Chapter 7

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Dad didn't want to talk to me yesterday, Sebastian tried to force me to reveal the identity of the snowboard sweetheart. Well rested and ready for the day to attack me with whatever it could I walked down to breakfast. I started to laugh when I think about the fact that no one knows I'm the snowboard sweetheart, and Sebastian is trying to make me reveal that I'm the one he wants to join them. Dad looked angry when he came downstairs, so I just went upstairs to change. Then I saw a message from Will asking me if I could go back to be the snowboard sweetheart. So, I changed into my infamous training gear and went to Will's house to pick up my snowboard. Oh, by the way, I decided to finally use my snow scooter to transport myself and the board as fast as possible.

Two reasons for me to join despite being mad at Kayla and Will are that I can watch my sister fail and tease my boyfriend. Will was yelling instructions at Kayla when she was going at the half pipe, but it didn't seem to get through her head. After a long day of watching the others I decided to finally show everyone how it's done, and because Sebastian was there. I did all the advanced tricks I could fit into my time on the pipe, Will was at the bottom to greet me with the guys. He gave me a hug and he, Dink and Sam placed me up in the air "She's back" Sam yells so everyone can hear. Just by looking at me you could recognise my gear any time.

Throughout the week Kayla and Will got closer and I got even more jealous, no matter what I never told anyone beside Sam. It was also funny to see that the guys couldn't keep up with either me or Kayla no matter what they did "And here I thought you guys were fit" I whisper to Sam and go home. At the end of the week Will, Kayla and I were putting everything in its rightful place when Will's mom came in through the door. "Wow!" she breathes out while she looks around and I jumped on her in a hug "I'm glad you love it, now I have to go take a phone call" I smile and walk out the door.

----- Time Skip -----

We decided to get some ice cream since we got the rest of the afternoon off, and it was time for me to give Will the surprise I had worked on all week. After we had gotten our ice cream we walked outside to see that Kayla was staring at Tyson's peak, the mountain no one dared to go down. "Have you ever noticed how that mountain looks really..." she trails of not knowing what word to use. "Scary?" Will asks "Yeah" she answer absentmindedly "Tyson's peak is scary icy, wind, jagged rock and 70 feet drop, its intense" he tells and explain the story he tried to trick me with too. "No, but seriously snowboarding down Tyson's peak is impossible" he informs her "Nothing is impossible" she tells him and eat her ice cream.

That night I went home and thought about the fact that Kayla wanted Will to teach her the cloud 9. I know he was going to say no, and I was really happy about it, cause if he didn't I would. It wasn't because I didn't think she could do it, but I had a feeling she was going to betray us sometime soon. And then she would everyone about our trick and then it wouldn't be a unique trick. Before I went to bed I watched Will's accident one more time, just to remind myself what kind of consequences one wrong move can do.

This morning I overheard mom and dad talking about how it was impossible for Kayla to beat the Swift team, and how Sebastian was going to butter up to me so I could get the snowboard sweetheart to switch from Will's team to the Swift team. Anyway, I knew Kayla was going to do something stupid, and that would be to snowboard down Tyson's peak. So I called in the payment the helicopter boys owed me so they could fly me up first.

When I was at the top of the mountain I called Will "Hey babe, what do you need" he asked as soon as he picked up "No matter what, don't teach Kayla the cloud 9" I tell him and hang up. Some time later I could see the helicopter come up here again, so I hid behind a big stone to not be seen. My sister must be absolutely crazy and she was repeating the same phrase of "No fear" over and over to encourage herself. When she started to go down I followed after her to protect her if anything bad were to happen. Just when I thought everything was going to be alright I heard the place she was standing starting to break. Without even thinking I dragged her behind out of the danger zone, but that way I was standing on the falling piece. I didn't realise what was going to happen before it happened, and I couldn't help but letting out a scream as the avalanche was right behind me. Luckily I didn't have to worry about Kayla so I focused on trying to get away from the avalanche and not getting buried in it. Knowing Will would kill me if he saw me now I was glad it was just me and Kayla that knew what happened. Oh, and the helicopter 'Shit it's the news helicopter' I think and give out a nervous laugh as I knew Will would have seen everything. The last real thing I saw was the sky, then I was buried by the avalanche. No matter what I couldn't get out, and I was starting to lose air fast and that scared me.

---- Will's P.O.V ----

It scared me when I saw Alyson trying to get away from the avalanche, and it scared me even more when I saw her getting buried by it. Running as fast as I could I hopped on her snow scooter and drove to her last known location. Taking Donald with me I let him run ahead to catch her sent and hopefully find her before something bad happens to her. Just as I got there I saw Kayla come down the hill as fast as she could "How stupid are you?" I ask her as I start to search for Alyson. "What the hell do you mean?" she snaps back and stand there "Because you decided to be reckless your sister is now buried under the snow somewhere" I yell at her and walk over to Donald. "Wait what?" she asked confused and ran after me to help me search. Finally, Donald found something and started to whine at the snow, sitting down beside him I use the shovel to dig being careful knowing I could hit Alyson.

---- Alyson P.O.V ----

As I was losing hope I could suddenly hear Will and someone else talking over me, and before I knew it Will had managed to get the snow of me and took of my helmet and boarding glasses. "Can you hear me, come on say something" I hear Will say before I open my eyes "Can I kill Nick now?" I ask with a laugh and a groan as my body hurt all over. Will laughed and helped me sit up, then we both waved to the helicopter to show them I was safe.

After all the chaos that came after my secret was revealed I got Will and Kayla to join me in the pool at the Morgan mansion. We were talking about the day we had "Why did you never tell me you were the snowboard sweetheart, or the world?" Kayla asked me as I had my arms around Will. I had to think about the way I was going to say it "Well I didn't tell you because you were acting like a spoiled brat, and I didn't want the world to think I won just because I am my fathers daughter" I smile at her as I could see mom coming in with towels. "Now tell me why the hell you decided to board down Tyson's peak" I order her with a playful glare "Well I wanted to show everyone that I'm my own person" she pouts and splash me.

Later we were on top of the pipe with Will getting ready to do the Cloud 9 when Sam and Dink came up to us. "What's going on?" Sam asked as he looked from Will and to me and I just shrug in reply as I knew as much as them. But by the looks of it Kayla knew exactly what was going on, and she was very happy because of it for some reason. "Will's agreed to join our team" Kayla tells us "Bro!" is the only thing Sam can get out as they started to laugh in happiness. I just look from Kayla to Will like I was seeing a flying pig, it hurt that he came back for her. As I was thinking I heard Kayla tease Will and saw him start to go down the pipe, but suddenly it looks as if he lost control. It took only a second for me to board after him afraid that he had gotten hurt again. "Will! Are you okay" I yell as I get to the bottom and sat down on my knees, but suddenly he bolts up and scare us. "I got you" he laughs and takes of his snowboarding glasses "Are you playing roadkill on us?" Kayla asked him and hit him on the head. "Yeah, but I'm okay, a little sore but okay" he smiles and takes my hand "Don't ever scare me like that ever again" I say and punch his shoulder "Ow" he laughs at me. "I need you" Kayla blurts out making me choke on air and all the boys to stare at her with wide eyes "I need him to teach me the cloud 9" she saves herself from her mistake. I snap my head to Will with a glare "What" I question in a harsh tone with Sam and Dink, but they only said it in surprise and not anger.

At school I heard Kayla gossip about Will to her friends, but I ignore her when I see Nick with his new arm candy Skye Sailor and saw Kayla freeze in shock. "Skye" I heard Kayla say carefully and went to support my sister "Glad to see your enjoying your space" Kayla says to Nick as she stares at his arm around Skye. "Look Kayla, nothing personal, we just weren't a good match" Nick tries to explain and Skye steps forward to make her jealous "Yeah, winners should be with winners" she tells us and put her head on his shoulder. Then I zoned out when Nick tried to smooth things over and left, then Will came over "Hey" he said to all of us "Uh, hey, so do you think that my hands are small?" Kayla asked out of the blue. He grabbed her hand to see "They look normal to me" he tells her unknowingly "Why don't you hold it a bit more normal?" she asked him, and he did as she asked. At that point Nick looked over and stared at their hands then at me with a confused look "Uh, I got to go guys" I tell them and walk past them and to my next class. Before I could walk past him Nick grabbed my arm "Hurts doesn't it?" he asked me with a smirk "Let go or you will lose that arm" I snarl at him and snatch my arm back.

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