ride, you're decent, but your transitions are weak" I finish for him. She looks sad for a second but soon has a smug look on her face "Then how did I make the Swift team?" she hiss back trying to prove us wrong. I walk over and pat her shoulder "Kaykay, dad owns the resort" I tell her hoping she understands I don't want to hurt her. Will gives me a kiss goodnight "That has nothing to do with it" she denies the truth.

After Will had left and I had gotten dressed in my pyjamas. I thought I should talk to Kayla, but I saw her the Swift boys beneath the balcony on the first floor. So, I opened the window on the second floor to spy on them "She can't snitch on us" the boy with long hair says. Nick looks at him "Relax, I have it under control" he answers just as they hit Kayla with a snowball "Uhm, Ouch" Kayla snap and glares at them. "Are you okay?" Nick asks, but he doesn't sound worried at all "What do you think?" Kayla growl "You abandoned me" she accused. 'Ha, I knew Nick was there' I thought "We panicked and ran, I thought you were right behind us, but when we turned back you weren't there" Her boyfriend tried. It was obvious that he was bluffing "Yeah? Well I totally got busted because of you guys" Kayla tells them in a sad voice "I have to work at the kennel, that's just gross" she complained as if her life was ending.

After a little while of talking Kayla decided to get to bed "I have to go" the diva told them "I'll call you" Nick waves at her when she closed the door. Just as they were about to leave I knocked on the window to get their attention. They all looked shocked and scared when they noticed the smirk on my face, waving at them was fun "Game over" I mouth before I went to bed. Knowing they'll either tell Sebastian or confront me on it I need all the rest I can get to face the troubles of tomorrow.

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