Chapter 6

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The next day I could hear Will talking with his mom about something, and by the look of his mothers face he was smiling as big, if not bigger then her. "Of course, I want you to do this" she whispers with a smile and hugged him. "Morning people" I yawn feeling both tired and full of energy "Morning Princess" Will smiles at me and pecks my lips.

Later that day after school Will and I were playing with Donald outside. I just love that dog, he brightens my day with his mischiefs and pranks. When we could see Kayla's car come towards us Donald ran over and stood in it's way, Kayla ran out of the car after she had stopped it to look at what happened. "On top of everything, I'm a dog killer" She cries out looking up at Will. To stop my laughter, I step behind him and buried my head into his back. "Come on boy, come here" Will laughs as Donald jumps into his arms with a bark "He was faking?" Kayla whines when she realised what happened. I step forward "We call him Donald road kill, he's got a sick sense of humour" I laugh thinking about all the things he's done. Turning away from Donald I could see that Kayla wasn't listening to me, instead she was staring at my boyfriend. After that I turned out of all conversation to observe how my sister was acting around my boyfriend, simply to see if I should be worried about it.

"Did it ever occur to you guys that the dogs would be less depressed if this place was less depressing?" Kayla jabs as she takes a full look around. "Ha, I was right" I jump around celebrating my victory. "Yeah, your sister reminds us about it every day" Will informs her as he smirks as he throws me over his shoulder. "But I don't get what you guys mean" he finish and walk over to the dog food with me still over his shoulder. If I wasn't to busy with observing our surroundings I would have said something. "You seriously haven't noticed it's a little bit blah?" she asks as she follows him like a lost puppy. "Well we don't exactly have the money to make it less blah" Will tells her the truth. "It doesn't take a lot of money to have a lot of style" she smiles flirtingly at him, when he didn't acknowledge her she started to explain something about a pair of sunglasses. "Oh sorry, I think I fell asleep in the middle of your story" he grins at me and that fired up a discussion between them.

Kayla and Will stood behind the sleigh while I sat with the two dogs in the front relaxing. They were talking about Will's love for snowboarding, and deep down I knew that he would crack soon. What hurt the most was that it was Kayla's complaining and not my encouraging that was going to make him crack. When he told her she didn't have a team I knew she was going to mention Dink and Sam. Speak of the devils and they shall appear, Dink sprayed snow onto me, making me glare and push him into Sam. They all looked over at Skye Sailor and her board technique, but I don't think they realise it's her. As if Kayla realised how to convince Will she brought up the swift team and how unfair it was against everyone. "What is she talking about?" Sam asked clueless as always, "Kayla is joining your team and I'm going to coach you guys" he tells them. "Does it mean that our dear sweetheart is coming back?" Dink asked and discreetly looked at me. My brain and my heart were having an internal battle, so I just shrug as an answer. In the middle of my mental pro and con list I could see Kayla jump onto Will in happiness, so I just stared out into space in sadness. As if Nick could feel us behind them he looked at Kayla and Will to me and back again.

That night I didn't go back to Will's place but went home to shut myself in my room. The plan didn't go as planned because dad and Sebastian were sitting in the living room waiting for me. "Hey honey, we need to talk to you" dad tells me and leads me to the table "What do you want Sebastian?" I ask the man that looked really proud of himself "You're going to tell me who the Snowboard Sweetheart is, and she is going to join my team" he orders me. I pretend to think about it really hard, but I already knew my answer "No" I say and walk to my room. My thoughts kept up all night, and it made me feel like I was going to throw up by all the confusing thoughts. And to top it all of I made no sense of what was happening between Kayla and Will or Will and me.

Confronting Kayla and Will at school the next day seemed like a good idea, if I had been able to go through with it. Something I didn't get to do, because Sam decided I was a sack of potatoes and carried me around all day. We even met Kayla and her friends "Uh, Sam what are you doing to my sister?" she asked when he turned around, so I could wave at her. "Good question, I don't know really" he answers and walk away after Dink failed to flirt. Sam knew all about the tense situation between Kayla, Will and I, so he promised me that he would help me avoid it until I could talk to Will.

Later we were watching people on the half pipe, but I was seriously tired. Skye Sailor was done at the half pipe but kept bragging about her skills. It annoyed me to no end and didn't get any better when Kayla tried to diss her split ends. Will rose from beside me to talk to Kayla "Split ends, really?" he asked like she was a toddler. "She started it" Kayla complained and glared at her "You want to show Skye Sailor what you're made of, stop trading petty insults and beat her at her own game" he scolds her. Taking a seat besides me he put his arm around me, so I could rest my head on his chest "I have to get home, dad wants to talk to me" I mumble with my eyes closed. "I'll follow you..." I didn't get to hear the rest of Will's sentence because I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

----- Will P.O.V -----

I was telling Alyson that I could follow her home when I felt her body go limp on my chest. Looking down I could see Aly's sleeping face, and I took a really good look at her for the first time today. Surprisingly she looked very tired and troubled about something, my bet is that she didn't get much sleep last night. Why hadn't I noticed this before, I mean how bad of a boyfriend had I been to not notice that my girlfriend wasn't sleeping. Picking her up bridal style I turn to the boys and Kayla with a smile "I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully with a friend" I smirk at the boys as they knew exactly who I was talking about. After that I put Aly down on the sleigh and pushed her all the way to the Morgan mansion.

Tomorrow I hoped she would go back to be the snowboard sweetheart to win over the Swift boy and his buddies. I didn't know what was wrong, but I hoped she would let me help her, it always pained me to see her think of something so bad she couldn't get any sleep. Kissing her forehead "I love you" I mutter and walk out of her house.

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